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翟文广,男,汉族,博士生导师。 教育背景 1987年9月—1991年7月,山东大学数学系,理学学士 1991年9月—1996年7月,山东大学数学系,理学博士(硕博连读) 2001年10月—2003年9月,日本名古屋大学多元数理科学研究科,博士后 工作经历 1996年7月—1997年11月,山东师范大学数学系,讲师 1997年12月—1999年11月,山东师范大学数学系,副教授 1999年12月--2010年7月,山东师范大学数学科学学院,教授 2010年8月至今,中国矿业大学(北京)理学院,教授




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[35](with Jie Wu), Distribution of Hecke Eigenvalues of newforms in short intervals, Q.J. Math., 64, 619-644, 2013. [34](withDeyu Zhang), On the Mean Value of the Index of Composition of an Integral Ideal(II), J. Number Theory, 133, 1086–1110, 2013. [33]( with Kai-Man Tsang), Sign changes of the error term in Weyl’s law for Heisenberg manifolds, Transaction of AMS., 364(5), 2647-2666, 2012. [32](withXiaodong Cao), On the Mean Square of the Error Term for the Asymmetric Two-dimensional Divisor Problem(I),Monatsh. Math.,159(1-2), 185–209, 2010. [31](withAleksandarIvic),Higher moments of the error term in the divisor problem,Mathematical Notes, 88(3-4), 338-346,2010. [30](withDeyu Zhang andMeimeiLv),On the mean value of the index of composition of an integer II, IJNT, Vol.9(2013), 431-445. [29](withXiaodong Cao, Jun Furuya and Yoshio Tanigawa), A generalized divisor problem and the sum of Chowla and Walum, JMAA, Vol. 400(2013), 15-21. [28](withRutingGuo),Some problems about the ternary quadratic formm1^2+ m2^2+ m3^2, ActaArithmetica, 156(2), 101-121, 2012. [27](withI.Kiuchi and Yoshio Tanigawa), Analytic Properties of Double Zeta-functions, Indag. Math., 21(1-2), 16–29, 2011. [26]( withGuangshiLü and Jie Wu) On a Divisor Problem Related to the Epstein Zeta-Function (II),J. Number Theory, 131(9), 1734–1742, 2011. [27]Cao, Xiaodong; Furuya, Jun; Tanigawa, Yoshio; Zhai, Wenguang On the differences between two kinds of mean value formulas of number-theoretic error terms. Int. J. Number Theory 10 (2014), no. 5, 1143–1170. 11N37 [26]Ivi?, Aleksandar; Zhai, Wenguang On the Dirichlet divisor problem in short intervals. Ramanujan J. 33 (2014), no. 3, 447–465. [25](with Deyu Zhang) On the mean value of the index of composition of an integral ideal, Journal of Number Theory 131 (2011), 618–633. [24](with Deyu Zhang) On the fifth-power moment of (x), Int. J of Number Theory, Vol. 7(2011), 71-86. [23](with Xiaodong Cao, Yoshio Tanigawa), On a conjecture of Chowla and Walum,Scin.China Math.53 (2010), no.2755-2771. [22](with Jun Furuya, Yoshio Tanigawa), Dirichlet series obtained from the error term in the Dirichlet divisor problem, Monatsh Math.160 (2010), no. 4,385-402 [21](with Xiaodong Cao), On the mean square of the error term for the asymmetric two-dimensional divisor problems, Monatsh Math.160 (2010), no. 4,115-142. [20](with Deyu Zhang), Mean values of a gcd-sum function over regular integers modulo n, J.Tnteger Seq.13 (2010), no. 4,Article 10.4.7, 11 pp. [19](with Xiaodong Cao)Some arithmetic functions involving exponential divisors, J.Tnteger Seq.13 (2010),no. 3,Article 10.3.7, 13 pp. [18](with Xiaodong Cao)On the mean square of the error term for the asymmetric two-dimensional divisor problem, Monatsh Math.159 (2010), no. 1-2,185-209.
