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Teng, T., Zhao, Y. X., Gao, F., J.G. Wang, Wang, W.. A fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical model for heat and gas transfer in thermal stimulation enhanced coal seam gas recovery. International. Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.(SCI, IF=3.9) Teng, T., Wang, J. G., Gao, F., Ju, Y., Jiang, C.. A thermally sensitive permeability model for coal-gas interactions including thermal fracturing and volatilization. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering.(SCI, IF=2.9) Teng, T., Wang, J. G., Gao, F., Ju, Y.. Complex thermal coal-gas interactions in heat injection enhanced CBM recovery. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering.(SCI, IF=2.9) Teng, T.,Xue Y., Zhang, C.,Zhan, P.F..Modeling and simulation on heat-injection enhanced coal seam gas recovery with experimentally validated non-Darcy gas flow. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. (SCI, IF=2.4) Teng, T.,Wang, W.,Zhan, P.F..Evaluation criterion and index for the efficiency of thermal stimulation to dual coal permeability.Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering.(SCI, IF=2.9) Teng, T., Wang, J. G., Gao, F., Ju, Y., Xia, T.. Impact ofwaterfilmevaporation ongastransportproperty infracturedwetcoalseams. Transport in Porous Media.(SCI, IF=2.2) Xue Y.,Teng T.*,Zhu L., He M., Dong X., Liu F.. Evaluation of the Non-Darcy Effect of Water Inrush from Karst Collapse Columns by Means of a Nonlinear Flow Model. Water.(SCI, IF=2.1) Teng, T.,Gao, F., Ju, Y., Xue, Y.. How moisture loss affects coal porosity and permeability during gas recovery in wet coal seams. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology. (EI) 滕腾,高峰,张志镇,高亚楠.含瓦斯原煤三轴压缩变形时的能量演化分析.中国矿业大学学报. (EI) 滕腾,高峰,高亚楠,张志镇.循环气压下原煤微损伤及其破碎特性试验研究.中国矿业大学学报.( EI) 滕腾,师访,王伟.温度-压力耦合下原煤中CO2渗流行为试验研究.中国矿业大学学报.(EI)
