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周宏伟,男,汉族,中共党员,重庆合川县人,1965年1月生,现任中国矿业大学(北京)能源与矿业学院院长、教授、博导、教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授,授予“有突出贡献中青年专家”称号、享受国务院政府特殊津贴、北京市优秀教师、北京市高等学校教学名师。担任教育部特色专业负责人、北京市优秀教学团队、北京市高等学校精品课程、北京市高等学校实验教学示范中心负责人,入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。兼任教育部高等学校力学基础课程教学指导委员会委员,中国岩石力学与工程学会废物地下处置专业委员会副主任,中国力学学会理事,北京力学会常务理事,《力学与实践》副主编、《International Journal of Coal Science and Technology》、《岩石力学与工程学报》、《防灾减灾工程学报》等编委,以及20余种国际学术期刊审稿人。曾获国家自然科学奖二等奖、教育部自然科学奖、北京市教学成果奖等。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1)Zhou HW, Yang S, Zhang SQ. Modeling of non-Darcian flow and solute transport in porous media with Caputo-Fabrizio derivative.Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2019,68, 603-615 (doi:10.1016/j.apm.2018.09.042) (2)Zhou HW, Yang S. Fractional derivative approach to non-Darcian flow in porous media.Journal of Hydrology, 2018, 566: 910–918 (doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.09.039) (3)Zhou HW, Zhong JC, Ren WG, Wang XY, Yi HY. Characterization of pore-fracture networks and their evolution at various measurement scales in coal samples using X-ray μCT and a fractal method.International Journal of Coal Geology, 2018,189: 35-49 (doi:10.1016/j.coal.2018.02.007) (4)Zhou HW, Yang S, Zhang SQ. Conformable derivative approach to anomalous diffusion.Physica A, 2018, 491: 1001-1013 (doi:10.1016/j.physa.2017.09.101) (5)Zhou HW, Yi HY, Mishnaevsky Jr. L, Wang R, Duan ZQ, Chen Q. Deformation analysis of polymers composites: rheological model involving time-based fractional derivative.Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2017, 21, 151-161 (doi: 10.1007/s11043-016-9323-y) (6)Zhou HW, Mishnaevsky Jr. L, Yi HY, Liu YQ, Hu X, Warrier A, Dai GM. Carbon fiber/carbon nanotube reinforced hierarchical composites: effect of CNT distribution on shearing strength.Composites Part B, 2016, 88, 201-211 (doi: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2015.10.035) (7)Zhou HW, Wang CP, Han BB, Duan ZQ. A creep constitutive model for salt rock based on fractional derivatives.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2011, 48(1), 116-121 (doi:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2010.11.004) (8)ZhouHW, Xie H. Anisotropic characterization of rock fracture surfaces subjected to profile analysis.Physics Letters A, 2004, 325(5-6): 355-362 (9)Zhou HW, Yue ZQ, Tham LG, Xie H. The shape of moving boundary of fluid flow in sandstone: video microscopic investigation and stochastic modeling approach.Transport in Porous Media, 2003,50(3), 343-370 (10)ZhouHW, Xie H.Direct estimation of the fractal dimensions of a fracture surface of rock.Surface Review and Letters, 2003,10(5), 751-762
