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⑴ Tengxia He, Zhenlun Li(通讯作者), Deti Xie, et al.. Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification with different mixed nitrogen loads by a hypothermia aerobic bacterium. Biodegradation 2018, DOI:10.1007/s10532-018-9820-6 ⑵ Xuejiao Huang, Mi Feng, Chengsheng Ni, Deti Xie(通讯作者), Zhenlun Li(通讯作者). Enhancement of nitrogen and phosphorus removal in landscape water using polymeric ferric sulfate as well as the synergistic effect of four kinds of natural rocks as promoter. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2018, doi.org/10.1007/s11356 ⑶ Qing Ye, Kai-Li Li, Zhen-Lun Li(通讯作者), et al.. Heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification performance of strain Y-12 under low temperature and high concentration of inorganic nitrogen conditions. Water 2017, 9(11), 835; doi:10.3390/w9110835 ⑷ Yu Qiao, Shuiying Yang, Han Wang, Zhenlun Li(通讯作者). Effect of boron on mycelial growth, sporangiogenesis and zoosporogenesis of Phytophthora nicotianae and the possible inhibitory mechanisms. European Journal of Plant Pathology. Published online: 10 May 2017. DOI 10.1007/s10658-017-1244-3 ⑸ Tengxia He, Deti Xie, Zhenlun Li(通讯作者), Jiupai Ni, Quan Sun. Ammonium stimulates nitrate reduction during simultaneous nitrification and denitrification process by Arthrobacter arilaitensis Y-10. Bioresource Technology 2017, 239: 66-73 ⑹ Xuejiao Huang, Wenhao Shi, Jiupai Ni, Zhenlun Li(通讯作者). Evaluation of laboratory-scale in situ capping sediments with purple parent rock to control the eutrophication. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2017 doi 10.1007/s11356-017-8414-x ⑺ Yi Xu, Tengxia He, Zhenlun Li(通讯作者), Qing Ye, Yanli Chen, Enyu Xie, and Xue Zhang. Nitrogen removal characteristics of Pseudomonas putida Y-9 capable of heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification at low temperature. 2017 doi.org/10.1155/2017/1429018 ⑻ Tengxia He, Zhenlun Li(通讯作者), Quan Sun, Yi Xu, Qing Ye. Heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification by Pseudomonas tolaasii Y-11 without nitrite accumulation during nitrogen conversion. Bioresource Technology 2016, 200: 493-499 ⑼ Luo Peng, Xiaoting Zhang, Jie Yin, Shouyuan Xu, Yong Zhang, Deti Xie, Zhenlun Li(通讯作者). Geobacter sulfurreducens adapts to low electrode potential for extracellular electron transfer. Electrochimica Acta 2016, 191:743-749 ⑽ Tengxia He, Zhenlun Li(通讯作者). Identification and denitrification characterization of a novel hypothermia and aerobic nitrite-denitrifying bacterium, Arthrobacter arilaitensis strain Y-10. Desalination and Water Treatment 2015,57:19181-19189 ⑾ Luo Peng, Xiaoting Zhang, Satoshi Kawaichi, Deti Xie, Zhenlun Li(通讯作者). Using acetate and formate as the substrates for Geobacter sulfurreducens exoelectrogenesis resulted in different half-saturation potentials. Electrochemistry 2015, 83(8): 600-604 ⑿ Kai He, Shui-Ying Yang, Hong Li, Han Wang, Zhen-Lun Li(通讯作者). Effects of calcium carbonate on the survival of Ralstonia solanacearum in soil and control of tobacco bacterial wilt. European Journal of Plant Pathology 2014, 140: 665–675, doi 10.1007/s10658-014-0496-4 ⒀ 黄雪娇,杨冲,倪九派,李振轮(通讯作者).1株高效去除氨氮的红假单胞菌的分离鉴定及特性.环境科学,2016,37(6):2276-2283 ⒁ 何腾霞,倪九派,李振轮(通讯作者),孙权,冶青,徐义.1株Arthrobacter arilaitensis菌的耐冷异养硝化和好氧反硝化作用.环境科学,2016,37(3):1082-1088 ⒂ 何腾霞,徐义,李振轮(通讯作者).耐冷亚硝酸盐型反硝化菌Pseudomonas tolaasii Y-11的鉴定及其脱氮特性.微生物学报,2015,55(8):991-1000 ⒃ 何腾霞,李振轮(通讯作者).耐冷好氧亚硝酸盐型反硝化细菌的鉴定及脱氮特性研究. 生物技术通报,2015,31(10):191-198 ⒄ 何腾霞,李振轮(通讯作者),徐义. 耐冷亚硝酸盐型反硝化细菌Pseudomonas putida Y-12脱氮特性. 环境科学学报,2015,35(10):3071-3077 ⒅ 何腾霞,李振轮(通讯作者).耐冷高效亚硝酸盐型反硝化细菌的分离、筛选与鉴定.环境科学学报,2015,35(8):2393-2399 ⒆ 何腾霞,李振轮(通讯作者),杨珊.好氧反硝化细菌及其去除亚硝酸盐的作用机理研究进展.过程工程学报,2015,1:174-180 ⒇ 李振轮,李鑫强,杨水英. 土壤因子对绿僵菌生命活动的影响研究进展;生物技术通报;2014年2月;2期
