教育背景: 本科 郑州大学材料科学与工程 1996年 硕士 武汉大学化学系 1999年 博士 美国Clemson 大学材料科学与工程2005年 工作经历: 2006-2009美国橡树岭国家实验室博士后,2009-2012桑迪亚国家实验室博士后,2012至今北京化工大学教师
1. Wenwen Zhao, Blake Simmons, Seema Singh, Arthur Ragauskas* and Gang Cheng*,From Lignin Association to Nano-/Micro-particle Preparation: Extracting Higher Value of Lignin, Green Chemistry, 2016,18,5693
2. Gang Cheng*, Xin Zhang, Blake Simmons and Seema Singh*, Theory, practice and prospects of x-ray and neutron scattering for lignocellulosic biomass characterization: towards understanding biomass pretreatment, Energy and Environmental Science, 2015, 8,436-455
3. Xueming Yuan and Gang Cheng*, From cellulose fibrils to single chains: understanding cellulose dissolution in ionic liquids, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics, 2015, 17, 31592-31607
4. Reindl, K. Deng, J. M. Gladden, G. Cheng, A. Wong, S. W. Singer, S. Singh,J.-C. Lee, C.-H. Yao, T. C. Hazen, A. K. Singh,B. A. Simmons, P. D. Adams and T. R. Northen*, Colloid-based multiplexed screening for plant biomass-degrading glycoside hydrolase activities in microbial communities , Energy and Environmental Science, 2011, 4, 2884
5. Cheng, G., Graessley, W.W., Melnichenko, Y.B. Polymer dimensions in good solvents: Crossover from semidilute to concentrated solutions, Physical Review Letters, 2009, 102, 157801
6. Lilin He, Gang Cheng, Yuri Melnichenko*, Partial collapse and reswelling of a polymer in the critical demixing region of good solvents, Physical Review Letters, 2012,109,067801