1.Shengcheng Mao, Junfeng Luo, Ze Zhang, MingH Wu, Yinong Liu and XiaodongHan*, EBSD studies of stress induced martensitic transformation in TiNi alloysunder tension and compression, ActaMaterialia 58 (2010) 3357-3366 (IF: 5.301, First author).
2.Haibo Long, Hua Wei, Yinong Liu*, ShengchengMao*, Jianxin Zhang, Sisi Xiang, Yanhui Chen, X.G. Wang, Qing Li, Z. Zhangand Xiaodong Han*, Effect of lattice misfit on theevolution of dislocation structure in Ni-based single crystal superalloysduring thermal exposure, ActaMaterialia, 120 (2016) 95-107 (IF:5.301, Corresponding author).
3.SiSi Xiang, Shengcheng Mao*, Hua Wei,Yinong Liu*, Zhenju Shen, Haibo Long, Hongyu Zhang, Xinguang Wang, Ze Zhang andXiaodong Han*, Selective evolution of secondary γ′ precipitation in a Ni-basedsingle crystal superalloy both in the γ matrix and at the dislocation nodes, Acta Materialia, 116 (2016)343-353 (IF: 5.301,Corresponding author).
4.Haibo Long, Shengcheng Mao*, Yinong Liu*,Ze Zhang and Xiaodong Han*, Effectof elements on microstructure-mechanical correlations in Nickel-based singlecrystal superalloys―A review, Journalof Alloys and Compounds, 743 (2018) 203-220, (IF: 3.133, Corresponding author).
5.Haibo Long, Yinong Liu, Jianfei Zhang, YadiZhai, Xueqiao Li, Hua Wei, Jianxin Zhang and Shengcheng Mao*, Minimuminterface misfit criterion for the precipitation morphologies of TCP phases ina Ni-based single crystal superalloy, Intermetallic,94 (2018) 55-64 (IF: 3.140, Corresponding author).
6.Yanhui Chen, Fei Xue, Shengcheng Mao*, HaiboLong, Bin Zhang, Qingsong Deng, Bin Chen, Yinong Liu, Pierce Maguire, HongzhouZhang, Xiaodong Han*, and Qiang Feng, Elemental preference and atomic scalesite recognition in a Co-Al-W-base superalloy, ScientificReports, 7(2017)17240 (IF: 4.259,Corresponding author).
7.Xinyu Shu, Deli Kong, Yan Lu, Haibo Long, ShiduoSun, Xuechao Sha, Hao Zhou, Yanhui Chen, Shengcheng Mao* and Yinong Liu,Size effect on the deformation mechanisms of nanocrystalline platinum, ScientificReports, 7 (2017) 13264 (IF: 4.259, Corresponding author).
8.HaiboLong, Yinong Liu*, Hua Wei*, ShengchengMao*, Shearing mechanism of stacking faults and anti-phase-boundary formingdislocation pairs in the γ′ phase in Ni-based single crystal superalloy, Journalof Alloys and Compounds, 724 (2017) 287-295 (IF: 3.133, Corresponding author).
9.Sisi Xiang, Shengcheng Mao*, Zhenju Shen,Haibo Long, Hua Wei*, Shiyu Ma, JianXin Zhang, Yanhui Chen, Jianfei Zhang, BinZhang and Yinong Liu*, Site preference of metallic elements in m23c6 carbide ina ni-based single crystal superalloy, Materials& Design 129 (2017) 9–14 (IF: 4.364, Corresponding author).
10.Haibo Long, Shengcheng Mao*, Sisi Xiang,Yanhui Chen, Hua Wei, Yizhou Zhou, JinLai Liu, Yinong Liu, A modification on Brookformula in calculating the misfit of Ni-based superalloys, Materials& Design 126 (2017) 12-17 (IF: 4.364, Corresponding author).
11.XinyuShu, Yan Lu, Tianjiao Xin, Zhipeng Li, Yanhui Chen, Hao Zhou, Shengcheng Mao*,Xiaozhou Liao, In-situ investigation of dislocation tangle–untangle processes insmall-sized body-centered cubic Nb single crystals, Materials Letters198 (2017) 16-18(IF: 2.572, Corresponding author).
12.Xiaodong Wang, Shengcheng Mao*, JianfeiZhang, Zhipeng Li, Qingsong Deng, Xudong Yang, Li Wang, Jin Ning, Xiaochen Li, YinongLiu*, Ze Zhang, Xiaodong Han*, MEMS sensor for quantitative in situ mechanicalstudy in electron microscope, Micromachines8 (2017) 31(IF: 1.833, Corresponding author).
13.Xiaodong Wang, Shengcheng Mao*, PengChen, Yinong Liu, Feng Wang, Yuefei Zhang, Ze Zhang and Xiaodong Han, Evolutionof microstructure and mechanical properties of a dissimilar aluminium alloyweldment, Materials & Design,90 (2016) 230–237 (IF: 4.364, Corresponding author).
14.Ketao Zang, Shengcheng Mao*, Jixiang Cai,Yinong Liu*, Haixin Li, Shijie Hao, Daqiang Jiang and Lishan Cui*, Revealingultralarge and localized elastic lattice strains in Nb nanowires embedded inNiTi matrix, ScientificReports, 2015, 5:17530 (IF: 4.259,Corresponding author).
15.Haixin Li, Shengcheng Mao*, Ketao Zang,Yinong Liu*, Zhenxi Guo, Shaobo Wang, Yuefei Zhang, Xiangqian Yin, An in situTEM study of the size effect on the thermally induced martensitictransformation in nanoscale NiTi shape memory alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 588 (2014)337-342 (IF: 3.133, Corresponding author).
16.Shengcheng Mao*, Haixin Li, Yinong Liu*, Qingsong Deng, LihuaWang, Yuefei Zhang, Ze Zhang and Xiaodong Han, Stress-induced martensitic transformation innanometric NiTi shape memory alloy strips: an in-situ TEM study of thethickness/size effect, Journalof Alloys and Compounds, 579 (2013) 100-111 (IF: 3.133, Corresponding author).
17.Peng Chen, Shengcheng Mao*, Yinong Liu,Feng Wang, Yuefei Zhang, Ze Zhang and Xiaodong Han, In-situ EBSD study of theactive slip systems and lattice rotation behavior of surface grains in aluminumalloy during tensile deformation, MaterialsScience and Engineering A, 580 (2013) 114-124 (IF: 3.094, Corresponding author).
18.Shengcheng Mao,Xiaodong Han, Yanbao Tian, Junfeng Luo, Ze Zhang and Yuan Ji and MingH Wu,In-situ EBSD investigations of the asymmetric stress-induced martensitictransformation in TiNi shape memory alloys under bending, MaterialsScience & Engineering A, 498 (2008) 278-282. (IF:3.094, First author).
19.Shengcheng Mao,Xiaodong Han, Ze Zhang and MingH Wu, The nano- and mesoscopic cooperativecollective mechanisms of inhomogeneous elastic-plastic transitions inpolycrystalline TiNi shape memory alloys, Journalof Applied Physics 101 (2007) 103522-1-103522-8. (IF: 2.068, First author).
20.Shengcheng Mao,Xiaodong Han, Ze Zhang and MingH Wu, Stress-induced martensitic transformationcooperative collective effects in superelastic polycrystalline TiNi shapememory alloys,