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海然,博士毕业于大连理工大学等离子体物理专业。2014年9月至2016年10月期间赴美国加州大学伯克利分校-劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室进行博士联合培养,合作导师为著名激光光谱学家Rick E. Russo教授。 现阶段,主要从事等离子体与壁材料相互作用研究,基于LIBS技术托卡马克装置壁状态原位诊断、LIBS环境污染物监测、固体样品中痕量元素远程定量分析、有机物快速分类等研究工作。在Spectrochimica Acta Part B:Atomic Spectroscopy等国外核心杂志发表SCI论文20余篇,已授权发明专利8项;承担国家及省部级科研项目4项,参与重大科研项目多项,是我校牵头的国家重大ITER专项的研究骨干成员。 教育经历 2010.92016.12 大连理工大学等离子体物理博士 2006.92010.6 大连理工大学光信息科学与技术学士 2003.92006.6 辽宁省阜蒙县蒙古高中 工作经历 2016.12至今 大连理工大学讲师


等离子体与壁材料相互作用 激光等离子体物理,激光与材料相互作用,微尺寸等离子体成像技术。 激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)技术大气压、水下、真空等环境下材料成分、精细结构远程原位、实时在线分析研究。


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Sattar, Harse,Ran, Hai,Ding, Wu,Imran, Muhammad,Amir, Muhammad,Ding, Hongbin.An approach of stand-off measuring hardness of tungsten heavy alloys using LIBS[J],APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS,2020,126(1):5- Hai, Ran,He, Zhonglin,Yu, Xiao,Sun, Liying,Wu, Ding,Ding, Hongbin.Comparative study on self-absorption of laser-induced tungsten plasma in air and in argon[J],OPTICS EXPRESS,2019,27(3):2509-2520 Harse Sattar,孙立影,Muhammad Imran,海然,吴鼎,丁洪斌.Effect of parameter setting and spectral normalization approach on study of matrix effect by lase...[J],Plasma Science and Technology,2019,21:34019- Hai, Ran,Mao, Xianglei,Chan, George C.Y.,Russo, Richard E.,Ding, Hongbin,Zorba, Vassilia.Internal mixing dynamics of Cu/Sn-Pb plasmas produced by femtosecond laser ablation[J],SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B-ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY,2018,148:92-98 Liu, P.,Sun, Z.,Hu, J. S.,Wang, L.,Chen, J. L.,Liang, Y. F.,Luo, G. N.,Ding, H.,Hai, R.,Sang, C. F.,Hu, Z. H.,Zhao, D. Y.,Sun, L. Y.,Fu, C. L.,Liu, J. M.,Li, C..In situ diagnosis of Li-wall conditioning and H/D co-deposition on the first wall of EAST using...[J],PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION,2018,60(8) Liu, Ping,Liu, Jiamin,Wu, Ding,Sun, Liying,Hai, Ran,Ding, Hongbin.Study of Spark Discharge Assisted to Enhancement of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopic Detec...[J],PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING,2018,38(4,SI):803-816 Wu, Ding,Sun, Liying,Liu, Ping,Hai, Ran,Ding, Hongbin.Enhancement of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopic Signals in a Liquid Jet with Glow Discharg...[J],APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY,2018,72(2):225-233 Mao X.,Chan G.C.-Y.,Song J.,Hou H.,Hai R.,Zorba V.,Russo R.E..Femtosecond filament-laser ablation molecular isotopic spectrometry (F2-LAMIS) for remote isotope...[A],Advanced Spectroscopy and Applications, ASA 2017,2017,Part F74-ASA 2017 Liu, P.,Wu, D.,Sun, L.,Hai, R.,Liu, J.,Ding, H..Magnetic field selective enhancement of Li I lines comparing Li II line in laser ablated lithium ...[J],Spectrochimica Acta - Part B Atomic Spectroscopy,2017,137:77-84 Wu, D.,Zhang, L.,Liu, P.,Hai, R.,Ding, H.,Sun, L..Diagnostic study of laser-produced tungsten plasma using optical emission spectroscopy and time-o...[J],Spectrochimica Acta - Part B Atomic Spectroscopy,2017,137:70-76 Liu, P.,Hu, J.S.,Chen, J.L.,Luo, G.N.,Wu, D.,Sun, L.Y.,Zhao, D.Y.,Hai, R.,Li, C.,Ding, H.,Hu, Z.H.,Wang, L..Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to monitor ion cyclotron range of frequency wall cleaning ...[J],FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN,2017,118:98-103 海然,丁洪斌.Enhancement of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopic Signals in a Liquid Jet with Glow Discharge[J],Applied Spectroscopy,2017,72(2):225-233 Imran, Muhammad,Wang, Wan-Jing,Luo, Guang-Nan,Remnev, Gennadii,Ding, Hongbin,Shi, Jielin,Zhao, Dongye,Wang, Qi,Wang, Yong,Li, Cong,Hai, Ran,Sattar, Harse,Mu, Zhongxin.Preparation and characterization of a tungsten coating layer on CuCrZr alloy for the plasma facin...[J],High Temperature Material Processes,2017,21(3):277-288 Wu Ding,Liu Ping,Sun Liying,Hai Ran,Ding Hongbin.Influence of a Static Magnetic Field on Laser Induced Tungsten Plasma in Air[J],PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2016,18(4):364-369 Zhang Lei,Feng Chunlei,Xiao Qingmei,Hai Ran,Ding Hongbin.Characterization of Carbon Plasma Evolution Using Laser Ablation TOF Mass Spectrometry[J],PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2015,17(11):958-963 Liu Ping,Hai Ran,Wu Ding,Xiao Qingmei,Sun Liying,Ding Hongbin.The Enhanced Effect of Optical Emission from Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of an Al-Li A...[J],PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2015,17(8):687-692 Xiao, Q.,Hai, R.,Ding, H.,Huber, A.,Philipps, V.,Gierse, N.,Sergienko, G..In-situ analysis of the first wall by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy in the TEXTOR tokama...[J],21st International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI),2015,463:911-914 Hai, R.,Ding, H.,Wu, D.,Xiao, Q.,Sun, L.,Liu, P..Effect of steady magnetic field on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopic characterization of EA...[J],21st International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI),2015,463:927-930
