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教育经历 2007.9 -- 2012.7 中国科学院物理研究所 凝聚态物理 博士 2002.9 -- 2007.6 山东大学 物理学 学士 工作经历 2011.1 -- 2011.12 美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校 访问学者 2018.10 -- 至今 大连理工大学物理学院 教授 2013.1 -- 2018.9 新加坡国立大学 博士后


低功耗、高速度信息存储和计算器件研发 新型拓扑量子与低维自旋电子器件研究 磁振子物理及磁振子器件 自旋轨道转矩磁随机存储器(SOT-MRAM) 磁性传感器研究(专硕)


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Xing, Jianpei.Rational design of 2D organic magnets with giant magnetic anisotropy based on two-coordinate 5d tr[J],APL Materials,2022,8(7) Shiheng Liang.Spin-Orbit Torque Magnetization Switching in MoTe2/Permalloy Heterostructures[J],ADVANCED MATERIALS,2022,32:2002799- Liu, Qinxi.2D tetragonal transition-metal phosphides: an ideal platform to screen metal shrouded crystals for[J],Nanoscale,2022,12(12):6776-6784 Shuyuan Shi.All-electric magnetization switching and Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction in WTe2/ferromagnet hete[J],Nature Nanotechnology,2022,14(14):945-949 王译.Magnetization switching by magnon-mediated spin torque through an antiferromagnetic insulator[J],科学,2022,366(6469):1125-+ Jiawei Yu.Long spin coherence length and bulk-like spin–orbit torque in ferrimagnetic multilayers[J],NATURE MATERIALS,2022,18(18):29-34 王译.磁子转矩翻转磁矩研究[J],物理,2020,49(1):29-35 Dapeng Zhu.Highly efficient charge-to-spin conversion from in situ Bi2Se3/Fe heterostructures[J],Applied Physics Letters,2021,118(6):62403- 王译.Magnetization switching induced by electron- and magnon-mediated spin torque in topological insulato[A],2021 Shiheng Liang.Spin-Orbit Torque Magnetization Switching in MoTe2/Permalloy Heterostructures[J],Advanced Materials,2021,32:2002799- Liu, Qinxi.2D tetragonal transition-metal phosphides: an ideal platform to screen metal shrouded crystals for[J],NANOSCALE,2021,12(12):6776-6784 王译.Magnetization switching by magnon-mediated spin torque through an antiferromagnetic insulator[J],SCIENCE,2021,366(6469):1125-+ Xing, Jianpei.Rational design of 2D organic magnets with giant magnetic anisotropy based on two-coordinate 5d tr[J],APL MATERIALS,2020,8(7) 王译.磁子转矩翻转磁矩研究[J],物理,2020,49(1):29-35
