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工作经历 2006.72008.12大连理工大学物理系讲师 2008.122013.12大连理工大学物理系副教授 2013.12至今大连理工大学物理系教授




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Du, Minghui,Yang, WebJiang,Xu, Lixin,Pan, Supriya,Mota, David F..Future constraints on dynamical dark-energy using gravitational-wave standard sirens[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2019,100(4) Zhang, Hongchao,Xu, Lixin.Late-time acceleration and inflation in a Poincare gauge cosmological model[J],JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS,2019,9 Yang, Weiqiang,Pan, Supriya,Xu, Lixin,Mota, David F..Effects of anisotropic stress in interacting dark matter - dark energy scenarios[J],MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY,2019,482(2):1858-1871 Xu, LiXin,Huang, Qing-Guo.Detecting the neutrinos mass hierarchy from cosmological data[J],SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY,2018,61(3) Wang, Yuting,Xu, Lixin,Zhao, Gong-Bo.A Measurement of the Hubble Constant Using Galaxy Redshift Surveys[J],ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL,2017,849(2) Liu, Molin,Zhao, Zonghua,You, Xiaohe,Lu, Jianbo,Xu, Lixin.Test of the Weak Equivalence Principle using LIGO observations of GW150914 and Fermi observations of GBM transient 150914[J],PHYSICS LETTERS B,2017,770:8-15 Yang, Weiqiang,Xu, Lixin,Li, Hang,Wu, Yabo,Lu, Jianbo.Testing the Interacting Dark Energy Model with Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy and Observational Hubble Data[J],ENTROPY,2017,19(7) Xu, Lixin.Probing the neutrino mass through the cross correlation between the Rees-Sciama effect and weak lensing[J],JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS,2016,2016(8) Mei, Hsien-Hao,Ni, Wei-Tou,Pan, Wei-Ping,Xu, Lixin,Alighieri, Sperello di Serego.NEW CONSTRAINTS ON COSMIC POLARIZATION ROTATION FROM THE ACTPOL COSMIC MICROWAVE BACKGROUND B-MODE POLARIZATION OBSERVATION AND THE BICEP2 CONSTRAINT UPDATE (vol 805, 107, 2015)[J],ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL,2016,826(1) An, Jie,Chang, Bao-Rong,Xu, Li-Xin.Cosmic Constraints to the wCDM Model from Strong Gravitational Lensing[J],CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS,2016,33(7) Xu, L.,Wang, Y.,Cai, Y.,Wu, Z.,Peng, W..Determination of impact events on a plate-like composite structure[J],AERONAUTICAL JOURNAL,2016,120(1228):984-1004 Liu, Molin,Yang, Yuling,Lu, Jianbo,Xu, Lixin.Thermodynamics of apparent horizon and Friedmann equations in big bounce universe[J],GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION,2016,48(5) Richarte, Martin G.,Xu, Lixin.Interacting parametrized post-Friedmann method[J],GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION,2016,48(4) Chen, Yun,Xu, Lixin.Galaxy clustering, CMB and supernova data constraints on phi CDM model with massive neutrinos[J],PHYSICS LETTERS B,2016,752:66-75 Malekjani, M.,Lu, Jianbo,Nazari-Pooya, N.,Xu, Lixin,Jassur, D. Mohammad-Zadeh,Honari-Jafarpour, M..Cosmological constraints and cosmic growth factor for ghost dark energy models in varying G theories[J],ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE,2015,360(1) Mei, Hsien-Hao,Ni, Wei-Tou,Pan, Wei-Ping,Xu, Lixin,Alighieri, Sperello di Serego.NEW CONSTRAINTS ON COSMIC POLARIZATION ROTATION FROM THE ACTPol COSMIC MICROWAVE BACKGROUND B-MODE POLARIZATION OBSERVATION AND THE BICEP2 CONSTRAINT UPDATE[J],ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL,2015,805(2) Xu, Lixin.Gravitational waves: A test for modified gravity[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2015,91(10) Yang Lei,Yang Wei-Qiang,Xu Li-Xin.Constraining Equation of State of Dark Matter: Including Weak Gravitational Lensing[J],CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS,2015,32(5) Li, Wei,Xu, Lixin.Spherical collapse for a viscous generalized Chaplygin GaS model[J],JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS,2015,120(4):613-617 Xu, Lixin.Constraints on f(R) gravity through the redshift space distortion[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2015,91(6) Lu, Jianbo,Geng, Danhua,Xu, Lixin,Wu, Yabo,Liu, Molin.Reduced modified Chaplygin gas cosmology[J],JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS,2015,2015(2):1-26 Xu, Lixin.Constraints on dark matter annihilation and its equation of state after Planck data[J],MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A,2014,29(37) Chang, Baorong,Lu, Jianbo,Xu, Lixin.Matter sourced anisotropic stress for dark energy[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2014,90(10) Xu, Lixin.A New Unified Dark Fluid Model and Its Cosmic Constraint[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS,2014,53(11):4025-4034 Yang, Weiqiang,Xu, Lixin.Coupled dark energy with perturbed Hubble expansion rate[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2014,90(8) Kumar, Suresh,Xu, Lixin.Observational constraints on variable equation of state parameters of dark matter and dark energy after Planck[J],PHYSICS LETTERS B,2014,737:244-247 Yang, Weiqiang,Xu, Lixin.Testing coupled dark energy with large scale structure observation[J],JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS,2014,2014(8) Chang, Baorong,Xu, Lixin.Confronting dark energy anisotropic stress[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2014,90(2) Wang, Yuting,Wands, David,Zhao, Gong-Bo,Xu, Lixin.Post-Planck constraints on interacting vacuum energy[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2014,90(2) Li, Wei,Xu, Lixin.Spherical top-hat collapse of a viscous unified dark fluid[J],EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C,2014,74(5) Yang, Weiqiang,Xu, Lixin.Cosmological constraints on interacting dark energy with redshift-space distortion after Planck data[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2014,89(8) Lu JianBo,Chen LiDong,Xu LiXin,Li TianQiang.Comparing the VGCG model as the unification of dark sectors with observations[J],SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY,2014,57(4):796-800 Lu, Jianbo,Xu, Lixin,Tan, Hongyan,Gao, Shanshan.Extended Chaplygin gas as a unified fluid of dark components in varying gravitational constant theory[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2014,89(6) Li, Wei,Xu, Lixin.Viscous generalized Chaplygin gas as a unified dark fluid: including perturbation of bulk viscosity[J],EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C,2014,74(2) Yang, Weiqiang,Xu, Lixin,Wang, Yuting,Wu, Yabo.Constraints on a decomposed dark fluid with constant adiabatic sound speed by jointing the geometry test and growth rate after Planck data[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2014,89(4) Akarsu, Ozgur,Dereli, Tekin,Kumar, Suresh,Xu, Lixin.Probing kinematics and fate of the Universe with linearly time-varying deceleration parameter[J],EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS,2014,129(2) Xu, Lixin.Confronting DGP braneworld gravity with cosmico observations after Planck data[J],JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS,2014,2014(2) 徐立昕.Confronting DGP Braneworld Gravity with Cosmic Observations after Planck Data[J],JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS,2014,2(2):48-48 徐立昕.Constraints on a decomposed dark fluid with constant adiabatic sound speed by jointing the geometry test and growth rate after Planck[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2014,89(4):43511-43511 Akarsu, Ozgur,Kumar, Suresh,Myrzakulov, R.,Sami, M.,Xu, Lixin.Cosmology with hybrid expansion law: scalar field reconstruction of cosmic history and observational constraints[J],JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS,2014,1 Xu, Lixin,Chang, Yadong.Equation of state of dark matter after Planck data[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2013,88(12) Xu, Lixin.Growth index after the Planck results[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2013,88(8) Yang, Weiqiang,Xu, Lixin.Unified dark fluid with fast transition: Including entropic perturbations[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2013,88(2) Lu, Jianbo,Xu, Lixin,Wu, Yabo,Liu, Molin,Li, Tianqiang.STUDY ON A UNIFIED MODEL OF DARK MATTER AND DARK ENERGY FROM DBI THEORY[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS D,2013,22(9) Li, Wei,Xu, Lixin.Viscous generalized Chaplygin gas as a unified dark fluid[J],EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C,2013,73(6):1-7 Wang, Nannan,Xu, Lixin.STRONG GRAVITATIONAL LENSING AND ITS COSMIC CONSTRAINTS[J],MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A,2013,28(14) Wang, Yuting,Wands, David,Xu, Lixin,De-Santiago, Josue,Hojjati, Alireza.Cosmological constraints on a decomposed Chaplygin gas[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2013,87(8) Xu, Lixin.Spherical collapse of a unified dark fluid with constant adiabatic sound speed[J],EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C,2013,73(3):1-5 Xu, Lixin.Constraints on the holographic dark energy model from type Ia supernovae, WMAP7, baryon acoustic oscillation, and redshift-space distortion[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2013,87(4) Xu, Lixin.Unified dark fluid with constant adiabatic sound speed: Including entropic perturbations[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2013,87(4) Xu, Lixin.Revisiting Cardassian model and cosmic constraint[J],EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C,2012,72(8):1-6 Xu, Lixin.Constraints on the holographic dark energy model via type Ia supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillation, and WMAP7[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2012,85(12) Xu, Lixin.Cosmological model-independent Gamma-ray bursts calibration and its cosmological constraint to dark energy[J],JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS,2012,2012(4) Xu, Lixin,Wang, Yuting,Noh, Hyerim.Modified Chaplygin gas as a unified dark matter and dark energy model and cosmic constraints[J],EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C,2012,72(3):1-6 Xu, Lixin,Wang, Yuting,Noh, Hyerim.Unified dark fluid with constant adiabatic sound speed and cosmic constraints[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2012,85(4) Xu, Lixin,Lu, Jianbo,Wang, Yuting.Revisiting generalized Chaplygin gas as a unified dark matter and dark energy model[J],EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C,2012,72(2):1-6 徐立昕.Constraints to Holographic Dark Energy Model via Type Ia Supernovae, Baryon Acoustic Oscillation and WMAP[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2012,85(12):123505-123505 Xu, Lixin,Wang, Yuting,Tong, Minglei,Noh, Hyerim.CMB temperature and matter power spectrum in a decay vacuum dark energy model[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2011,84(12) Lu, Jianbo,Wang, Weiping,Xu, Lixin,Wu, Yabo.Does accelerating universe indicate Brans-Dicke theory?[J],EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS,2011,126(10):1-13 Wang, Yuting,Xu, Lixin,Gui, Yuanxing.Probing the Ricci dark energy model with perturbations by using WMAP seven-year cosmic microwave background measurements, baryon acoustic oscillations, and type Ia supernovae[J],PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2011,84(6)
