魏来.Double tearing modes in the presence of anti-symmetric shear flow[A],45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2018,2022,2018-July:1516-1519
Hu, Z. Q..Dual roles of shear flow in nonlinear multi-scale interactions[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2022,56(1)
范冬梅.Effects of ion diamagnetic drift on the m/n=1 high-order harmonic modes in rotating tokamak pla...[J],PHYSICA SCRIPTA,2022,89(6)
魏来.Intermittent bursts induced by double tearing mode reconnection[J],PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2022,21(6)
魏来.Intermittent bursts in ion-temperature-gradient turbulence[J],PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2022,22(11)
Fan, D. M..Unstable domains of tearing and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities in a rotating cylindrical plasma[J],PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2022,21(9)
Nemati, M. J..Unstable spectra of double tearing modes with anti-symmetric shear flow[J],PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2022,25(7)
魏来.Alfven resonance induced by two types of m/n=2/2 MHD instabilities in a rotating cylindrical pl...[J],PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION,2022,55(8)
王正汹.Control of neo-classical double tearing modes by differential poloidal rotation in reversed magen...[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2022,57(4):46007-46007
杨雪峰.Mode coupling of dust lattice wave propagation in an external magnetic field in 2D plasma cryst...[J],真空,2022,110(,SI):154-158
李慧.Multi-scale multi-mode nonlinear interaction in tokamak plasma turbulence with moderate small-s...[J],PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2022,27(8)
魏来.Nonlinear evolution of double tearing modes in tokamak plasmas via multiple helicity simulation[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2022,54(4)
魏来.Nonlinear evolution of multi-helicity neo-classical tearing modes in rotating tokamak plasmas[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2022,56(10)
Ji, X.Q..Nonlinear evolution of multi-helicity neoclassical tearing modes in the HL-2A low rotation plasma...[A],44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2017,2022
王正汹.Nonlinear evolution of neoclassical tearing modes in reversed magnetic shear tokamak plasmas[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2022,55(4):43005-43005
Hu, Z. Q..Nonlinear mutual destabilization of the tearing mode and ion temperature gradient mode[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2022,54(12)
刘桐.On the threshold of magnetic island width in nonlinear mutual destabilization of tearing mode a...[J],PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2022,23(10)
Wang, Jialei.Penetration of resonant magnetic perturbations in a rotating tokamak plasma with neoclassical p...[J],PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2022,22(9)
Nemati, M. J..Plasmoid instability in double current sheets[J],PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2022,22(1)
魏来.Roles of poloidal rotation in the q=1 high-order harmonic tearing modes in a tokamak plasma[J],PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2022,20(1)
胡志强.Structure bifurcation induced by wide magnetic islands[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2022,60(5)
王正汹.Dynamics of the Plasmoid-unstable Regime in Different Multiple-current Plasmas[J],ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL,2017,835(2):191-191
Ye, Cheng.Effects of diamagnetic drift on magnetohydrodynamic explosive bursts in reversed magnetic shear...[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2019,59(9)
Tang, Weikang.Effects of resonant magnetic perturbation on locked mode of neoclassical tearing modes[J],Plasma Science and Technology,2019,21(6)
魏来.旋转圆柱等离子体中撕裂模和 Kelvin-Helmholtz 不稳定性的激发特性[J],物理学报,2022,65(24):225201-225201
魏来.Nonlinear evolution of multi-helicity neo-classical tearing modes in rotating tokamak plasmas[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2021,56(10)
路爽爽.Numerical simulation of neoclassical tearing modes induced by resonant magnetic perturbations in ...[J],Vacuum,2020,182:109656-109656
Hu, Z. Q.,Wang, Z. X.,Wei, L.,Li, J. Q.,Kishimoto, Y.,Lin, X. D.,Gao, X..Structure bifurcation induced by wide magnetic islands[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2020,60(5)
魏来,王正汹,李继全,胡朝清,Kishimoto Y..Basic features of the multiscale interaction between tearing modes and slab ion-temperature-gradi...[J],Chin. Phys. B,2019,28(12):125203-125203
Tang, Weikang,Wei, Lai,Wang, Zhengxiong,Wang, Jialei,Liu, Tong,Zheng, Shu.Effects of resonant magnetic perturbation on locked mode of neoclassical tearing modes[J],PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2019,21(6)
Ye, Cheng,Wei, Lai,Hu, Zhao-Qing,Wang, Zheng-Xiong.Effects of diamagnetic drift on magnetohydrodynamic explosive bursts in reversed magnetic shear...[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2019,59(9)
Nemati, M. J.,Wei, L.,Wang, Z. X..Unstable spectra of double tearing modes with anti-symmetric shear flow[J],PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2018,25(7)
Wei, L.,Nemati, M.J.,Wang, Z.X..Double tearing modes in the presence of anti-symmetric shear flow[A],2018,2018-July:1516-1519
Ji, X.Q.,Liang, S.Y.,Wang, Z.X.,Liu, Yi,Wei, L.,Dong, Y.B.,Shi, Z.B.,Sun, T.F.,Xu, Yuan,Yu, D.L..Nonlinear evolution of multi-helicity neoclassical tearing modes in the HL-2A low rotation plasma...[A],2017
王正汹,魏来.Dynamics of the Plasmoid-unstable Regime in Different Multiple-current Plasmas[J],ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL,2017,835(2):191-191
王正汹,魏来,刘悦.Control of neo-classical double tearing modes by differential poloidal rotation in reversed magen...[J],Nucl. Fusion,2017,57(4):46007-46007
Liu, T.,Wang, Z. X.,Hu, Z. Q.,Wei, L.,Li, J. Q.,Kishimoto, Y..On the threshold of magnetic island width in nonlinear mutual destabilization of tearing mode a...[J],PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2016,23(10)
魏来,王正汹.旋转圆柱等离子体中撕裂模和 Kelvin-Helmholtz 不稳定性的激发特性[J],物理学报,2016,65(24):225201-225201
Hu, Z. Q.,Wang, Z. X.,Wei, L.,Li, J. Q.,Kishimoto, Y..Dual roles of shear flow in nonlinear multi-scale interactions[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2016,56(1)
Wei, L.,Wang, Z. X.,Hu, Z. Q.,Li, J. Q.,Kishimoto, Y..Intermittent bursts in ion-temperature-gradient turbulence[J],PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2015,22(11)
Wang, Jialei,Wang, Zheng-Xiong,Wei, Lai.Penetration of resonant magnetic perturbations in a rotating tokamak plasma with neoclassical p...[J],PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2015,22(9)
Nemati, M. J.,Wang, Z. X.,Wei, L.,Selim, B. I..Plasmoid instability in double current sheets[J],PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2015,22(1)
王正汹,魏来.Nonlinear evolution of neoclassical tearing modes in reversed magnetic shear tokamak plasmas[J],Nuclear Fusion,2015,55(4):43005-43005
Hu, Z. Q.,Wang, Z. X.,Wei, L.,Li, J. Q.,Kishimoto, Y..Nonlinear mutual destabilization of the tearing mode and ion temperature gradient mode[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2014,54(12)
Yang, Xue-Feng,Liu, Yue,Wei, Lai.Mode coupling of dust lattice wave propagation in an external magnetic field in 2D plasma cryst...[J],VACUUM,2014,110(,SI):154-158
Fan, D. M.,Wei, L.,Wang, Z. X.,Zheng, S.,Duan, P..Unstable domains of tearing and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities in a rotating cylindrical plasma[J],PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2014,21(9)
Fan, Dong-Mei,Wang, Zheng-Xiong,Wei, Lai.Effects of ion diamagnetic drift on the m/n=1 high-order harmonic modes in rotating tokamak pla...[J],PHYSICA SCRIPTA,2014,89(6)
Wei, Lai,Wang, Zheng-Xiong.Intermittent bursts induced by double tearing mode reconnection[J],PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2014,21(6)
Wei, Lai,Wang, Zheng-Xiong.Nonlinear evolution of double tearing modes in tokamak plasmas via multiple helicity simulation[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2014,54(4)
Wei, Lai,Wang, Zheng-Xiong.Alfven resonance induced by two types of m/n=2/2 MHD instabilities in a rotating cylindrical pl...[J],PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION,2013,55(8)
Wei, Lai,Wang, Zheng-Xiong.Roles of poloidal rotation in the q=1 high-order harmonic tearing modes in a tokamak plasma[J],PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2013,20(1)