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戴舒宇,教授,博导,国家重点研发项目负责人。曾在德国于利希研究中心(FZJ),日本国家核聚变研究所(NIFS)和德国马普所(IPP)工作。主要从事核聚变装置中等离子体和杂质输运数值模拟研究,主要研究方向包括等离子体刻蚀材料表面、边界和芯部杂质输运集成模拟等方面。 先后获得国家重点研发专项项目(项目负责人)、国家自然科学面上项目和青年基金、博士后特别项目和面上项目,大连市青年科技之星、大连理工大学“星海优青”等10多项科研项目。在这些基金资助下,累计发表SCI文章70多篇,16篇文章发表在核聚变顶级期刊《Nuclear Fusion》(一作/通讯共11篇),包括1篇NF亮点文章和2篇为NF封面文章。并获得6次国内外重要学术会议邀请报告,自主开发多个杂质相关程序,获得7项软件著作权。 2005.09 - 2009.07 大连理工大学,学士 2009.09-2014.01 大连理工大学,博士(直博) 2011.09-2012.08 德国于利希研究中心(FZJ),博士 2014.01-2016.12 大连理工大学,讲师,硕士生导师 2014.10-2016.11 日本国家核聚变研究所(NIFS),COE 研究员 2016.12 - 2020.12 大连理工大学,副教授(破格) 2017.01 - 2017.04 德国马普所(IPP),访问学者 2017.08 - 2017.09 日本国家核聚变研究所(NIFS),访问学者 2018.06 - 至今 大连理工大学,博士生导师(破格) 2020.12 - 至今 大连理工大学,教授(破格)


(1) 边界和芯部杂质输运集成模拟研究 (2) 等离子体和杂质输运三维模拟研究(RMP, impurity seeding等) (3) 边缘局域模输运动理学模拟研究 (4) 液态材料侵蚀和输运研究 (5) 绒毛生长及影响研究、半导体表面纳米结构生长和刻蚀模拟 (6) 多相、多组分及多孔介质导热和流动模拟


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Liu, Lizhao,Li, Xinying,Liu, Zheng,Dai, Shuyu,Huang, Xiaoming,Zhao, Jijun.Tunable bending modulus and bending limit of oxidized graphene[J],NANOSCALE,2020,12(3):1623-1628 Oishi, T.,Morita, S.,Dai, S.Y.,Kobayashi, M.,Kawamura, G.,Liu, Y.,Goto, M..Doppler profile diagnostics on VUV spectra for the impurity ion temperature in edge plasmas of Large Helical Device[A],2018,1289(1) Shi, Quan,Dai, Shuyu,Wang, Dezhen.3D modelling of tungsten fuzz growth under the bombardment of helium plasma[J],Fusion Engineering and Design,2018,136(,SI):554-557 Dai, S. Y.,Oishi, T.,Kawamura, G.,Kobayashi, M.,Morita, S.,Feng, Y.,Wang, D. Z..Three-dimensional simulations of edge impurity flow obtained by the vacuum ultraviolet emission diagnostics in the Large Helical Device with EMC3-EIRENE[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2018,58(9) Kawamura, G.,Tanaka, H.,Mukai, K.,Peterson, B.,Dai, S. Y.,Masuzaki, S.,Kobayashi, M.,Suzuki, Y.,Feng, Y..Three-dimensional impurity transport modeling of neon-seeded and nitrogen-seeded LHD plasmas[J],PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION,2018,60(8) Xu, J. C.,Deng, G. Z.,Dai, S. Y.,Yao, D. M.,Luo, G. N.,Guo, H. Y.,Wang, L.,Xu, G. S.,Feng, W.,Liu, H.,Liu, J. B.,Zhang, W.,Ming, T. F.,Yip, C.S..Upgrade Design of Lower Divertor Langmuir Probe Diagnostic System in the EAST Tokamak[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2018,46(5,SI):1331-1337 Dai, Shuyu,Wang, Dezhen.Impact of sheath evolution on ion impinging energy on the target during edge localized modes[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2018,58(1) 戴舒宇,王德真.Three-dimensional simulations of edge impurity flow obtained by the vacuum ultraviolet emission diagnostics in Large Helical Device with EMC3-EIRENE[J],Nuclear Fusion,2018,58:96024- 戴舒宇,王德真.Investigation of edge impurity transport derived from the first wall on EAST with EMC3-EIRENE modelling[J],Fusion Engineering and Design,2018,136:699-705 Oishi, T.,Morita, S.,Dai, S. Y.,Kobayashi, M.,Kawamura, G.,Huang, X. L.,Zhang, H. M.,Liu, Y.,Goto, M..Observation of carbon impurity flow in the edge stochastic magnetic field layer of Large Helical Device and its impact on the edge impurity control[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2018,58(1) East Team, The,Sun, Y.W.,Jia, M.N.,Yang, Q.Q.,Zhang, B.,Zou, X.L.,Liu, H.,Zhang, T.,Ding, F.,Chen, J.B.,Duan, Y.M.,Feng, W.,Zheng, X.W.,Dai, S.Y.,Deng, G.Z.,Chen, R.,Hu, G.H.,Yan, N.,Si, H.,Liu, S.C.,Xu, S.,Wang, M.,Wang, L.,Li, M.H.,Ding, B.J.,Wingen, A.,Huang, J.,Gao, X.,Luo, G.N.,Garofalo, A.M.,Li, J.,Wan, B.N.,Rack, M.,Liang, Y.,Guo, H.Y.,Xu, G.S.,Xu, J.C.,Liu, J.B..Evidence and modeling of 3D divertor footprint induced by lower hybrid waves on EAST with tungsten divertor operations[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2017,57(12) Dai, Shuyu,Kobayashi, M.,Kawamura, G.,Shi, Q.,Feng, Y.,Wang, D. Z..Effects of varying stochastic layer on edge plasma and impurity transport in 3D EMC3-EIRENE simulations of LHD[J],1st International All-About-Divertor Symposium (IADiS),2017,125:625-630 Shi, Quan,Dai, Shuyu,Kirschner, A.,Wang, Dezhen.Numerical and analytic study of rough surface morphology on the angular distribution of eroded impurity[J],CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS,2017,57(8):329-335 Dai, Shuyu,Kobayashi, M.,Kawamura, G.,Masuzaki, S.,Tanaka, H.,Suzuki, Y.,Feng, Y.,Wang, D. Z..Investigation of heat flux deposition on divertor target on the Large Helical Device with EMC3-EIRENE modelling[J],PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION,2017,59(8) Oishi, Tetsutarou,Morita, Shigeru,Huang, Xianli,Zhang, Hongming,Liu, Yang,Dai, Shuyu,Kobayashi, Masahiro,Kawamura, Gakushi,Goto, Motoshi.Effect of impurity source locations on up-down asymmetry in impurity distributions in the ergodic layer of large helical device[J],NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY,2017,12(,SI):762-767 石权,戴舒宇,王德真.利用三位程序SURO,对鱼氦轰击下钨粗糙表面演化的模拟研究[A],第十八届全国等离子体科学技术会议,2017,1 谢添,王德真,戴舒宇.在EAST刮削层中的边界杂质输运的EMC3-EIRENE模拟研究[A],第十八届全国等离子体科学技术会议,2017,1 戴舒宇,谢添,黄娟,高伟,王亮,冯玉河,王德真.EAST装置刮削层中的边界等离子体和杂质输运的三维模拟研究[A],第十八届全国等离子体科学技术会议,2017,1 戴舒宇.LHD Experiment Group Toroidally symmetric/asymmetric effect on the divertor flux due to neon/nitrogen seeding in LHD[J],Nuclear materials and Energy,2017,12:241-246 Dai, S.,Suzuki, Y.,the, L.,Kobayashi, M.,Kawamura, G.,Morita, S.,Oishi, T.,Zhang, H.M.,Huang, X.L.,Feng, Y.,Wang, D.Z..EMC3-EIRENE Simulation of Impurity Transport in Comparison with EUV Emission Measurements in the Stochastic Layer of LHD: Effects of Force Balance and Transport Coefficients[J],15th International Workshop on Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices (PET),2016,56(6-8):628-633 Dai, Shuyu,Kobayashi, M.,Kawamura, G.,Morita, S.,Zhang, H. M.,Oishi, T.,Feng, Y.,Wang, D. Z.,Suzuki, Y..EMC3-EIRENE modelling of edge impurity transport in the stochastic layer of the large helical device compared with extreme ultraviolet emission measurements[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2016,56(6) 戴舒宇.Helium transport in the core and stochastic edge layer in LHD[J],Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion,2016,58(7):74010-74010 Liu, Shengguang,Dai, Shuyu,Sang, Chaofeng,Sun, Jizhong,Stirner, Thomas,Wang, Dezhen.Molecular dynamics simulation of the formation, growth and bursting of bubbles in tungsten exposed to high fluxes of low energy deuterium[J],21st International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI),2015,463:363-366 Dai, Shuyu,Liu, Shengguang,Sun, Jizhong,Kirschner, A.,Kawamura, G.,Tskhakaya, D.,Ding, Rui,Luo, Guangnan,Wang, Dezhen.Modelling of surface evolution of rough surface on divertor target in fusion devices[J],21st International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI),2015,463:372-376 Dai, Shuyu,Wang, Liang,Kirschner, A.,Wang, Dezhen.Kinetic modelling of material erosion and impurity transport in edge localized modes in EAST[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2015,55(4) Sang, Chaofeng,Sun, Jizhong,Bonnin, Xavier,Dai, Shuyu,Hu, Wanpeng,Wang, Dezhen.Numerical study of the effects of physical parameters on the dynamic fuel retention in tungsten materials[J],JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS,2014,455(1-3):111-115 Dai, Shuyu,Kirschner, A.,Sun, Jizhong,Tskhakaya, D.,Wang, Dezhen.Modelling of surface roughness effects on impurity erosion and deposition in TEXTOR with a code package SURO/ERO/SDPIC[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2014,54(12) Sang Chao-Feng,Dai Shu-Yu,Sun Ji-Zhong,Xavier, Bonnin,Xu Qian,Ding Fang,Wang De-Zhen.Effects of some parameters on the divertor plasma sheath characteristics and fuel retention in castellated tungsten tile gaps[J],CHINESE PHYSICS B,2014,23(11) Dai, Shuyu,Kirschner, A.,Matveev, D.,Borodin, D.,Bjoerkas, C.,Sun, Jizhong,Wang, Dezhen.Modelling of local carbon deposition on a rough test limiter exposed to the edge plasma of TEXTOR[J],PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION,2013,55(5) Dai, Shuyu,Sang, Chaofeng,Liu, Shengguang,Sun, Jizhong,Wang, Dezhen.Investigations of the origins of deposited carbon species in gaps between divertor tiles using a kinetic code system[J],10th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT),2012,87(5-6):782-786
