1. 红外激光光谱学与传感器系统 a)红外吸收光谱理论与新型检测技术 b)光电传感模块 c)红外传感系统的集成与应用 2. 集成光电器件与片上系统 a)光波导/光纤传感理论 b)片上传感芯片的设计与制备 c)片上传感系统的研制与应用 3. 可见光通信技术与系统 a)可见光通信理论与方法 b)可见光通信组件/模块 c)可见光通信系统的集成与应用
1. 通讯作者。Dual-feedback mid-infrared cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy for H2CO detection using a radio-frequency electrically-modulated interband cascade laser, Optics Express, 2018, 26(12): 15436-15444. 2. 通讯作者。Double-range near-infrared acetylene detection using a dual spot-ring Herriott cell (DSR-HC), Optics Express, 2018, 26(9): 12081-12091. 3. 通讯作者。Interband cascade laser based mid-infrared methane sensor system using a novel electrical-domain self-adaptive direct laser absorption spectroscopy (SA-DLAS). Optics Express, 2017, 25(25): 31876-31888. 4. 第一作者。Development and field deployment of a mid-infrared methane sensor without pressure control using interband cascade laser absorption spectroscopy, Sensors and Actuators B- Chemical, 2017, 244, 365–372. 5. 通讯作者。Repetitively Mode-Locked Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy (RML-CEAS) for Near-Infrared Gas Sensing. Sensors, 2017, 17, 2792. 6. 通讯作者。Development and Measurements of a Mid-Infrared Multi-Gas Sensor System for CO, CO2 and CH4 Detection. Sensors, 2017, 17: 2221. 7. 通讯作者。Mid-infrared dual-gas sensor for simultaneous detection of methane and ethane using a single continuous-wave interband cascade laser, Optics Express, 2016, 24, 16973-16985. 8. 通讯作者。Development and measurement of a near-infrared CH4 detection system using 1.654 µm wavelength-modulated diode laser and open reflective gas sensing probe, Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical, 2016, 225, 188-198. 9. 第一作者。Infrared dual-gas CH4/C2H6 sensor using two continuous-wave interband cascade lasers, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2016, 28(21): 2351-2354. 10. 通讯作者。Wireless mid-infrared spectroscopy sensor network for automatic carbon dioxide fertilization in greenhouse environment, Sensors, 2016, 16, 1941.