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梁喜双,男,1981年生,教授,博士生导师。2004年吉林大学电子科学与工程学院本科毕业,2009年6月获得吉林大学微电子学与固体电子学博士学位,2009年7月留校任教。2014年4月至2015年4月作为研究教授在韩国高丽大学留学。 到目前为止,在气体传感器领域发表SCI检索论文80余篇,含作为第一作者和通讯作者在Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, CrystEngComm, Solid State Ionics, RSC Advances等重要国际学术刊物发表的50余篇,影响因子3.0以上30篇,ESI数据库上榜的热点论文1篇,授权国家发明专利12项。2012到2018年间,作为项目负责人主持国家自然科学基金青年、面上项目、重点基金子项目、重大仪器专项子项目各1项,承担863子项目1项,重大研发项目子项目1项,横向项目2项。


先进气体传感器,包括基于固体电解质的混成电位型气体传感器和基于Nafion膜的燃料电池型气体传感器,主要用于以下四个领域:1.用于移动污染源监测的车载NOx传感器;2.用于大气环境监测的毒害气体传感器;3. 用于医疗福祉领域的呼气传感器;4.用于富氢气氛中一氧化碳监测的传感器。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Xishuang Liang, Tae-Hyung Kim, Ji-Wook Yoon, Chang-Hoon Kwak, Jong-Heun Lee*, Ultrasensitive and ultraselective detection of H2S using electrospun CuO-loaded In2O3 nanofiber sensors assisted by pulse heating, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 2015.3.31, 209: 934~942. Xishuang Liang, Shiqi Yang, Jianguo Li, Han Zhang, Quan Diao, Wan Zhao, Geyu Lu *, Mixed-potential-type zirconia-based NO2 sensor with high performance three-phase boundary, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 2011. 11.15, 158: 1~8. Xishuang Liang, Guixin Jin, Fangmeng Liu, Xiaoshui Zhang, Shenshuang An, Jian Ma*, Geyu Lu*, Synthesis of In2O3 hollow nanofibers and their application in highly sensitive detection of acetone, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, 2015.12.1, 41(10): 13780~13787 . Xishuang Liang, Biao Wang, Han Zhang, Quan Diao, Baofu Quan, Geyu Lu*, Progress in NASICON-based mixed-potential type gas sensors, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 2013.10.1, 187: 522~532. Xishuang Liang, Jianguo Li, Yingzhou Guan, Han Zhang, Fengmin Liu, Geyu Lu*, Novel NASICON-based H2 sensor with insensitive reference electrode and buried Au sensing electrode, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 2013.8.1, 1.85: 77~83. Xishuang Liang, Geyu Lu, Tiegang Zhong, Fengmin Liu, Baofu Quan*, New type of ammonia/toluene sensor combining NASICON with a couple of oxide electrodes, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 2010.9.21, 150: 355~359 . Xishuang Liang, Tiegang Zhong, Hesong Guan, Fengmin Liu, Geyu Lu, Baofu Quan *, Ammonia sensor based on NASICON and Cr2O3 electrode SENSORS ANDACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 2009.3.2, 136: 479~483 . Xishuang Liang, Fengmin Liu, Tiegang Zhong, Biao Wang, Baofu Quan*, Geyu Lu, Chlorine sensor combining NASICON with CaMg3(SiO3)4-doped CdS electrode, SOLID STATE IONICS, 2008.9.30, 179: 1636~1640 . Xishuang Liang, Tiegang Zhong, Baofu Quan *, Biao Wang, Hesong Guan, Solid-state potentiometric SO2 sensor combining NASICON with V2O5-doped TiO2 electrode, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 2008.8.28, 134(1): 25~30. Xishuang Liang, Yuehua He, Fengmin Liu, Biao Wang, Tiegang Zhong, Baofu Quan, Geyu Lu*, Solid-state potentiometric H2S sensor combining NASICON with Pr6O11-doped SnO2 electrode, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 2007.8.8, 125(2): 544~549.
