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教育经历 1985-1989年,吉林工学院,金属材料热处理及焊接专业,本科; 1989-1991年,首钢吉林柴油机厂,焊接设计; 1991-1994年,吉林工业大学,金属材料焊接专业,硕士; 1996-2000年,吉林大学,凝聚态物理专业,博士; 工作经历 1994-2000年,长春工业大学,金属材料焊接专业,教师; 2001-2013年,河南黄河旋风股份有限公司,超硬制品及金属结合剂,总工; 2013年-2023,吉林大学,高压物理,教师。 2023年-至今,超硬材料国家重点实验室,教授、博导。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Yanbin Zheng,ab Yanmei Ma,a Qiang Tao,a Yan Li,a Shuailing Ma,a Tian Cui,a XinWang,aShushan Dong*a and Pinwen Zhu*a,Pressure induced structural transition of small carbon nano-onions,RSC Adv.Vol.6, 2914, 2016. Changchun Wang;Qiang Tao;Shushan Dong;Xin Wang;Pinwen Zhu. Synthesis and Mechanical Character of Hexagonal Phase δ-WN,Inorg Chem, Vol.56, 3970-3975, 2017 Shushan Donga,*, Ping Houb, Haibin Yanga, Guangtian Zoua. Synthesis of intermetallic NiAl by SHS reaction using coarse-grained nickel and ultrafine-grained aluminum produced by wire electrical explosion, Intermetallics,Vol.10,217-223,2002 Shushan Dong1, PingHou2, Haiyong Cheng1, Haibin Yang1andGuangtian Zou1, Fabrication of intermetallic NiAl by self-propagation high-temperature synthesis reaction using aluminum nanopowder under high pressure,Journal of Physics: Condensed Mater. Vol.14,11023-11030,2002 Shushan Dong, Guangtian Zou and Haibin Yang. Thermal characteristic of ultrafine-grained aluminum produced by wire electrical explosion, Scripta Materialia.Vol.44,17-23,2001 H.Y. Chen, S.S. Dong, D.M. Li∗, C.X. Shen, S.H. Kan, G.T. Zou. A new way for fabrication nanoparticles of dissoluble salt,Physics Letters A,Vol.312,97-100,2003 H.Y. Chen, S.S. Dong, Y.K. Yang, D.M. Li, J.H. Zhang, X.J. Wang, S.H. Kan, G.T. Zou. A twined PbTe film induced by 7×7 reconstruction of Si(1 1 1),Journal of Crystal Growth. Vol.273,156-160, 2003 Yuewu Pan1, Shengchun Qu2, Shushan Dong1, Qiliang Cui1,Weiwei Zhang1, Xizhe Liu1, Jing Liu1, Bingbing Liu1, Chunxiao Gao1and Guangtian Zou1.An investigation on the pressure-induced phase transition of nanocrystalline ZnS,Journal of Physics: Condensed Mater.,Vol.14,10487-10490, 2002 董书山,周小彦,董小雷,江斌,侯俊彦. 超硬材料制品用水雾化预合金粉末的进展 应用及存在问题,《超硬材料工程》,Vol.6,47-52,2013 董书山,吴雪峰,刘晓旭,刘益刚. 金属预合金粉末与单质粉末在应用中的配伍特点研究,超硬材料工程,Vol.25(1), 6-11, 2013
