1985年和1992年于吉林大学物理系分别获学士学位,博士学位。曾任吉林大学研究生院常务副院长、吉林大学物理学院院长、吉林大学超硬材料重点实验室主任、第十三届全国政协委员。曾赴美国Lawrence Livermore国家实验室、日本东京大学物性研究所(ISSP)进行访问研究。作为完成人获得国家自然科学奖二等奖2项。2004年获教育部“新世纪优秀人才”,2007年入选国家重大人才工程,2016年入选国家级领军人才、科技创新领军人才。
1. Cui, T.; Cheng, E.; Alder, B. J.; Whaley, K. B.;Rotational ordering in solid deuterium and hydrogen: A path integral Monte Carlo study;Physical Review B;55(18)1997;12253-12266.
2. Duan, DF; Liu, YX; Tian, FB; Li, D; Huang, XL; Zhao, ZL; Yu, HY; Liu, BB; Tian, WJ; Cui, T;Pressure-induced metallization of dense (H2S)2H2 with high-Tc superconductivity;Scientific Reports;4, 2014;6968.
3. Duan, D.; Huang, X.; Tian, F.; Li, D.; Yu, H.; Liu, Y.; Ma, Y.; Liu, B.; Cui, T.;Pressure-induced decomposition of solid hydrogen sulfide;Physical Review B;86(1)2015; 014118.
4. Jin, XL; Meng, X; He, Z; Ma, YM; Liu, B; Cui, T; Zou, GT; Mao,HK;Superconducting high-pressure phases of disilane;Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 107(22)2010, 9969-9973.
5. Zeng, QF; He, Z; San, XJ; Ma, YM; Tian, FB; Cui, T; Liu, BB; Zou, GT; Mao, HK;A new phase of solid iodine with different molecular covalent bonds;Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 105, 2008, 4999-5001.
6. Duan, DF; Jin, XL; Ma, YM; Cui, T; Liu, BB; Zou, GT;Effect of nonhydrostatic pressure on superconductivity of monatomic iodine: An ab initio study;Phys. Rev. B, 79, 2009, 064518.
7. Xilian Jin, Xiao-Jia Chen, Tian Cui, Ho-kwang Mao, Huadi Zhang, Quan Zhuang, Kuo Bao,Dawei Zhou, Bingbing Liu, Qiang Zhou, and Zhi He, Crossover from metal to insulator in dense lithium-rich compound CLi4, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113(9)2016, 2366-2369.
8. Li, D.; Bao, K.; Tian, F. B.; Zeng, Z. W.; He, Z.; Liu, B. B.; Cui, T.;Lowest enthalpy polymorph of cold-compressed graphite phase, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 14(13), 2012, 4347-4350.
9. Tian, F.; Wang, J.; He, Z.; Ma, Y.; Wang, L.; Cui, T.; Chen, C.; Liu, B.; Zou, G.;Superhard semiconducting C3N2 compounds predicted via first-principles calculations;Physical Review B;78(23)2008, 235431.
10. Zhao, Z. L.; Bao, K.; Li, D.; Duan, D. F.; Tian, F. B.; Jin, X. L.; Chen, C. B.; Huang, X. L.; Liu, B. B.; Cui, T.;Nitrogen concentration driving the hardness of rhenium nitrides;Scientific Reports;4, 2014, 04797.