刘宇教授,男,1975年生。1998年吉林大学化学系有机化学专业本科毕业,2004年获得吉林大学高分子化学与物理专业博士学位。2004年10月以日本学术振兴会(JSPS)外国人特别研究员的身份进入日本的理化学研究所侯召民教授有机金属化学研究室做博士后研究工作。2006年12月作为引进人才(副教授)回到吉林大学超分子实验室。2011年10月被聘为教授、博士生导师。主要研究领域是高性能的蓝光、白光材料、磷光电致发光材料的设计、合成以及相应器件的制备及性能优化,近年来已在国内外核心学术期刊(包括J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Mater., Chemical Communications, Appl. Phys. Lett.)上发表影响因子3.0以上的SCI研究论文30余篇,6.0以上的10篇,获授权专利3项。发表的论文已经被引用超过1350次,其中他人引用超过1100次,单篇最高他引次数超过200次,并有多篇高水平的研究论文被选为封面、封底文章或在相应杂志网站Most-Accessed Articles、Hottest Articles季度排名TOP 10。作为项目负责人,承担多项国家科技部重点基础研究发展计划(973)子课题校内子项(2项)、国家自然基金委青年项目(1项)及面上项目(2项)等在内的国家级科研项目,以及包括“吉林省杰出青年”研究计划项目在内的多项省级和超分子实验室的科研项目,研究总经费超过350万元。以上项目均顺利启动、运行或结题,并取得了较好的研究成果。
有机光电功能材料与器件: 1、重金属(Ir, Pt, Os等)磷光配合物材料的设计、合成与性能研究;2、具有高发光效率与均衡载流子传输特性的电致发光材料的设计、合成与性能研究;3、高性能、色度纯正、高显色指数白光器件的设计、制备与性能优化。
1. Shanyong Chen, Jinbei Wei, Kai Wang, Chenguang Wang, Dong Chen, Yu Liu* and Yue Wang* Constructing high-performance blue, yellow and red electroluminescent devices based on a class of multifunctional organic materials Journal of Materials Chemistry C, (1): 6594–6602 2013 2. Tai Peng, Guomeng Li, Kaiqi Ye, Chengguang Wang, Shanshan Zhao, Yu Liu,* Zhaomin Hou, Yue Wang* Highly efficient phosphorescent OLEDs with host-independent and concentration-insensitive properties based on a bipolar iridium complex Journal of Materials Chemistry C, (1): 2920-2926 2013 3. Tai Peng, Yu Yang, Yu Liu,* Dongge Ma, Zhaomin Hou, Yue Wang* A phosphorescent material with high and balanced carriers mobility for efficient OLEDs Chemical Communications (47): 3150-3152 2011 4. Tai Peng, Yu Yang, Hai Bi, Yu Liu,* Zhaomin Hou, Yue Wang* Highly efficient white organic electroluminescence device based on a phosphorescent orange material doped in a blue host emitter Journal of Materials Chemistry (21): 3551-3553 2011(封底文章) 5. Yu Yang, Tai Peng, Kaiqi Ye, Ying Wu, Yu Liu,* Yue Wang* High-efficiency and high-quality white organic light-emitting diode employing fluorescent emitters Organic Electronics (12): 29-33 2011(Hottest Articles TOP 6) 6. Tai Peng, Hai Bi, Yu Liu,* Yan Fan, Hongze Gao, Yue Wang, Zhaomin Hou* Very high-efficiency red-electroluminescence devices based on an amidinate-ligated phosphorescent iridium complex Journal of Materials Chemistry (19): 8072-8074 2009 7. Yu Liu, Kaiqi Ye, Yan Fan, Weifeng Song, Yue Wang, Zhaomin Hou* Amidinate-ligated iridium(III) bis(2-pyridyl)phenyl complex as an excellent phosphorescent material for electroluminescence devices Chemical Communications 3699-3701 2009(封面文章) 8. Yunfeng Zhao, Hongze Gao, Yan Fan, Tianlei Zhou, Zhongmin Su, Yu Liu,* Yue Wang* Thermally induced reversible phase transformations accompanied by emission switching between different colors of two aromatic-amine compounds Advanced Materials (21): 3165-3169 2009 9. Yu Liu, Masayoshi Nishiura, Yue Wang, Zhaomin Hou* π-Conjugated aromatic enynes as a single-emitting component for white electroluminescence J. Am. Chem. Soc. (128): 5592-5593 2006(Most-Accessed Articles Top 6) 10. Yu Liu, Jianhua Guo, Huidong Zhang, Yue Wang* Highly efficient white organic electroluminescence from a double-layer device based on a boron hydroxyphenyl-pyridine complex Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (41): 182-184 2002