Chengying Yin#,Jiaxia Sun#,Hainan Wang,Wengong Yu*, Feng Han*. Identification and characterization of a new cold-adapted and alkaline alginate lyase TsAly7A from Thalassomonas sp. LD5 produces alginate oligosaccharides with high degree of polymerization. Mar Drugs, 2023, 21(1): 6.(2区,IF 6.085)
JuanjuanSu, Haimeng Li, Jingyang Hu, Danni Wang, Fengchao Zhang, Zheng Fu, Feng Han*. LcCCL28-25, derived from piscine chemokine, exhibits antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative/positive bacteria in vitro/in vivo. Microbiol Spectr, 2022, e0251521.(1区,top,IF 9.043)
Luyao Tang#, Enwen Guo#, Lan Zhang#, Ying Wang, Shan Gao, Mengmeng Bao, Feng Han*, Wengong Yu*. The function of CBM32 in alginate lyase VxAly7B on the activity on both soluble sodium alginate and alginate gel. Front Microbiol,2022, 12: 798819.(2区,top,IF6.064)
Luyao Tang, Mengmeng Bao, Ying Wang, Zheng Fu, Feng Han*, Wengong Yu*. Effects of module truncation of a new alginate lyase VxAly7C from marine Vibrio xiamenensis QY104 on biochemical characteristics and product distribution. Int J Mol Sci, 2022, 23(9): 4795.(2区,top,IF6.208)
Shilong Zhang, Yujiao Li, Feng Han*, Wengong Yu*. YsHyl8A, an alkalophilic cold-adapted glycosaminoglycan lyase cloned from pathogenic Yersinia sp. 298. Molecules, 2022, 27(9): 2897.(2区,top,IF 4.927)
Danni Wang, Yujiao Li, Lu Han, Chengying Yin, Yongqing Fu, Qi Zhang, Xia Zhao, Guoyun Li, Feng Han*, Wengong Yu*. Biochemical properties of a new polysaccharide lyase family 25 ulvan lyase TsUly25B from marine bacterium Thalassomonas sp. LD5. Mar Drugs,2022, 20(3): 168.(2区,IF 6.085)
XingxiangXun, Jianzhong Qiu, Jing Zhang, Hejing Wang, Feng Han, Xiao Xu*, Rongtao Yuan*. Triple-functional injectable liposome - hydrogel composite enhances bacteriostasis and osteo/angio-genesis for advanced maxillary sinus floor augmentation. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces, 2022, 217: 112706.(2区,top,IF 5.999)
Xiaoyi Wang, Ziwei Wei, Hao Wu, Yujiao Li, Feng Han*, Wengong Yu*. Characterization of a hyaluronic acid utilization locus and identification of two hyaluronate lyases in a marine bacterium Vibrio alginolyticus LWW-9. Front Microbiol, 2021, 12(1491): 696096.(2区,top,IF6.064)
Fengchao Zhang#, Zheng Fu#, Luyao Tang, Zhelun Zhang, Feng Han*, Wengong Yu*. Biochemical characterization of a novel exo-type PL7 alginate lyase VsAly7D from marine Vibrio sp. QY108. Int J Mol Sci, 2021, 22(16): 8402.(2区,top,IF6.208)
JuanjuanSu, Xiaoyi Wang, Chengying Yin, Yujiao Li, Hao Wu, Wengong Yu, Feng Han*. Identification and biochemical characterization of a surfactant-tolerant chondroitinaseVhChlABC from Vibrio hyugaensis LWW-1. Mar Drugs, 2021, 19(7): 399.(2区,IF 6.085)
Luyao Tang, Ying Wang, Shan Gao, Hao Wu, Danni Wang, Wengong Yu*, Feng Han*. Biochemical characteristics and molecular mechanism of an exo-type alginate lyase VxAly7D and its use for the preparation of unsaturated monosaccharides. Biotechnol Biofuels, 2020, 13: 99.(1区,top,IF 6.04)
Yujiao Li#, Shilong Zhang#, Hao Wu, Xiaoyi Wang, Wengong Yu, Feng Han*. Biochemical characterization of a thermophilic hyaluronate lyase TcHly8C from Thermasporomycescomposti DSM22891. Int J Biol Macromol, 2020, 165(Pt A): 1211-1218.(1区,top,IF 6.953)
Zhelun Zhang#, Hang Su#, Xiaoyi Wang#, Luyao Tang, Jingyang Hu, Wengong Yu, Feng Han*. Cloning and characterization of a novel chondroitinase ABC categorized into a new subfamily of polysaccharide lyase family 8. Int J Biol Macromol, 2020, 164: 3762-3770.(1区,top,IF 6.953)
Zhelun Zhang, Luyao Tang, Mengmeng Bao, Zhigang Liu, Wengong Yu*, Feng Han*. Functional characterization of carbohydrate-binding modules in a new alginate lyase, TsAly7B, from Thalassomonas sp. LD5. Mar Drugs, 2020, 18(1): 25.(2区,IF 5.118)
Su Ma, Doris Moserb, Feng Han, Matthias Leonhard, Berit Schneider-Stickler, Yulong Tan*. Preparation and antibiofilm studies of curcumin loaded chitosan nanoparticles against polymicrobial biofilms of Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus. CarbohydrPolym, 2020, 241: 116254.(1区,top,IF 9.381)
Shan Gao, Zhelun Zhang, Shangyong Li, Hang Su, Luyao Tang, Yulong Tan, Wengong Yu, Feng Han*. Characterization of a new endo-type polysaccharide lyase (PL) family 6 alginate lyase with cold-adapted and metal ions-resisted property. Int J Biol Macromol, 2018, 120(Pt A): 729-735.(1区,top,IF 4.784)
Yulong Tan#, Su Ma#, Chenguang Liu, Wengong Yu, Feng Han*. Enhancing the stability and antibiofilm activity of DspB by immobilization on carboxymethyl chitosan nanoparticles. Microbiol Res, 2015, 178: 35-41.(2区,IF 2.561)
Su Ma, Gaofei Duan, Wengang Chai, CunliangGeng, Yulong Tan, Lushan Wang, Frédéric Le Sourd, Gurvan Michel, Wengong Yu, Feng Han*. Purification, cloning, characterization and essential amino acid residues analysis of a new ι-carrageenase from Cellulophaga sp. QY3. PLoS One, 2013, 8(5): e64666.(3区,IF 3.73)
Yulong Tan#, Feng Han#, Su Ma, Wengong Yu*. Carboxymethyl chitosan prevents formation of broad-spectrum biofilm. CarbohydrPolym, 2011, 84(4): 1365-1370.(1区,top,IF 3.463)