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教育及工作经历: 1989年6月在华中科技大学硕士研究生毕业 ; 2007年6月在华中科技大学获得电子科学与技术工学博士学位; 1989年7月留校,在华中科技大学光学系任助教、讲师、副教授; 2009年在光电子学院、光电国家实验室任教授。 获奖情况: “4x密度磁光盘光学特性检测系统”,获2000年湖北省科技进步三等奖。




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1. Cheng Q, Su D, Wang Y, ying huang*,e t al. Highly transparent VO 2-SiO 2 films with excellent infrared characteristics by dual-target magnetron sputtering[C]//Pacific Rim Laser Damage 2017: Optical Materials for High-Power Lasers. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2017, 10339: 103391I. 2. Shi sichao,huang ying*, Micro-ring sensor used in the diagnosis of gastric cancer[C]. International Conference on Optoelectronics and Microelectronics Technology and Application. 2017, 102441K 3. 王雅琴,姚刚,黄子建,黄鹰*,用于红外激光防护的高开关率VO2薄膜. 物理学报, 2016, 65(5):057102 4. Yaqin Wang,Da Su,Zijian Huang,Gang Yao,Ying Huang*,VO2 Film with high luminous transmittance and infrared modulation for smart windows application,Light,Energy and the Environment,2015,JTu5A.28. 5. D. Su, Z. J. Huang, J. J. Lai, Y. Q. Wang, L. J. Guo, Ying. Huang*, A solar energy smart window based on VO2 film, International Photonics and Optoelectronics, photonics for energy 2015. JW3A. 6. Q. Lin, Y. Q. Wang, J.J. Lai, Y. B. Xie, Ying. Huang*, Polarization characteristics and fabrication process of the sub-wavelength metal grating, Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, OEDI 2014, 155752277 7. Mengxi Ji,Heng Cai,Like Deng,Ying Huang,Enhanced parametric frequency conversion in a compact silicon-graphene microring resonator,OPTICS EXPRESS,2015,23(14):18679~18685. 8. Huang,Zhangli,Chen,Sihai,Lv,Chaohong,Huang Ying,Lai,Jianju,Infrared characteristics of VO2 thin films for smart window and laser protection applications,APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2012, 5(101)期: 19~21. 9. Wang, Zhenxing; Zhan, Xueying; Wang, Yajun; Muhammad, Safdar; Huang, Ying;He, Jun, A flexible UV nanosensor based on reduced graphene oxide decorated ZnO nanostructures. NANOSCALE, 2012, 4(8): 2678~2684. 10. Zhangli Huang ,Sihai Chen, Yi Chen, Ying Huang,Wen Fu, Jianjun Lai, Low transition-temperature characteristic in VOx films grown on Si3N4 /Glass substrates. Surface&Coatings Technology. 207(2012):130~134. 11. Zhangli Huang,SihaiChen , Boqing Wang, Ying Huang, Nengfu Liu, Jin Xu, Jianjun Lai ,Vanadium dioxide thin film with low phase transition temperature deposited on borosilicate glass substrate.. Thin Solid Films. 519(2011):4246~4248. 12. Zhenxing Wang, Xueying Zhan, Yajun Wang, Muhammad Safdar, Mutong Niu, Jinping Zhang, Ying Huang, and Jun He., ZnO/ZnSxSe1x core/shell nanowire arrays as photoelectrodes with efficient visible light absorption. Applied Physics Letters 2012,101, 073105. 13. Ying Huang, Sihai Chen, Sihua Xiang, Xinjian Yi. A Microoptical Scanner. Proc. of SPIE 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies, 2005 6150(47):6150471-6150475. 14. Ying Huang, Ran liu, Jianjun Lai,Xin-jian Yi . Design and Fabrication of a Negative Microlens Array. Optics and Laser Technology[J], 2008,40(8): 1047-1050. 15. 黄 鹰,谢艳红,易新建。基于纳米 VO2薄膜的太阳能智能窗.2008年中国光学学会2008年学术年会论文集,2008,11月: Session 5-11,福建泉州 16. 黄 鹰,向思桦,陈四海,赖建军,易新建.微型光扫描器研究.红外与毫米波学 报,2007,26(1):26-29. 17. 何少伟, 黄鹰, 戴君, 赖建军, 王兴治, 易新建.用于微测辐射热探测器的纳米VO2薄膜. 材料研究学报, 2007, 06期:301~304. 18. He Shao-Wei, Wang Xing-Zhi, Dai, Jun, Chen Si-Hai, Lai Jian-Jun, Huang Ying, Yin Xin-jian. Application of electroless Ni plating in infrared FPA fabrication .红外与毫米波学报, 27(2): 91-94. 19. Dai, Jun, Wang, Xingzhi, He, Shaowei, Huang Ying, Yi, Xinjian. Low temperature fabrication of VOx thin films for uncooled IR detectors by direct current reactive magnetron sputtering method Infrared Physics & Technology, 51(4):287-291. 20. Dai, Jun, Wang, Xingzhi, Huang Ying, Yi, Xinjian Modeling of temperature -dependent resistance in micro- and nanopolycrystalline VO2 thin films with random resistor networks. Optical Engineering,47(3),2008/3. 21. X. Yi(易新建), Y. Li(李毅), Y. Huang(黄鹰)et al,“Nanostructure and dropping phase transition temperature in vanadium dioxide thin film”,Nanoscience, 4(1), 99-106(2005).
