2002 年毕业于华中科技大学生物医学工程专业,获工学学士学位。2007 年毕业于华中科技大学生物医学工程专业,获博士学位。攻读博士学位其间从事快速扫描双光子荧光显微成像系统研究。2007 年至今在曾绍群教授课题组从事荧光显微成像系统研究工作。
1. Jianling Chen, Yan Xu, *Xiaohua Lv, Xiaomin Lai, Shaoqun Zeng. Super-resolution differential interference contrast microscopy by structured illumination, Optics Express, 21(1), 112-121, 2013. 2. Runhua Jiang, Zhenqiao Zhou, *Xiaohua Lv, Shaoqun Zeng, Zhifeng Huang, Huaichun Zhou. Spatial and temporal thermal analysis of acousto-optic deflectors using finite element analysis model, Ultrasonics 52(5), 643-649, 2012. 3. Runhua Jiang, Zhenqiao Zhou, Xiaohua Lv, *Shaoqun Zeng. Wide-band acousto-optic deflectors for large field of view two-photon microscope, Review of Scientific Instruments 83(4), 043709, 2012. 4. Xiuli Liu, Tingwei Quan, Shaoqun Zeng, *Xiaohua Lv. Identification of the direction of the neural network activation with a cellular resolution by fast two-photon imaging, Journal of Biomedical Optics 16(8), 080506, 2011. 5. Yuxiang Wu, Tao Sui, Xiaojian Cao, *Xiaohua Lv, Shaoqun Zeng, Peng Sun. Confocal imaging reveals three-dimensional fine structure difference between ventral and dorsal nerve roots, Journal of Biomedical Optics 16(5), 050502, 2011.