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博士生导师,教育部敏感陶瓷工程研究中心副主任,电子元器件关键材料与技术专业委员会委员,《硅酸盐辞典》(第二版)信息材料分编委会委员。长期与中电集团、航天科工、兵器集团和风华高科等单位合作从事微波介质材料与器件的研究工作,多项研究成果已应用于武器装备和民用通信设备中。2008年6月获得华中科技大学材料物理与化学专业博士学位,2008年7月进入该校电子科学与技术博士后流动站从事微电子学与固体电子学专业博士后研究,2010年7月出站留校任教。2013年11月至2014年11月,受国家公派前往英国谢菲尔德大学(University of Sheffield)与Prof. Derek C. Sinclair合作从事电子陶瓷材料阻抗谱与缺陷化学的研究。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和国防基础科研重点项目等10余项,已在Chemistry of Materials和Journal of the American Ceramic Society等国际权威期刊上发表学术论文90余篇,获授权发明专利近10项(1项美国专利),其中1项天线专利产品已批量应用于某型导弹上。


1. 微波介质材料的改性与系列化 2. 可控收缩/膨胀性能LTCC材料 3. 复杂形状电子元器件的成型技术 4. 微波介质天线的研制


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Jie Li, Xue-Kai Lan, Kang Du, Xiao-Qiang Song, Wen-Zhong Lu, Gui-Fen Fan, Wen Lei*.Temperature dependence of permittivity in Mg2+ and Ti4+ co-doped tridymite-type barium aluminate solid solutions. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2019, DOI: 10.1111/JACE.16673 Xue-Kai Lan, Jie Li, Zheng-Yu Zou, Meng-Qi Xie, Gui-Fen Fan, Wen-Zhong Lu, Wen Lei*. Improved sinterability and microwave dielectric properties of [Zn0.5Ti0.5]3+-doped ZnAl2O4 spinel solid solution. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2019, DOI: 10.1111/jace.16453 Atousa Pirvaram, Ehsan Taheri-Nassaj*, Hamid Taghipour-Armaki, Wen Zhong Lu, Wen Lei, Hadi Barzegar Bafrooei. Study on structure, microstructure, and microwave dielectric characteristics of CaV2O6 and (Ca0.95M0.05)V2O6 (M=Zn, Ba) ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2019, DOI: 10.1111/jace.16370 Zheng-Yu Zou, Kang Du, Xue-Kai Lan, Wen-Zhong Lu, Xiao-Chuan Wang, Xiao-Hong Wang, Wen Lei*. Anti-reductive characteristics and dielectric loss mechanisms of Ba2ZnSi2O7 microwave dielectric ceramic. Ceramics International, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2019.06.195 Hosein Ghobadi*, Wen-Zhong Lu, Wen Lei, Kang Du, Fei Wang. An evaluation of the impact of crystal symmetry on microwave dielectric properties of Sr1-2xNd2xTi1-xMgxO3 solid solution. Ceramics International, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2019.06.072 Kang Du, Xiao-Qiang Song, Jie Li, Wen-Zhong Lu, Xiao-Chuan Wang, Xiao-Hong Wang, Wen Lei*. Phase compositions and microwave dielectric properties of Sn-deficient Ca2SnO4 ceramics. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 802: 488-492. Xue-Kai Lan, Jia-Pu Li, Jie Li, Zheng-Yu Zou, Gui-Fen Fan, Wen-Zhong Lu, Wen Lei*. Lattice structure and microwave dielectric properties of [Mg0.5Si0.5]3+-doped LiAlO2 solid solution. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2019, 30: 11764-11770. Qingping Wang, Chris R. Bowen, Rhodri Lewis, Jun Chen, Wen Lei, Haibo Zhang, Ming-Yu Li*, Shenglin Jiang*. Hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets doped pyroelectric ceramic composite for high-performance thermal energy harvesting. Nano Energy, 2019, 60: 144-152. Jie Li, Xue-Kan Lan, Xiao-Qiang Song, Wen-Zhong Lu, Xiao-Hong Wang, Feng Shi*, Wen Lei*. Crystal structures, dielectric properties and ferroelectricity in stuffed tridymite-type BaAl(2-2x)(Zn0.5Si0.5)2xO4 solid solutions. Dalton Transactions, 2019, 48: 3625-3634. Xue-Kai Lan, Jie Li, Zheng-Yu Zou, Gui-Fen Fan, Wen-Zhong Lu, Wen Lei*. Lattice structure analysis and optimised microwave dielectric properties of LiAl1-x(Zn0.5Si0.5)xO2 solid solutions. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2019, 39: 2360-2364. Xiao-Qiang Song, Kang Du, Jie Li, Raz Muhammad, Wen-Zhong Lu, Xiao-Chuan Wang, Wen Lei*. Crystal structures and microwave dielectric properties of novel low-permittivity Ba1-xSrxZnSi3O8 ceramics. Materials Research Bulletin, 2019, 112: 178-181. Xiaohong Wang*, Mao-Lin Mu, Hai Jiang, Wen Lei, Wen-Zhong Lu. Investigation on structure and microwave dielectric properties of novel high dielectric constant Ca(1−3x/2)CexTiO3 ceramics sintered in nitrogen atmosphere. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2019, 30(2): 1591-1599. Kang Du, Xiao-Qiang Song, Jie Li, Jia-Min Wu, Wen-Zhong Lu, Xiao-Chuan Wang, Wen Lei*. Optimised phase compositions and improved microwave dielectric properties based on calcium tin silicates. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2019, 39: 340-345. Hai Jiang, Xiao-Hong Wang*, Wen Lei, Gui-Fen Fan, Wen-Zhong Lu. Effects of two-step sintering on thermal and mechanical properties of aluminum nitride ceramics by impedance spectroscopy analysis. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2019, 39: 249-254. Xiao-Qiang Song, Kang Du, Jie Li, Xue-Kai Lan, Wen-Zhong Lu, Xiao-Hong Wang, Wen Lei*. Low-fired fluoride microwave dielectric ceramics with low dielectric loss. Ceramics International, 2019, 45(1): 279-286. Shengxiang Wang*, Guochao Wei, Xiaochuan Wang, Zhengpeng Qin, Yuan Li, Wen Lei, Zhi Hao Jiang, Lei Kang*, Douglas H. Werner*. Asymmetric transmission based on magnetic resonance coupling in 3D-printed metamaterials. Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 113, 081904(1-5). Yan-Bo Guo, Jun-Tian Ma, Jian-Xiong Zhao, Kang Du, Zhong-Tian Fang, Yi-Qun Zheng, Wen-Zhong Lu, Wen Lei*. Low-temperature sintering and microwave dielectric properties of CaSnxSiO(3+2x)-based positive τf compensator. Ceramics International, 2018, 44: 18209-18212. Younes Sadin, Ehsan Taheri Nassaj*, Hamid Taghipour Armaki, Wen‑Zhong Lu, Wen Lei, Hadi Barzegar Bafrooei. Effect of Ti-ion non-stoichiometry on microstructure and microwave dielectric characteristic of Li2ZnTi3O8 ceramics. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2018, 29: 13516-13525. Burhan Ullah, Wen Lei*, Yi-Feng Yao, Xiao-Chuan Wang, Xiao-Hong Wang, Muneeb Ur-Rahman, Wen-Zhong Lu*. Structure and synergy performance of (1-x)Sr0.25Ce0.5TiO3-xLa(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3 based microwave dielectric ceramics for 5G architecture. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 763: 990-996. Xi Wang, Zheng-Yu Zou, Xiao-Qiang Song, Wen Lei, Wen-Zhong Lu*. The effects of dispersants on sinterability and microwave dielectric properties of Zr0.8Sn0.2TiO4 ceramics. Ceramics International, 2018, 44: 14990-14994. Xiao-Qiang Song, Kang Du, Xian-Zhe Zhang, Jie Li, Wen-Zhong Lu, Xiao-Chuan Wang, Wen Lei*. Crystal structure, phase composition and microwave dielectric properties of Ca3MSi2O9 ceramics. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 750: 996-1002. Qingping Wang, Chris R. Bowen, Wen Lei, Haibo Zhang, Bing Xie, Shiyong Qiu, Ming-Yu Li*, Shenglin Jiang*. Improved heat transfer for pyroelectric energy harvesting applications using a thermal conductive network of aluminum nitride in PMN-PMS-PZT ceramics. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6(12): 5040-5051.
