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1994-2009年,华中科技大学,光学与电子信息学院,学士、硕士、博士 2001年至今,华中科技大学,光学与电子信息学院,讲师、副教授、教授 2011-2012年,美国南加州大学(USC),访问学者




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] W. Chang, L. Lu, X. Ren, L. Lu, M. Cheng, D. Liu, and M. Zhang*, ”An ultra-compact multimode waveguide crossing based on subwavelength asymmetric Y-junction”,IEEEPhotonicsJournal, 10(4), 4501008 (2018). [2] J. Wang, M. Zhang*, J. Tang, and D. Liu, “Deterministic Single Soliton Formation and Manipulation in Anomalous Dispersion Microresonators via Parametric Seeding”,IEEE Photonics Journal, 10(3), 6100608 (2018). [3] W. Chang, L. Lu, X. Ren, D. Li, Z. Pan, M. Cheng, D. Liu, and M. Zhang*, “Ultracompact dual-mode waveguide crossing based on subwavelength multimode-interference couplers”,Photonics Research, 6(7), 660-665 (2018). [4] W. Chang, L. Lu, X. Ren, D. Li, Z. Pan, M. Cheng, D. Liu, and M. Zhang*, "Ultra-compact mode (de)multiplexer based on subwavelength asymmetric Y-junction,"OpticsExpress, 26(7), 8162-8170 (2018). [5] Z. Pan, S. Fu, L. Lu, D. Li, W. Chang, D. Liu, and M. Zhang*, "On-chip cyclic-AWG-based 12 × 12 silicon wavelength routing switches with minimized port-to-port insertion loss fluctuation,"PhotonicsResearch, 6(6), 380-384 (2018). [6] J. Tang, Y. Tang, K. He, L. Lu, D. Zhang, M. Cheng, L. Deng, D. Liu, andM. Zhang*, "Computational Temporal Ghost Imaging Using Intensity-Only Detection Over a Single Optical Fiber,"IEEEPhotonicsJournal, 10(2), 7101809 (2018). [7] W. Chang, L. Lu, D. Liu, and M. Zhang, "Ultra-compact silicon multi-mode waveguide bend based on subwavelength asymmetric Y-junction," inOptical Fiber Communication Conference(2018). [8] L. Lu, M. Zhang*, F. Zhou, W. Chang, J. Tang, D. Li, X. Ren, Z. Pan, M. Cheng, and D. Liu, "Inverse-designed ultra-compact star-crossings based on PhC-like subwavelength structures for optical intercross connect,"Optics Express, 25(15), 18355-18364 (2017). [9] W. Chang, M. Zhang*, L. Lu, F. Zhou, D. Li, Z. Pan, and D. Liu, "Inverse Design of an Ultra-Compact Mode (De)multiplexer Based on Subwavelength Structure," inConference on Lasers & Electro-optics, SF1J.8 (2017). [10] Z. Pan, M. Zhang*, L. Lu, F. Zhou, D. Li, W. Chang, S. Fu, and D. Liu, "Experimental Demonstration of On-chip 56x56 OXC Based on AWG Arrays," inConference on Lasers & Electro-optics(2017). [11] L. Lu, M. Zhang*, D. Li, F. Zhou, W. Chang, J. Tang, and D. Liu, “Inverse-designed Ultra-compact Star-crossings Based on PhC-like Subwavelength Structures,” inOptical Fiber Communication Conference(2017). [12] L. Lu, D. Liu, F. Zhou, D. Li, M. Cheng, L. Deng, S. Fu, J. Xia, and M. Zhang*, "Inverse-designed single-step-etched colorless 3 dB couplers based on RIE-lag-insensitive PhC-like subwavelength structures,"Optics Letters, 41(21), 5051-5054 (2016). [13] Y. Wang, M. Zhang*, L. Lu, M. Li, J. Wang, F. Zhou, J. Dai, L. Deng, and D. Liu, "Ultra-flat and broad optical frequency combs generation based on novel dispersion-flattened double-slot microring resonator,"Applied Physics B, 122 (2016). [14] L. Lu, M. Zhang*, F. Zhou, and D. Liu, "An Ultra-compact Colorless 50:50 Coupler Based on PhC- like Metamaterial Structure," inOptical Fiber Communication Conference(2016). [15] M. Li, M. Zhang*, J. Wang, W. Chang, F. Zhou, and L. Deng, "Flexible Tuning Optical Frequency Combs via Parametric Seeding in Microresonators With Normal Dispersion,"IEEE Photonics Journal, 7, 1400907 (2015). [16] J. Dai, M. Zhang*, F. Zhou, Y. Wang, L. Lu, L. Deng, and D. Liu, "Quasi-phase-matched four-wave mixing generation between C-band and mid-infrared regions using a symmetric hybrid plasmonic waveguide grating,"Applied Optics, 54, 6961-6968 (2015). [17] J. Dai, M. Zhang*, F. Zhou, Y. Wang, L. Lu, and D. Liu, "Efficiently tunable and fabrication tolerant double-slot microring resonators incorporating nematic liquid crystal as claddings,"Optics Communications, 350, 235-240 (2015). [18] F. Zhou, M. Zhang*, J. Dai, Y. Wang, L. Deng, and D. Liu, "Efficient and broadband wavelength conversion in a slot waveguide with the periodic structure altering the phase-mismatch,"Applied Optics,54, 7753-7759 (2015). [19] Y. Wang, M. Zhang*, F. Zhou, J. Dai, L. Lu, L. Deng, and D. Liu, "Broadband and transparent wavelength conversion based on dispersion-flattened double-slot waveguide,"Applied Optics, 54, 7520-7524 (2015). [20] J. Dai, M. Zhang*, F. Zhou, Y. Wang, L. Lu, and D. Liu, "All-optical logic operation of polarized light signals in highly nonlinear silicon hybrid plasmonic microring resonators,"Applied Optics, 54, 4471-4477 (2015).
