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2006.2-2015.2 中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所 - 数学物理研究室/理论交叉部 - 研究员,博士生导师 2004.9-2006.2 加拿大多伦多大学 - 化学系化学物理理论组 - 博士后 2002.9-2004.9 新加坡国立大学 - 淡马锡研究所 - Research Scientist - 博士后 2001.8-2002.9 新加坡国立大学 - 计算科学系 - 博士后


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[1] Equal-area Criterion in Power Grids Revisited.Proceedings of the Royal Society A Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.2018 [2] Power-functional grid.CHAOS.2017 [3] Global stability of the sync with amplitude effects.SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst..2017 [4] Dynamics and Collapse in a Power System Model with Voltage Variation: The Damping Effect.PLOS ONE.2016 [5] Matching Rules for Collective Behaviors on Complex Networks: Optimal Configurations for Vibration Frequencies of Networked Harmonic Oscillators.PLOS ONE.2013 [6] Reviving Oscillations in Coupled Nonlinear Oscillators.Physical Review Letters.2013 [7] Filament-induced surface spiral turbulence in three-dimensional excitable media.Physical Review Letters.2008 [8] Strange nonchaotic attractors in random dynamical systems.Physical Review Letters.2004 [9] Tailoring Wavelets for Chaos Control.Physical Review Letters.2002 [10] Generalized Splay State in Coupled Chaotic Oscillators Induced by Weak Mutual Resonant Interactions.Physical Review Letters.2001
