曾华凌,中国科学技术大学教授、博士生导师。多年来,主要从事凝聚态实验物理研究,应用低温磁场下的各种光电测量技术,致力于低维物理系统中新奇光电现象的探索,重点主要集中在一维和二维材料体系中的激子效应、固态量子态的光学和电学调控、量子度量学以及谷电子学等领域,希望在物性探测上发现具有实际应用价值的新型功能材料和结构,已取得的主要成果发表在国际知名学术期刊上,如PRX, PRL,Nature Nanotechnology,PNAS,Advanced Materials, Science等,发表综述1篇(Chemical Society Reviews),单篇引用最高达两千余次,目前总引用次数达四千余次。
2002年9月 - 2006年7月 中国科学技术大学,物理系,获光信息科学与技术专业理学学士学位
2006年9月 - 2008年8月 香港大学,获凝聚态物理专业理学硕士学位
2008年9月 - 2011年9月 香港大学,获凝聚态物理专业理学博士学位
2011年10月 - 2013年10月 博士后,香港大学物理系
2013年11月 - 2015年11月 研究助理教授,香港中文大学物理系
2015年12月 - 目前 教授,中国科学技术大学微尺度物质科学国家实验室
1. 低维材料中的电子态结构研究及量子态调控;
2. 新型二维半导体的探索及光电性质研究;
3. 基于NV色心光磁共振谱的量子测量;
4. 纳米光学。
1. 自然科学基金委面上项目,执行期限:2017-2020年,项目负责人。
2. 科技部重点研发计划,执行期限:2017-2022年,子课题负责人。
1. Peng Wang#, Yafei Ren#, Fangdong Tang, Peipei Wang, Tao Hou, Hualing Zeng*, Liyuan Zhang*, and Zhenhua Qiao*
Approaching three-dimensional quantum Hall effect in bulk HfTe5
Physical Review B (Rapid), in press, 2020.
2. Huihui Liu#, Yue Li#, Miaomiao Xiang, Hualing Zeng* and Xiang Shao*
Single-Layered MoS2 Directly Grown on Rutile TiO2(110) for Enhanced Interfacial Charge Transfer
ACS Nano, 135, 6083-6089, 2019.
3. Yue Li, Ming Gong, Hualing Zeng*
Atomically thin α-In2Se3: an emergent room temperature two-dimensional ferroelectric semiconductor
J. Semicond., 40(6), 061002, 2019. (invited review)
4. Siyuan Wan#, Yue Li#, Wei Li, Xiaoyu Mao, Chen Wang, Chen Chen, Jiyu Dong, Anmin Nie, Jianyong Xiang*, Zhongyuan Liu, Wenguang Zhu, Hualing Zeng*
Non-volatile ferroelectric memory effect in ultrathin α-In2Se3
Advanced Functional Materials, 29, 1808606, 2019.
5. Wanpei Hu, Weiran Zhou, Xunyong Lei, Pengcheng Zhou, Mengmeng Zhang, Tao Chen, Hualing Zeng, Jun Zhu, Songyuan Dai, Shihe Yang*, Shangfeng Yang* Low-temperature in situ amino functionalization of TiO2 nanoparticles sharpens electron management achieving over 21% efficient planar perovskite solar cells Advanced Materials, 1806095, 2019
6. Siyuan Wan, Yue Li, Wei Li, Xiaoyu Mao, Wenguang Zhu* and Hualing Zeng*
Room-temperature ferroelectricity and a switchable diode effect in two-dimensional α-In2Se3 thin layers
Nanoscale ,10, 14885-14892, 2018
7. Ning Wang#, Gangqin Liu#, Wenghang Leong#, Hualing Zeng#, Xi Feng, Sihong Li, Florian Dolde, Helmut Fedder, Jorg Wrachtrup, Xiaodong Cui, Sen Yang, Quan Li* and Renbao Liu*
Magnetic criticality enhanced hybrid nanodiamond-thermometer under ambient conditions
Physical Review X, 8, 011042, 2018.
8. Hualing Zeng and Xiaodong Cui
The valleytronics of novel 2-dimension semiconductors
Physics, 45(8), 505-509, 2016. (invited review)
9. Hualing Zeng and Xiaodong Cui
An optical spectroscopic study on two-dimensional group-VI transition metal dichalcogenides
Chemical Society Reviews, 44, 2629-2642, 2015.
10. Bairen Zhu, Hualing Zeng*, Junfeng Dai, Zhirui Gong, and Xiaodong Cui*
Anomalously robust valley polarization and valley coherence in bilayer WS2
PNAS, 111(32), 11606-11611, 2014.
11. Bairen Zhu, Hualing Zeng, Junfeng Dai and Xiaodong Cui*
The Study of Spin-Valley Coupling in Atomically Thin Group VI Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
Advanced Materials, 26, 5504-5507, 2014.
12. Hualing Zeng, Gui-bin Liu, Junfeng Dai, Yajun Yan, Bairen Zhu, Ruicong He, Lu Xie, Sijie Xu, Xianhui Chen, Wang Yao*, and Xiaodong Cui*
Optical signature of symmetry variations and spin-valley coupling in atomically thin tungsten dichalcogenides
Scientific Reports, 3, 1608, 2013.
13. Hualing Zeng, Bairen Zhu, Kai Liu, Jiahe Fan, Xiaodong Cui*, Qingming Zhang*
Low-frequency Raman modes and electronic excitations in atomically thin MoS2 Films
Physical Review B (Rapid), 86, 241301(R), 2012.
14. Hualing Zeng, Junfeng Dai, Wang Yao, Di Xiao, and Xiaodong Cui*
Valley polarization in MoS2 monolayers by optical pumping
Nature Nanotechnology 7, 490, 2012.
15. Chenli Liu, Xiongfei Fu, Lizhong Liu, Xiaojing Ren, Carlos K.L. Chau, Sihong Li, Xiang Lu, Hualing Zeng, Guanhua Chen, Lei-han Tang, Peter Lenz, Xiaodong Cui, Wei Huang*, Terence Hwa*, Jian-Dong Huang*
Sequential establishment of stripe patterns in an expanding cell population
Science 334 (6053), 238-241, 2011.
16. Hualing Zeng, Hongbo Zhao, Fuchun Zhang, Xiaodong Cui
Observation of exciton-phonon sideband in individual metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes
Physical Review Letter 102, 136406, 2009.