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教育背景 1996.09-2000.07 清华大学,机械工程专业,学士学位 2000.09-2003.07 清华大学,材料加工工程专业,硕士学位 2003.08-2007.05 美国Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,材料工程专业,博士学位 工作履历 2007.05-2010.09 美国德州大学奥斯汀分校,博士后 2010.10-2012.01 美国IBM T. J. Watson研究中心,资深博士后 2012.02-2012.06 美国Bluestone Global Tech Ltd.,合伙创始人 2012.07-2014.05 美国Bluestone Global Tech Ltd.,合伙创始人、副总裁 2014.07-2014.12 美国耶鲁大学,副研究员 2014.06-2015.07 美国LasLumin LLC.,创始人、CEO 2015.07至今 电子科技大学,教授 荣誉奖励 2010年美国Semiconductor Research Corporation Inventor Recognition Award 2013年IBM Pat Goldberg Memorial Best Paper Award 2015年国家青年特聘专家 2016年四川省专家 2018年四川省学术和技术带头人


一、石墨烯薄膜的制备 二、石墨烯在电子、光电子、传感器等领域的应用 三、新型二维材料的制备


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Towards Large-Scale Graphene Transfer, Nanoscale, Apr 2020. urface crystallographic structure insensitive growth of oriented graphene domains on Cu substrates, Materials Today, Jan 2020. Criteria for the growth of large-area adlayer-free monolayer graphene films by chemical vapor deposition, Journal of Materiomics, Jun 2019. Graphene and related two-dimensional materials: Structure-property relationships for electronics and optoelectronics, Applied Physics Reviews, Apr 2018. Centimeter-sized 2D alpha-MoO3 single crystal: growth, Raman anisotropy, and optoelectronic properties, 2D Mater, Jun 2018. Synthesis of two dimensional materials on extremely clean surfaces, Nano Today, Jun 2018. Effects of Cu contamination on system reliability for graphene synthesis by chemical vapor deposition method, Carbon, Jun 2018. A general and simple method for evaluating the electrical transport performanceof graphene by the van der Pauw-Hall measurement, Sci. Bull., Jun 2018. 3D-hierarchical MoSe2 nanoarchitecture as a highly efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution, 2D Mater., Jun 2017. Catalytic substrates for graphene growth, MRS Bull., Jun 2017. Graphene growth with 'no' feedstock, 2D Mater., Jun 2017. Synthesis of graphene films on copper foils by chemical vapor deposition, Adv. Mater., Jun 2016. Large area graphene single crystals grown by low pressure chemical vapor deposition of methane on copper, JACS, Jun 2011. Graphene films with large domain size by a two-step chemical vapor deposition process, Nano Lett., Jun 2010. Evolution of graphene growth on Ni and Cu by carbon isotope labeling, Nano Lett., Sep 2009. Large-area synthesis of high-quality and uniform graphene films on copper foils“Large-area synthesis of high-quality and uniform graphene films on copper foils, Science, May 2009.
