Dr. Paik completed her Rheumatology fellowship at Johns Hopkins. She currently sees patients at the Johns Hopkins Myositis Center and Scleroderma Center. Her research interests are in myositis and scleroderma, specifically focusing on the neuromuscular manifestations of scleroderma.
Myositis, scleroderma, scleroderma associated myopathy
Muscle disease in scleroderma is common and is associated with poor outcomes such as disability and sudden cardiac death. We have developed a sub-cohort of weak scleroderma patients and are beginning to study the mechanisms driving muscle disease and also interventions to halt or improve strength in this special group of patients.
Paik JJ, Wigley FM, Lloyd TE, Corse AM, Casciola-Rosen L, Shah AA, Boin F, Hummers LK, Mammen AL. The spectrum of muscle histopathologic findings in 42 weak scleroderma patients. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2015 May 18. Doi:10.1002/acr.22620
Paik JJ, Mammen AL, Wigley FM, Gelber AC. Myopathy in scleroderma, its identification, prevalence, and treatment: lessons learned from cohort studies. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2014 Mar;26(2):124-30
Paik JJ, Corse AM, Mammen AL. The co-existence of myasthenia gravis in patients with myositis: a case series. Semin Arthritis Rheum 2014 Jun;43(6):792-6
Chung T, Christopher-Stine L, Paik JJ, Corse A, Mammen AL. The composition of cellular infiltrates in anti-HMG-CoA reductase-associated myopathy. Muscle Nerve. 2015 Aug;52(2); 189-95