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教育和工作经历 1991-1995毕业于中国农业大学工学院,获工学学士学位 1995-1998毕业于中国农业大学食品学院,获工学硕士学位 2002-2005毕业于日本筑波大学生命环境科学研究科,获农学博士学位(公派) 1998.4开始中国农业大学工作,2005年至今任中国农业大学食品学院讲师、副教授、教授 现任职务(社会兼职等) 中国农业工程学会农产品加工及贮藏分会常务理事,副秘书长




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

《食品原料学》,副主编,中国农业出版社,2011. 《食品工厂设计与设备》,参编,中国农业科学技术出版社,2015. 《现代食品加工技术》,参编,中央广播电视大学出版社,2012. Guoliang Jia, Kun Sha, Xudong Feng, Haijie Liu*, Post-thawing metabolite profile and amino acid oxidation of thawed pork tenderloin by HVEF- A short communication, Food Chemistry, 2019, (291), 16-21. Lizhen Li, Shuhui Song, Satoru Nirasawa, Yen-Con Hung, Zhengqiang Jiang, Haijie Liu*. Slightly acidic electrolyzed water treatment enhances the main bioactive phytochemicals content in broccoli sprouts via changing metabolism. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2019, 67(2), 606-614. Guoliang Jia, Kun Sha, Jin Meng, Haijie Liu*, Effect of high voltage electrostatic field treatment on thawing characteristics and post-thawing quality of lightly salted, frozen pork tenderloin, LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2019, 99, 268-275. Di Zhu, Qiaojuan Yan, Yanxiao Li, Jun Liu, Haijie Liu*, Zhengqiang Jiang*, Effect of Konjac Mannan Oligosaccharides on Glucose Homeostasis via the Improvement of Insulin and Leptin Resistance In Vitro and In Vivo, Nutrients, 2019, 11, 1-20. Xiaoyan Liu, Chenxuan Wu, Dong Han, Jun Liu, Haijie Liu*, Zhengqiang Jiang *, Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum Attenuates D-Galactose-Induced Oxidative Stress and Restores Gut Microbiota in Rats, 2019, 20(19), 4861. Guoliang Jia, Satoru Nirasawa, Xiaohua Ji, Yongkang Luo, Haijie Liu*. Physicochemical changes in myofibrillar proteins extracted from pork tenderloin thawed by a high-voltage electrostatic field. Food Chemistry, 2018, 240(2), 910-916. Lizhen Li, Jianxiong Hao, Shuhui Song, Satoru Nirasawa, Zhengqiang Jiang, Haijie Liu*, Effect of slightly acidic electrolyzed water on bioactive compounds and morphology of broccoli sprouts, Food Research International, 2018, 105, 102-109. Guoliang Jia, Xiangli He, Satoru Nirasawa, Eizo Tatsumi, Hongjiang Liu, Haijie Liu*. Effects of high-voltage electrostatic field on the freezing behavior and quality of pork tenderloin. Journal of Food Engineering,2017, 204(7), 1-9. Jianxiong Hao, Tongjiao Wu, Huiying Li, Wei Wang, Haijie Liu*. Dual effect of slightly electrolyzed water(SAEW) treatment on the accumulation of g-aminobutyric acid(GABA) and rutin in germinated buckwheat. Food Chemistry,2016, 201(6), 87-93. Xiangli He, Guoliang Jia, Eizo Tatsumi, Haijie Liu*, Effect of corona wind, current, electric field and energy consumption on the reduction of the thawing time during the high-voltage electrostatic-field (HVEF) treatment process, Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2016, 34, 135-140.
