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崔大祥,上海交通大学特聘教授,教育部长江学者,国家百千万人才计划入选者,上海交通大学转化医学研究院(国家转化医学重大科学设施(上海))副院长,仪器科学与工程系主任,博士生导师,上海智能诊疗仪器工程技术研究中心主任,薄膜与微细技术教育部重点实验室副主任,国家杰出青年基金获得者,纳米重大科学研究计划项目首席科学家,日本早稻田大学客座教授,澳大利亚悉尼大学荣誉教授。1990年在第二军医大学获医学学士学位,1995年在第四军医大学获医学硕士学位,1998年获生化与分子生物学专业博士学位,毕业后在第四军医大学全军基因诊断技术应用研究所工作,2000年晋升为副教授。2001年-2004年,德国Max Planck 研究所博士后,参与组建了马普所生物-纳米工程中心,获取德国Project Manager资格证书与生物安全管理资格证书,是生物-纳米工程中心生物安全负责人,生物-纳米实验组组长。2004年9月回国,竞聘为上海交通大学微纳科学技术研究院教授,组建纳米生物工程研究室并任研究室主任。2006年度获上海市浦江人才,2008年度获教育部新世纪优秀人才,2009年度获上海市优秀学科带头人 2012年获得国家杰出青年基金;2007年至2008年,日本早稻田大学访问教授与客座教授。2014年度获教育部长江学者,2014年入选科学中国人2013年度人物, 2014年被聘为中国CFDA医疗器械评审专家。




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Huang P, Lin J , Wang X, Wang Z , Zhang C , He M , Wang K , Chen F ,Li Z , Shen G , Cui D, Chen X. (2012) Light-Triggered Theranostics Based on Photosensitizer-Conjugated Carbon Dots for Simultaneous Enhanced-Fluorescence Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy. Adv. Mater. 2012, 24, 5104–5110. Zhi, X., Liu, Q., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Feng, J., and Cui, D. (2012) Quick genotyping detection of HBV by giant magnetoresistive biochip combined with PCR and line probe assay, Lab on a chip 12, 741-745. Yang, D.P., Chen, S., Huang, P., Wang, X., Jiang, W., Pandoli, O., and Cui, D. (2010) Bacteria-template synthesized silver microspheres with hollow and porous structures as excellent SERS substrate, Green Chemistry 12, 2038-2042. 7. Liu, Y.L., Yang, M. ,Zhang ,J.P., Zhi,X, Li, C., Zhang, C. L., Pan, F., Wang, K, Yang, Y. M., Jesus Martinez de la Fuentea, and Cui, D.X. Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for Tumor Targeted Delivery of Gold Nanorods and Enhanced Photothermal Therapy. ACs Nano 2016; 10:2375-2385. Chunchun Meng,Xiao Zhi,Chao Li,Chuanfeng Li,Zongyan Chen,Xusheng Qiu,Chan Ding,Lijun Ma, Hongmin Lu, Di Chen, Guangqing Liu,and Daxiang Cui. Graphene Oxides Decorated with Carnosine as an Adjuvant To Modulate Innate Immune and Improve Adaptive Immunity in Vivo. ACs Nano 2016; 10: 2203-2213. He, M., Huang, P., Zhang, C., Hu, H., Bao, C., Gao, G., He, R., and Cui, D. (2011) Dual Phase-Controlled Synthesis of Uniform Lanthanide-Doped NaGdF4 Upconversion Nanocrystals Via an OA/Ionic Liquid Two-Phase System for In Vivo Dual-Modality Imaging, Advanced Functional Materials 21, 4470-4477. Chen, L., Zheng, J., Zhang, Y., Yang, L., Wang, J., Ni, J., Cui, D., Yu, C., and Cai, Z. (2011) Tumor-specific Expression of MicroRNA-26a Suppresses Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Growth via Cyclin-dependent and -independent Pathways, Molecular Therapy 19, 1521-1528. Chen, L., Bao, C.-C., Yang, H., Li, D., Lei, C., Wang, T., Hu, H.-Y., He, M., Zhou, Y., and Cui, D.-X. (2011) A prototype of giant magnetoimpedance-based biosensing system for targeted detection of gastric cancer cells, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26, 3246-3253. Kong, Y., Chen, J., Gao, F., Li, W., Xu, X., Pandoli, O., Yang, H., Ji, J., and Cui, D. (2010) A Multifunctional Ribonuclease-A-Conjugated CdTe Quantum Dot Cluster Nanosystem for Synchronous Cancer Imaging and Therapy, Small 6, 2367-2373. Pan, B., Cui, D., Sheng, Y., Ozkan, C., Gao, F., He, R., Li, Q., Xu, P., and Huang, T. (2007) Dendrimer-modified magnetic nanoparticles enhance efficiency of gene delivery system, Cancer Research 67, 8156-8163.
