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上海市晨光人才、青年科技启明星、全国生化检测标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC387)委员。 近年来,主要针对农业与食品领域的转基因生物和食品安全评估和检测开展相关研究工作,如基于系统生物学手段的转基因生物非预期效应评价、分子特征分析、转基因生物标准物质研制、基于核酸和蛋白质水平的食品中有毒有害物质分析新技术、转基因生物安全数据库开发、转基因生物与食品安全检测国家国际标准制定等。先后主持完成国际和上海市科研项目10 余项。在农业与食品安全领域SCI 收录的权威期刊发表研究论文40 余篇,其中第一作者和通讯作者SCI 论文35 篇,主要期刊如Anal Chem、J Agric Food Chem、BMC Mol Biol、BMC Bioinformatics、Transgenic Res、Food Chem、J AOAC Int 等;申报国家专利7 项,其中获授权3 项;制定转基因生物安全检测方法国家标准20 余项;作为主要研究人员的研究成果《主要转基因农产品定性定量检测技术研究》获2004 年上海市科学技术进步一等奖。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Meng Y, Liu X, Wang S, Zhang D, Yang LT. Applicability of Plasmid Calibrant pTC1507 in Quantification of TC1507 Maize: An Inter-laboratory Study. J Agric Food Chem. 2012. 60: 23-8. (通讯作者) Guo J, Chen L, Liu X, Gao Y, Zhang D, Yang LT. Multiplex degenerate PCR analytical approach targeting to eight genes for screening GMOs. Food Chem, 2012. 132: 1566-73. (通讯作者) Li X, Pan L, Li J, Zhang Q, Zhang S, Lv R, Yang L. Establishment and application of event-specific polymerase chain reaction methods for two genetically modified soybean events, A2704-12 and A5547-127. J Agric Food Chem. 2011. 59: 13188-94. (通讯作者) Chen L, Guo J, Wang Q, Kai G, Yang LT. Development of the Visual Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Assays for Seven Genetically Modified Maize Events and Their Application in Practical Samples Analysis. J Agric Food Chem. 2011, 59(11): 5914-8. (通讯作者) Zhu X, Chen L, Shen P, Jia J, Zhang D, Yang LT. High sensitive detection of Cry1Ab protein using a quantum dot-based fluorescence-linked immunosorbent assay. J Agric Food Chem. 2011, 59(6):2184-9. (通讯作者) Guo J, Yang LT, Chen L, Morisset D, Li X, Pan L, Zhang D.MPIC: A High-Throughput Analytical Method for Multiple DNA Targets. Anal Chem. 83 (5), 1579–1586 (并列第一作者) Zhi QM, Yang LT, Sun HC. Protective effect of ambroxol against paraquat-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats. Intern Med. 2011, 50(18):1879-87. Zhi Q, Sun H, Qian X, Yang LT. Edaravone, a novel antidote against lung injury and pulmonary fibrosis induced by paraquat? Int Immunopharmacol. 2011, (1):96-102. Jiang LX, Yang LT, Rao J, Guo JC, Wang S, Liu J, Lee SH, Zhang DB. Development and In-house Validation of the Event-specific Qualitative and Quantitative PCR Detection Methods for Genetically Modified Cotton MON15985. J Sci Food Agric. 2010; 90: 402-8 (并列第一作者) Wang C, Jiang L, Rao J, Liu Y, Yang LT, Zhang D. Evaluation of four genes in rice for their suitability as endogenous reference standards in quantitative PCR. J Agric Food Chem. 2010, 58(22):11543-7.. (通讯作者) Xiaoyan Guan, Jinchao Guo, Ping Shen, Yang LT, Dabing Zhang. Visual and Rapid Detection of Two Genetically Modified Soybean Events Using Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification Method. Food Analytical Methods. 2010, 3, 313-320. (通讯作者) Shen K, Li X, Wang S, Pan Y, Shi Z, Sun Y, Yang LT. Establishment and in-house validation of simplex and duplex PCR methods for event-specific detection of maize SYN-E3272-5 using a new reference molecule. J AOAC Int. 2010 Mar-Apr;93(2):663-75. (通讯作者) Liu D, Shen J, Yang LT, Zhang D. Evaluation of the impacts of different nuclear DNA content in the hull, endosperm, and embryo of rice seeds on GM rice quantification. J Agric Food Chem. 2010 Apr 28;58(8):4582-7. (通讯作者) Papazova N, Zhang D, Gruden K, Vojvoda J, Yang LT, Buh Gasparic M, Blejec A, Fouilloux S, De Loose M, Taverniers I. Evaluation of the reliability of maize reference assays for GMO quantification. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2010 Mar;396(6):2189-201. Huifeng Shen, Bingjun Qian, Yang LT, Wanqi Liang, Weiwei Chen, Zhenhua Liu and Dabing Zhang. Estimation of the homoplasmy degree for transplastomic tobacco using quantitative real-time PCR. European Food Research and Technology, 2010, 143-150. Shen H, Qian B, Chen W, Liu Z, Yang LT, Zhang D, Liang W. Immunogenicity of recombinant F4 (K88) fimbrial adhesin FaeG expressed in tobacco chloroplast. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). 2010 Aug;42(8):558-67. Shu Wang, Xiang Li, Yang LT, Kailin Shen, Dabing Zhang. Development and in-house validation of a reference molecule pMIR604 for simplex and duplex event-specific identification and quantification of GM maize MIR604, 2009, Euro Food Res Tech. 230:239–248 (通讯作者) Li X, Yang LT, Zhang J, Wang S, Shen K, Pan L, Zhang D. Simplex and duplex polymerase chain reaction analysis of Herculex RW (59122) maize based on one reference molecule including separated fragments of 5' integration site and endogenous gene. J AOAC Int. 2009 Sep-Oct;92(5):1472-83. (通讯作者) Liu J, Guo J, Zhang H, Li N, Yang LT, Zhang D. Development and in-house validation of the event-specific polymerase chain reaction detection methods for genetically modified soybean MON89788 based on the cloned integration flanking sequence. J Agric Food Chem. 2009 Nov 25;57(22):10524-30. (通讯作者) Guo J, Yang LT, Liu X, Zhang H, Qian B, Zhang D. Applicability of the chymopapain gene used as endogenous reference gene for transgenic huanong no. 1 papaya detection. J Agric Food Chem. 2009 Aug 12;57(15):6502-9. (通讯作者)
