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男,1969年1月生,博士、教授、博士生导师。教育部新世纪优秀人才(2006),上海市青年科技启明星(2004),上海市高校优秀青年教师(2008)。1998年7月于华南理工大学获得博士学位,1998年7月至2000年7月在华东理工大学生物工程学院生物反应器国家重点实验室从事博士后研究。2000年7月至今在上海交通大学生命科学技术学院工作。2005年12月被聘为教授;2006年被聘为博士生导师。2007年12月至2008年12月美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD)斯克林普斯海洋研究所(Scripps Institution of Oceanography )海洋生物技术与生物医药中心访问学者。任中国生物化学与分子生物学会海洋生化与分子生物学分会常务理事,中国微生物学会海洋微生物专业委员会委员,中华医学会航海医学分会海洋生物工程专业委员会委员,中华医学会航海医学分会海洋微生物与分子生物学专业委员会委员,上海市微生物学会海洋微生物专业委员会(筹)副主任委员,上海市药学会海洋药物专业委员会委员。国际期刊Prime Journal of Microbiology Research编辑,Blue Biotechnology Journal(USA,海洋生物技术杂志)编委。近年来以第一作者或通讯作者在国际知名SCI期刊Bioresource Technology、Marine Biotechnology、Microbial Ecology、Marine Drugs、Process Biochemistry、Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology、Journal of Applied Microbiology等发表论文25篇(其中中科院I─II区论文13篇)。已授权专利7项,公开专利6项。创建并主讲国家级精品课程“细胞工程”。已主编出版高校教材6部,其中2部为国家“十一五”规划教材,2部获上海市高校优秀教材一等、二等奖。


海洋共生微生物制药:从海绵、珊瑚中分离共生微生物进行代谢产物研究;利用发酵工程、代谢工程、基因工程等技术大量制备具有应用价值的代谢产物;进行代谢产物的生物合成机制研究。 海洋共生微生物结构与功能:采用微生物学、分子生物学、现代组学、比较基因组学等技术揭示海绵、珊瑚共生微生物的群落组成与空间分布;研究海绵、珊瑚共生微生物的代谢潜力与功能,以及宿主与共生微生物间相互关系与协同进化。 海洋共生微生物环境组学:研究海绵、珊瑚共生微生物在海洋生态系统的物质与能量循环中的作用;从基因、转录、表达三个层次研究海绵、珊瑚共生微生物与海洋环境变化的关系及适应机制。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Han, M.,He, L., Lin, H., Li, Z.* Bacterial and archaeal symbionts in the South China Sea sponge Phakellia fusca: Community structure,relative abundance, and ammonia-oxidizing populations.Marine Biotechnology (SCI). 2012,doi:10.1007/s10126-012-9436-5.online Yin, Y., Gao, Q., Zhang, F., Li, Z.* Medium optimization for the high yield production of single (+)-terrein by Aspergillus terreus strain PF26 derived from marine sponge Phakellia fusca. Process Biochemistry (SCI). 2012,doi:10.1016/j.procbio.2012.02.005.online Jin, L.J., Ma, W., Peng, C.S,, Yin, Y., Xu, B.L., Zhang, F.L., Guo, Y.W., Li, Z.Y*.Bacillamide C production by the optimized cultivation of the Bacillus atrophaeus strain C89 associated with the South China Sea sponge Dysidea avara. Process Biochemistry (SCI). 2011,46:1153-1159. Ding, B., Yin, Y., Zhang, F.L., Li, Z.Y.* Recovery and phylogenetic diversity of culturable fungi associated with marine sponges Clathrina luteoculcitella and Holoxea sp. in the South China Sea. Marine Biotechnology (SCI). 2011,13:713-721. Zhou, K., Zhang, X., Zhang, F.L., Li , Z.Y*. Phylogenetically diverse cultivable fungal community and polyketide synthase (PKS), non-ribosomal peptide synthase (NRPS) genes associated with the South China Sea sponges. Microbial Ecology (SCI). 2011,62:644-654. Huang, X., Xeu, D., Peng, C., Zhang, F.,Li, Z*., Guo, Y*.Streptomycindole,a new indole alkaloid from a marine actinomycete associated with sponge Craniella australiensis. Helvetica Chimica Acta (SCI). 2011,94:1838-1842. Liu, F., Han, M.Q., Zhang, F.L., Li, Z.Y. * Distribution and abundance of archaea in South China Sea sponge Holoxea sp. and the presence of ammonia-oxidizing archaea in sponge cells. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (SCI). 2011,doi:10.1155/2011/723696. Chu, D., Peng, C.S., Ding, B., Liu, F., Zhang, F.L., Lin, H.W., Li, Z.Y. * Biological active metabolite cyclo (L-Trp-L-Phe) produced by South China Sea sponge Holoxea sp. associated fungus Aspergillus versicolor strain TS08. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (SCI). 2011,34: 223-229. Gao, Y., Yu, L.L., Peng, C.S., Li, Z.Y.,* Guo, Y.W.* Diketopiperazines from two strains of South China Sea sponge-associated microorganisms. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology (SCI). 2010,38:931-934. Li, Z.* Advances in marine microbial symbionts in the China Sea and related pharmaceutical metabolites. Marine Drugs (SCI). 2009,7:113-129. Han, Y., Yang,B.J., Zhang, F.L., Miao, X.L., Li, Z.Y.* Characterization of antifungal chitinase from marine Streptomyces sp. DA11 associated with South China Sea sponge Craniella australiensis. Marine Biotechnology (SCI). 2009,11:132-140. Zhang, W., Li, Z.Y.*, Miao, X.L., Zhang, F.L. The screening of antimicrobial bacteria with diverse novel nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) genes from South China Sea sponges. Marine Biotechnology (SCI). 2009,11:346-355. Zhang, W., Zhang, F.L., Li,Z.Y.*, Miao,X.L., Meng, Q.P., Zhang, X.S. Investigation of sponge-associated cultivable bacteria with polyketide synthase genes and antimicrobial activity in the South China Sea. Journal of Applied Microbiology (SCI). 2009,107:567-575. Yu, L.L., Li, Z.Y., Peng, C.S., Li, Z.Y.*, Guo,Y.W.* Neobacillamide A, a novel thiazole-containing alkaloid from the marine bacterium Bacillus vaiismortis C89, associated with South China Sea sponge Dysidea avara. Helvetica Chimica Acta (SCI). 2009,92:607-612. Zhang, H., Zhang, F., Li, Z.Y.* Gene analysis, optimized production and property of marine lipase from Bacillus pumilus B106 associated with South China Sea sponge Halichondria rugosa. World Journal of Microbiology & biotechnology (SCI). 2009,25:1267-1274. Han, Y., Li, Z.Y.*, Miao, X.L., Zhang, F.L. Statistical optimization of medium components to improve the chitinase activity of Streptomyces sp. DA11 associated with the South China Sea sponge Craniella australiensis. Process Biochemistry (SCI). 2008,43:1088-1093. Li, Z.Y.*, Peng, C.S., Shen,Y., Miao, X.L., Zhang, H.J., Lin, H.W. L,L-diketopiperazines from Alcaligens feacalis A72 associated with South China Sea sponge Stelletta tenuis. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology (SCI). 2008,36:230-234. Li, Z.Y.*, He, L.M., Miao, X.L. Cultivable bacterial community from South China Sea sponge as revealed by DGGE fingerprinting and 16S rDNA phylogenetic analysis. Current Microbiology (SCI). 2007,55:465-472. Li, Z.Y.*, Hu, Y., Liu, Y., Huang, Y., He, L.M., Miao, X.L. 16S rDNA clone library based bacterial phylogenetic diversity associated with three South China Sea sponges. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology (SCI). 2007,23:1265-1272. Li, Z.Y.*, Hu, Y., Huang, Y.Q., Huang, Y. Isolation and phylogenetic analysis of the biologically active bacteria associated with three South China Sea sponges. Microbiology (SCI). 2007,76:494-499.
