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李荣秀,剑桥大学生物工程学博士(1995年),现任上海交通大学生物质能研究中心副主任,生命科学技术学院教授,国家“重大新药创制”重大科技专项 “生物技术新药中试放大及分离纯化技术平台”项目首席科学家,中国药学会生物技术与生化药物专业委员会委员。 具有超过二十年生物医药研究开发的经验, 多项成果产业化成功, 并取得显著经济效益. 教育经历: 1985年毕业于清华大学化学与化学工程系,获工学士; 1988年毕业于中国科学院上海生物化学研究所,获硕士学位; 1995年毕业于剑桥大学生物工程学院,获博士学位; 职业经历: 1988-1991年北京大学生物系任讲师,从事工业生物分离介质方面的研究开发工作,研究成果于1990年获国家教育委员会科学技术进步二等奖。剑桥大学生物技术研究所博士后(1995-1997年)深入研究可用于抗体药物规模纯化的仿生亲和分离纯化技术,研究成果获得美国,英国和南非等国际专利三项, 研究论文发表在顶级科技期刊自然生物技术(Nature Biotechnology)上,研究成果已被加拿大上市公司ProMetic Life Sciences Inc (PLI)市场化(商品名:MAbsorbents),从而成为仿生亲和分离纯化(Biomimetic affinity purification)领域的著名前沿科学家。1997年回国先在中国科学院上海生命科学研究院上海生物工程研究中心副研究员、研究员、博士生导师、学术委员会委员、学位委员会委员, 2004年调动至上海交通大学生命科学技术学院, 任博士生导师、研究员、教授、生物工程系主任,学院学术委员会委员;此外,于1997年入选上海市启明星计划,1998年入选科学院“百人计划”,1998年度享受国务院有突出贡献专家的政府特殊津贴。天然和基因重组蛋白和多肽,天然和生物组合生物活性化合物在提高人类健康和生活品质方面具有重要作用。目前高收率、低成本大规模生产纯化技术水平是重要的技术瓶颈。主要研究和发展生物工程产品规模化制备新技术,以及亲和分离方法及涉及的分子识别基础科学问题。研究内容包括生物分子三维结构结构测定与模拟,结合靶点筛选与评估,亲和配体分子设计,组合化学合成,分子相互作用研究,分离纯化工艺研究, 以及中试生产研究;




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Long Ye, Guorong Ma, Conghao Zhong, Yuanwei Yan, Jinting Pan, Guijun Ma and Rongxiu Li, A fluorescence-based method for the characterization of amino loading density on the flat surface of functionalized glass tubes, Analytical Methods,( 2011) 3, 2524–2528 (IF2010= 1.45 ) Long Ye, Aizhang Xu, Chao Cheng, Li Zhang, Chenxi Huo, Feiyun Huang, Hong Xu, Rongxiu Li, Design and synthesis of affinity ligands and relation of their structure with adsorption of proteins,Journal of Separation Science,(2011) 34, 3145–3150 (IF2010= 2.631 ) Shao, Jun, Xin, Yu, Li, Rongxiu , Fan, Ying, Vitreous and serum levels of transthyretin (TTR) in high myopia patients are correlated with ocular pathologies ,Clinical Biochemistry - New York,( 2011)44, 681-6 (IF2010= 2.042) Penglin Li, Xiaoling Miao, Rongxiu Li, Jianjiang Zhong, In situ biodiesel production from fast-growing and high oil content Chlorella pyrenoidosa in rice straw hydrolysate. J Biomed Biotechnol. ;(2011) 2011, Article ID 141207, 8 pages (IF 2010= 1.225). Hongyan Yao, Tian Zhang, Hongwei Xue, Kexuan Tang, Rongxiu Li, Biomimetic affinity purification of Candida antarctica lipase B. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. (2011) 879,3896-900 ( IF2010= 2.971) Long Ye, Hongyan Zhang, Hong Xu, Qi Zou, Chao Cheng, Dexian Dong, Yuquan Xu, Rongxiu Li, Phenazine-1-carboxylic acid derivatives: Design, synthesis and biological evaluation against Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, (2010)20,7369–7371 (F2009=2.65)。 Qingqiao Tan, Dexian Dong, Long Ye, Chenxi Huo, Feiyun Huang and Rongxiu Li, Pre-fractionation of rat liver cytosol proteins prior to mass spectrometry-based proteomic analysis using tandem biomimetic affinity chromatography, Journal of Molecular recognition (2010)23,93 - 100 (F2009=2.776) Dexian Dong, Yanping Pang, Qian Gao, Xianqing Huang, Yuquan Xu, Rongxiu Li*, Rapid monitoring of mRNA levels using a molecular beacon during fermentation production of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid, Journal of Biotechnology. (2010)145(3),310-6. ( IF2009= 2.881) Dexian Dong, Jie Sun, Feiyun Huang, Qian Gao, Yi Wang, Rongxiu Li, Using trifluoroacetic acid to pretreat lignocellulosic biomass, Biomass and Bioenergy, (2009)33, 1719–1723。 (IF2008=2.540) Dexian Dong, Junyan Li, Qian Gao, Xianqing Huang, Yuquan Xu, Rongxiu Li, Utilizing RNA/DNA hybridization to directly quantify mRNA levels in microbial fermentation samples, Journal of Microbiological Methods. (2009)79, 205-210。 (IF2008=2.000)。 Qingqiao Tan, Dexian Dong,and Rongxiu Li, A novel fractionation method prior to MS-based proteomics analysis using cascade biomimetic affinity chromatography, J Chromatogr B ( 2009) 877, 3799-3805 (IF2008=2.500) Tan QQ, Dong DX, Ye L, Li RX, Combined usage of cascade affinity fractionation and LC-MS/MS for the proteomics of adult mouse testis. J. Sep. Sci. (2009)32, 1–9. (IF2008=2.746) Qingqiao Tan, Dexian Dong, Rongxiu Li, Wangyi Liu, Comparative Analysis of Depurination Catalyzed by Ricin A-chain on Synthetic 32mer and 25mer Oligoribonucleotides Mimicking the Sarcin/Ricin Domain of the Rat 28S rRNA and E.coli 23S rRNA. Journal of Biotechnology. (2009)139, 156-162. (IF2008=2.748) Yu Xin, Dexian Dong, Dezhao Chen, Rongxiu Li, Structural and biological characterizations of a novel acutobin-like enzyme isolated from the snake venom of Deinagkistrodon acutus, Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry (2009)53, 123-131. (IF2008= 1.288) Dexian Dong, Kejun Zhou, Quan Zhou, Xianqing Huang, Yuquan Xu, Rongxiu Li*, An easily-automated assay for the physiological state quantification of Pseudomonas sp. M18, Analytica Chimica Acta, (2008) 630, 40–46 Dexian Dong, Yanli Gui, Dezhao Chen, Rongxiu Li*, Utilizing a library of synthetic affinity ligand for the enrichment, depletion and one-step purification of leech proteins, Journal of Molecular recognition, (2008)21,163 – 168, Dexian Dong , Haoran Liu , Qishi Xiao , Ting Wang , Huaqing Liu, Rongxiu Li*, Biomimetic affinity purification of cardiotoxin and its pharmacological effects on the nervous system. Journal of Molecular Recognition, (2008)21,148-53. Dexian Dong, Haoran Liu, Qishi Xiao, Rongxiu Li*, Affinity purification of egg yolk immunoglobulins (IgY)with a stable synthetic ligand, Journal of Chromatography B, (2008)870, 51-54
