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主要学习工作经历:浙江大学本科生、北京大学研究生、加拿大滑铁卢大学博士生。曾任美国陆军传染病医学研究院(USAMRIID)研究员,美国Stratagene公司研究员,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校生物芯片研究中心主任,美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)资深研究员、生物芯片中心主任。现任浙江大学求是特聘教授、博士生导师、传染病诊治国家重点实验室副主任;国家973计划首席科学家。兼任美国J. Craig Venter研究院传染病学系项目负责人(PI),生物芯片研究室主任。《中华临床感染病杂志》编辑委员会委员、国际《Microbial Ecology》杂志编辑委员会委员、国际人类微生物组学联盟(IHMC)委员、NIH人类微生物组学计划(HMP)菌株工作组成员;Nature Biotechnology, Nucleic Acids Research,BMC Genomics, BioTechniques等著名期刊审稿人。中国科学院上海生命科学研究院生物化学和细胞生物学研究所兼职教授、中国科学院微生物研究所客座教授、武汉大学客座教授。2011年作为重要成员参与郑树森院士领衔的科研团队荣获国家自然基金委创新群体奖。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Mou X,Chen L, Liu F, Lin J, Diao P, Wang H, Li Y, Lin J, Teng L, Charlie X*. 2012. Prevalence of JC Virus in Chinese Patients with Colorectal Cancer. PLoS ONE, 7, (5): e35900. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0035900 Liu, F., X. Mou, N. Zhao, J. Lin, L. Teng and C. Xiang (corresponding author). 2011. Prevalence of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in Chinese patients with colorectal cancer. Colorectal Disease, 13, (8):865-871. Ling Z, Liu X, Chen X, Zhu H, Li L, Nelson KE, Xia Y, and Charlie X*. 2011. Diversity of Cervicovaginal Microbiota Associated with Female Lower Genital Tract Infections. Microbial Ecology, 61, (3): 704-714. Mou X, Wan S, Li Y, Zhang S, Sun M, Liu F, Fu H, Zhang X, Liu H, Cao Q, Ke Y, and Charlie X*. 2011. Phenotypic Pattern-based Assay for Dynamically Monitoring Host Cellular Responses to Salmonella Infections. PLoS ONE, 6, (11): e26544. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026544. Lin, J., D. Xiang, J. Zhang and C. Xiang (corresponding author). . 2011. Plasticity of Human Menstrual Blood Stem Cells Derived from the Endometrium. JZUS-B, 12, (5): 372-380. Ling, Z. and C. Xiang*. 2010. Infectofenomics: aspect of host responses to microbes in digestive tract. In Metagenomics of the Human Body. Edited by Karen E Nelson, Springer. Ling Z, J. Kong, F. Liu, H. Zhu, X. Chen, Y. Wang, L. Li, K.E. Nelson, Y. Xia and C. Xiang*. 2010. Molecular analysis of the diversity of vaginal microbiota associated with bacterial vaginosis. BMC Genomics, 11: 488-503. Ling, Z., J. Kong, P. Jia, C. Wei, Y. Wang, Z. Pan, W. Huang, L. Li, H. Chen and C. Xiang*. 2010. Analysis of oral microbiota in children with dental caries by PCR-DGGE and barcoded pyrosequencing. Microbial Ecology. 60(3): 677-690. Liu, F., X. Mou, N. Zhao, J. Lin, L. Teng and C. Xiang*. 2010. Prevalence of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in Chinese patients with colorectal cancer. Colorectal Disease. 2010 May 28. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 20528894. Liu, Z., Z. Li, K. Mao, J. Zou, Y. Wang, Z. Tao, G. Lin, L. Tian, Y. Ji, X. Wu, X. Zhu, S. Sun, W. Chen, C. Xiang* and B. Sun. 2009. Dec2 promotes Th2 cell differentiation by enhancing IL-2R signaling. Journal of Immunology. 183(10): 6320-6329. Shi, M., W. Deng, E. Bi, K. Mao, Y. Ji, G. Lin, X. Wu, Z. Tao, Z. Li, X. Cai, S. Sun, C. Xiang* and B. Sun. 2008. TRIM30α negatively regulates TLR-mediated NF-κB activation by targeting TAB2 and TAB3 for degradation. Nature Immunology. 9(4): 369-377. Xiang, C., Y.J. Wu, L. Ma, I. Lisinski, M.J. Brownstein, S.W. Cushman and X. Chen. 2007. Dynamic Changes in Adipocyte Metabolism, Gene Expression and Adipokine Dysregulation in Insulin Resistance. Diabetologia. 50(5): 1070-1079. Hansen, A., Y. Chen, J.M. Inman, Q. N. Phan, Z.Q. Qi, C.C. Xiang, N. Cherman, S.A. Kuznetsov, P. G. Robey, E. Mezey, and M.J. Brownstein. 2007. A sensitive and specific method for detecting G-protein coupled receptor mRNAs reveals the receptor repertoire of human bone marrow stromal cells. Nature Methods. 4(1): 35-37. Chen, Y., B. Samal, C.R. Hamelink, C. Xiang, Y. Chen, M. Chen, D. Vaudry, M.J. Brownstein, J.M. Hallenbeck and L.E. Eiden. 2006. Neuroprotection by endogenous and exogenous PACAP following stroke. Regulatory Peptides. 137(1-2):4-19. Kanbe, K., K. Inoue, C. Xiang and Q. Chen. 2006. Identification of clock as a mechanosensitive gene by large-scale DNA microarray analysis: downregulation in osteoarthritic cartilage. Modern Rheumatology, 16(3): 131-136. Hansson, S.R., Y. Chen, J. Brodszki, M. Chen, E. Hernandez-Andrade, J.M. Inman, O.A. Kozhich, I. Larsson, K. Marsal, P. Medstrand, C.C. Xiang and M.J. Brownstein. 2006. Expression profiling of human placentas from preeclamptic and nonmotensive pregnancies. Molecular Human Reproduction, 12(3): 169-179. Inoue, Y., A.M. Yu, S.H. Yim, X. Ma, K.W. Krausz, J. Inoue, C.C. Xiang, M.J. Brownstein, G. Eggertsen, I. Bjorkhem and F.J. Gonzalez. 2006. Regulation of bile acid biosynthesis by hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha. Journal of Lipid Research, 47(1): 215-227. Mutuga-Nakayama, N., T. Shahar, J.G. Verbalis, M.J. Brownstein, C. Xiang and H. Gainer. 2005. Regulation of gene expression in Magnocellular Neurons in Rat Supraoptic Nucleus during Sustained Hypoosmolality. Endocrinology, 146(3): 1254-1267. Arraztoa, J.A., J. Zhou, D. Marcu, C. Cheng, R. Bonner, M. Chen, C. Xiang, M. Brownstein, K. Maisey, M. Imarai and C. Bondy. 2005. Identification of Genes expressed in primate primordial oocytes. Human Reproduction, 20(2): 476-483. Xiang, C., E. Mezey, M. Chen, S. Key, L. Ma and M. Brownstein. 2004. Using DSP, a Reversible Crosslinker, to Fix Tissues for Immunostaining, Microdissection, and Expression Profiling. Nucleic Acids Research, 32 (22): e185.
