Y. Q. Gao, Bing Hu(通讯作者), M. B. Mashhadi, W. Wang, M. Bennis, “PipeSFL: A Fine-Grained Parallelization Framework for Split Federated Learning on Heterogeneous Clients,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Accepted on Oct. 24, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2024.3489642 (CCF A Class)
X. X. Yang, H. Wang, Bing Hu(通讯作者), and C.M. Wu, “ABOI:AWGR-Based Optical Interconnects for Single-Wavelength and Multi-Wavelength,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 32, Issue. 2, pp. 1124-1139, April 2024. (CCF A Class)
Y. Q. Gao, Bing Hu(通讯作者), M. B. Mashhadi, A. L. Jin, P. Xiao, and C. M. Wu, “US-Byte: An Efficient Communication Framework for Scheduling Unequal-sized Tensor Blocks in Distributed Deep Learning,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 35, Issue. 1, pp. 123-139, Jan. 2024. (CCF A Class)
A. L. Jin, W. C. Xu, S. Guo, Bing Hu(通讯作者), and K. L. Yeung, “PS+: A Simple yet Effective Framework for Fast Training on Parameter Server,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 33, Issue. 12, pp. 4625-4637, Dec. 2022. (CCF A Class)
F. J. Fan, H. Y. Meng, Bing Hu(通讯作者), K. L. Yeung, and Z. F. Zhao,“Roulette Wheel Balancing Algorithm with Dynamic Flowlet Switching for Multipath Datacenter Networks,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 29, Issue. 2, pp. 834-847, April. 2021. (CCF A Class)
Z. M. Qian, F. J. Fan, Bing Hu(通讯作者), K. L. Yeung, and L. Y. Li, “Global Round Robin: Efficient Routing with Cut-through Switching in Fat-tree Data Center Networks,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 26, Issue. 5, pp. 2230-2241, Oct. 2018. (CCF A Class)
Bing Hu, K. L. Yeung, Q. Zhou and C. Z. He, “On Iterative Scheduling for Input-queued Switches with a Speedup of 2-1/N,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 24, Issue. 6, pp. 3565-3577, Dec. 2016. (CCF A Class)
Bing Hu, and K. L. Yeung, “Feedback-based scheduling for load-balanced two-stage switches,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 18, Issue. 4, pp. 1077-1090, Aug. 2010. (CCF A Class)
Bing Hu, and K. L. Yeung, “Load-balanced optical switch for high-speed router design,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology,Vol. 28, Issue. 13, pp. 1969-1977, July 2010.
F. J. Fan, Bing Hu(通讯作者), K. L. Yeung, and M. J. Zhao “MiniForest: Distributed and Dynamic Multicasting in Datacenter Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 16, Issue. 3, pp. 1268-1281, Sep. 2019.
M. H. Chang, H. J. Lv, Y. Q. Gao, Bing Hu(通讯作者), W. Wang, and Z. Yang, “DGS: An Efficient Delay-Guaranteed Scheduling Framework for Wireless Deterministic Networking,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 21, Issue. 6, pp. 6582-6596, Dec. 2024.
D. Yang, Y. Q. Gao, Bing Hu(通讯作者), A. L. Jin, W. Wang, and Y. You, “GWPF: Communication-Efficient Federated Learning with Gradient-Wise Parameter Freezing,” Elsevier Computer Networks, Vol. 255, No. 110886, Dec. 2024.
D. Yang, Bing Hu(通讯作者), A. Liu, A. L. Jin, K. L. Yeung, and Y. You, “WBSP: Addressing stragglers in distributed machine learning with worker-busy synchronous parallel,” Elsevier Parallel Computing, Vol. 121, No.103092, pp. 1-12, Sep. 2024.
Y. Q. Gao, Z. C. Zhang, Bing Hu(通讯作者), A. L. Jin, and C. M. Wu, “OF-WFBP: A Near-optimal Communication Mechanism for Tensor Fusion in Distributed Deep Learning,” Elsevier Parallel Computing, Vol. 118, No.103053, pp. 1-13, Nov. 2023.
Y. Q. Gao, Bing Hu(通讯作者), M. B. Mashhadi, W. Wang, R. Tafazolli, and M. Debbah, “A Dynamic Sliding Window based Tensor Communication Scheduling Framework for Distributed Deep Learning," IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Accepted on Dec. 25, DOI: 10.1109/TNSE.2024.3523320
Bing Hu, F. J. Fan, K. L. Yeung, and S. Jamin, “Highest Rank First: A New Class of Single-iteration Scheduling Algorithms for Input-queued Switches,” IEEE Access, Vol. 6, Issue. 1, pp. 11046-11062, Feb. 2018.
A. Huang, and Bing Hu(通讯作者), “The optimal joint sequence design in the feedback-based two-stage switch,” Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 45, pp. 27-34, Oct. 2014.
Bing Hu, K. L. Yeung, and Z. Y. Zhang, “An efficient single-iteration single-bit request scheduling algorithm for input-queued switches,” Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 36, Issue. 1, pp. 187-194, Jan. 2013.
Bing Hu, K. L. Yeung, and Z. Y. Zhang, “Load-balanced three-stage switch,” Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 35, Issue. 1, pp. 502-509, Jan. 2012.
Bing Hu, K. L. Yeung, and Z. Y. Zhang, “Multi-cabinet implementation for load-balanced optical switch,” Elsevier Optical Fiber Technology, Vol. 17, Issue. 6, pp. 574-579, Dec. 2011.
T. Yang, M. A. Ahmed, G. Y. Zhang, Y. Q. Shi, Y. P. Chen, H. Cui, Y. J. Sun, H. Yu, Y. M. Zhang, Z. F. Lv, Bing Hu, Z. Y. Yang, and L. F. Che, “Miniaturized spectrometers based on graded photonic crystal films,” OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 32, Issue. 15, pp. 25830 - 25838, July 2024.
Y. Shao, R. P. Li, Bing Hu, Y. X. Wu, Z. F. Zhao and H. G. Zhang, “Graph Attention Network-based Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning for Slicing Resource Management in Dense Cellular Network,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 70, Issue. 10, pp. 10792 - 10803, Oct. 2021.
B. Wu, K. L. Yeung, Bing Hu, and P. H. Ho, “M2-CYCLE: an optical layer algorithm for fast link failure detection in all-optical mesh networks,” Elsevier Computer Networks, Vol. 55, Issue. 3, pp. 748-758, Feb. 2011.
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杨晓雪,胡 冰(通讯作者),“基于Ring-Clos的全光交换架构,”光学学报,42卷,16期,1606004号,页码1-8,2022年8月。
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