博士 1995~1998 大阪电通大 硕士 1987~1990 浙江大学 学士 1983~1987 浙江大学
1、纳米结构和团簇的的第一性原理研究,包括几 何结构、稳定性和电磁特性等
3、固体表面的第一性原理研究,包括吸附位、扩 散机制、分子和表面相互作用等
1. Yongliang Yong, Bin Song* and Pimo He, Cluster-assembled materials based on M12N12(M=Al, Ga) fullerenelike clusters, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 13, 16182 (2011).
2. Bin Song*, Jun Zhou, Yongliang, and Pimo He, Density functional investigation of transition-metal-encapsulated SinCn (n=7-10) cagelike clusters, J. Phys. Chem. C, 114, 10703 (2010).
3. Jinyu Hou and Bin Song*, Density-functional study of structural and electronic properties of SinCn (n=1–10) clusters, J. Chem. Phys., 128, 154304 (2008).
4. Bin Song*, Changhong Yao and Peilin Cao, Density-functional study of structural and electronic properties of GanN (n=1–19) clusters, Phys. Rev. B, 74, 035306 (2006).
5. Bin Song* and Peilin Cao, Stable structures of Al2N3 and Al3N2 clusters: A full-potential LMTO molecular dynamics study, Phys. Rev. B, 66, 033406 (2002).