1994年中科院理论物理所 博士
1994-1996 ITCP 博士后
1997-1999, ihep 博士后
1999-2001, Mainz, 访问学者
2001-现在, 浙江大学教师
理论物理, l
我们感兴趣的是在微扰论趋向非微扰的过程中的一些变化 夸克,胶子场的凝聚在理论计算中的作用,
2)利用ads/cft 对偶性,构建符合QCD基本性质的ads空间的唯象模型,用来研究四维QCD的非微扰问题。
Revisiting the b(1)pi and rho pi decay modes of the 1(-+) light hybrid state with light-cone QCD sum,,94,5 -
Investigation of the light four-quark states with exotic J(PC)=0(--),,95,7
Effect of instanton on the QCD sum rule of 0(++) glueball,,28,3 245-249
Improved determination of the mass of the 1(-+) light hybrid meson from QCD sum rules,,67,1 -
Light scalar mesons in QCD sum rules with inclusion of instantons,,79,11 114033-
An improved dilaton background in soft-wall model,,,11 147-
SU(3)-symmetry breaking effects and mass splitting in scalar and pseudoscalar D mesons from QCD sum rules,,81,5 054021-
Instanton effects on the twist-three light-cone distribution amplitudes of pion and light scalar mesons above 1 GeV,,83,9 094025-
Possible bound state of the double heavy meson-baryon system,,86,11 114032-
Two-pseudoscalar exchanges between heavy hadrons,,40,5 055006-
QCD sum-rule interpretation of X(3872) with J(PC)=1(++) mixtures of hybrid charmonium and (D)over-barD* molecular currents,,88,4 045027-
1. H. Y. Jin, J. G. Korner, Thomas G. Steele, Improved determination of the mass of the 1-+ light hybrid meson from QCD sum rules, Phys. Rev. D 67, 014025 (2003).
2. Yuan-Ben Dai, Chao-Shang Huang, Hong-Ying Jin, Bethe-Salpeter wave functions and transition amplitudes for heavy mesons, Z. Phys. C 60, 527-534 (1993).
3. Xin-Heng Guo, Hong-Ying Jin, Xue-Qian Li, Weak semileptonic decays of heavy baryons containing two heavy quarks, Phys. Rev. D 58, 114007 (1998).
4. Hongying Jin, Gang Liu, An Improved Dilaton Background in Soft-Wall Model, JHEP 1011, 147 (2010). 5. Ming-Qiu Huang, Hong-Ying Jin, J. G. Korner, Chun Liu, Note on the slope parameter of the baryonic Lambda (b) ---> Lambda (c) Isgur-Wise function, Phys. Lett. B 629, 27-32 (2005).