【1】A Spatiotemporal Tunable Filter Array Chip for Video-Rate Hyperspectral Imaging. Z Lin, T Guo, Z Zhang, Y Zhang, H Chu, Y Zeng, X Chen, N Wang, R. Zhang, S. He. Nano Letters, 2025,https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c05603
【2】Single-cell Raman spectroscopy for rapid detection of bacteria in ballast water and UV254 treatment evaluation. A Yang, ZP Hu, X Zou, Y Zhang, J Qian, S Li, J Liang, S He. Talanta 284, 127266 2025
【3】Snapshot computed tomographic microscopic imaging spectrometer and its video-level tracking of poisonous Microcystis aeruginosa cells in mixed algae. S Li, Y Si, A Yang, J Li, D Gong, S He. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 326, 125178, 2025
【4】Differential laser-induced thermoelastic spectroscopy for dual-gas CO2/CH4 detection. Y Cheng, Y Xu, T Chen, H Mei, S He. Measurement 240, 115594, 2025
[5] A novel deep learning algorithm for Phaeocystis counting and density estimation based on feature reconstruction and multispectral generator, Y Si, S Li, S He, Neurocomputing 611, 128674, 2025
【6】Two-photon polymerization of hydrogel cellular scaffolds, Z He, S He, Optics Communications 574, 131161, 2025.
[7] Fast complete Mueller matrix polarimetry microscopy using a single polarization camera
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[8] 340 mW nanosecond compact 1.7 μm passively Q-switched laser based on a fiber-type saturable absorber with mismatch of mode-field area, H Yang, S He, Optics & Laser Technology 184, 112511, 2025
[9] Lymph Node Diagnosis for Colorectal Cancer by Utilizing a Hyperspectral Laparoscope and Machine Learning.
C. Jiao, M. Chen, Z. Li, J. Chen, J. Liao, R. Zhang, and S. He. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 182, page 55-61, 2025.
[10] Femtosecond nJ-level single-gain-arm Erbium-doped Mamyshev oscillator. K Feng, H Yang, P Sun, J Evans, S He. Optics Letters 50 (3), 1001-1004, 2025
[1] T Guo, Z Zhang, Z Lin, J Tian, Y Jin, J Evans, Y Xu, Sailing He*, Durable and programmable ultrafast nanophotonic matrix of spectral pixels, Nature Nanotechnology, Aug 12, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41565-024-01756-5
[2] T Guo, Z Lin, X Chen, Y Zhang, Z Hu, R Zhang, Sailing He*, Miniaturized Hyperspectral Imager Utilizing a Reconfigurable Filter Array for Both High Spatial and Spectral Resolutions, Nano Letters, vol. 24, no. 36, pp. 11156-11162, Aug 30, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c01075
[3] H Mei, G Wang, Y, Xu, H He, J Yao, Saling He*, Simultaneous measurement of methane, propane and isobutane using a compact mid-infrared photoacoustic spectrophone, Photoacoustics, vol. 39, pp. 100635, Oct 1, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pacs.2024.100635
[4] S Li, Y Si, A Yang, J Li, D Gong, Sailing He*, Snapshot computed tomographic microscopic imaging spectrometer and its video-level tracking of poisonous Microcystis aeruginosa cells in mixed algae, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, pp. 125178, Sep 19, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.saa.2024.125178
[5] Y Cheng, Y Xu, T Chen, H Mei, Sailing He*, Differential laser-induced thermoelastic spectroscopy for dual-gas CO2/CH4 detection, Measurement, vol. 240, pp. 115594, Aug 24, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2024.115594
[6] Y Deng, K Shi, F Bao, M Antezza, J Evans, Sailing He*, Ultrahigh Thermal Rectification at Small Temperature Difference Achieved by Near-Field Thermal Photon Manipulation, Advanced Optical Materials, no. 2401633, Sep 24, 2024, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adom.202401633
[7] C Jiao, J Liao, S He, An aberration-free line scan confocal Raman imager and type classification and distribution detection of microplastics, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 470, 134191, 2024.
[8] Lu, Na; Xu, Xinan; Yang, Liu; He, Sailing, “Highly Efficient and Highly Flexible Thin Crystalline Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells Based on Dopant-Free Carrier-Selective Contacts Fabricated with Simple Processes”, ENERGY & FUELS, 2024, DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.4c00346
[9] Sun, Pu; Sun, Yuwei; Yang, Haolin; Xu, Xinan; Jin, Yi; He, Sailing, “Dielectric-Metasurface-Enhanced Kerr Self-Modulation for Passively Q-Switching”, LASER & PHOTONICS REVIEWS, 2024, DOI: 10.1002/lpor.202300263
[10] Huang, Yan; Zhang, Tie; Xu, Ting; Peng, Zhen; Xu, Yinghe; He, Sailing, “Monitoring Acetone with Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Using a Metal-Organic Framework”, ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS, 2024, DOI: 10.1002/adom.202302280
[11] Zhang, Chuan; Zheng, Kaixin; Li, Chi; Zhang, Ranran; Zhu, Yicheng; Xia, Linxiao; Ma, Yicheng; Wyss, Hans M.; Cheng, Xiaoyu; He, Sailing, “Single-Molecule Protein Analysis by Centrifugal Droplet Immuno-PCR with Magnetic Nanoparticles”, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 96, Issue 5, 1872-1879, 2024
[12] H Mei, Y Xu, GX Wang, H He, J Yao, SL He, Simultaneous measurement of methane, propane and isobutane using a compact mid-infrared photoacoustic spectrophone, Photoacoustics, 100635, 2024
[13] Q Tian, R Tang, Z Gu, J Hou, L Yang, S He, Solar regulation based on thermofluorescence and thermochromism for self-adaption of temperature
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[14] Y Zheng, X Zou, S He, Gas detection using cavity-enhanced Raman spectroscopy with a bidirectional multi-pass cell and polarization beam-splitting optical path, Applied Physics B, 130 (8), 144, 2024.
[15] Z Wang, R Zheng, X Zhu, W Luo, S He, Classification of Bone Marrow Cells Based on Dual-channel Convolutional Block Attention Network, IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 96205-96219, 2024.
[16] N Wang, T Guo, S He, Complete polarization state generator composed of one fixed polarizer and two rotating retarders,
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[17] Zhang, Shuo; Wu, Xun; He, Haijie; Yu, Zhangwei; Chen, Wei; Li, Nan; Forsberg, Erik; Wu, Shengnan; He, Sailing, “Dual transverse fiber tip Fabry-Perot cavities for simultaneous measurements of pressure and temperature”, OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 83, 103666, 2024
[18] Weng, Chenpu; Gao, Aoyun; Huang, Jianfeng; Yang, Liu; He, Sailing, “High-Performance Self-Powered Transparent Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Ultraviolet Photodetector Based on Sub-10 nm Thick Dual-Asymmetric Interdigitated Electrodes”, ACS PHOTONICS, Vol. 11, Issue 2, 561-569, 2024
[19] Shi, Kezhang; Sun, Yuwei; Hu, Run; He, Sailing, “Ultra-broadband and wide-angle nonreciprocal thermal emitter based on Weyl semimetal metamaterials”, NANOPHOTONICS, Vol. 13, Issue 5, 737-747, 2024
[20] Chen, Xiao; Guo, Tingbiao; Lin, Zijian; Xu, Xinan; Zhang, Zhi; Wang, Nan; He, Sailing, “A High Throughput Tunable Filter Module for Multispectral Imaging”, ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS, 2024, DOI: 10.1002/adom.202302009
[21] Lin, Zongxing; Huang, Dongmei; Cheng, Zihao; Wu, Wei; Wai, P. K. A.; Kang, Zhe; He, Sailing, “Using Photonic Crystal Microrings to Mitigate Raman-Kerr Effects Competition for Soliton Microcomb Generation”, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 42, Issue 1, 268-275, 2024
[22] Yang, Haolin; He, Sailing, “Widely Tunable 1.7μm Vector Dissipative Soliton All-Fiber Thulium Laser”, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 42, Issue 1, 347-353, 2024
[23] Yang, Anqi; Huang, Yan; Fu, Songbao; Zhang, Haodong; He, Sailing, “A high-precision and wide-range pH monitoring system based on broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectrum”, SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, Vol. 308, 123724, 2024
[24] He, Zewei; Chen, Feihong; He, Sailing, “Fabrication of microneedles using two photon-polymerization with low numerical aperture”, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 553, 130093, 2024
【25】W Fu, SS Zhekov, C Di Paola, S He, B Xu, Practice and Evaluation for Ceiling-Mounted MIMO Indoor Base Stations With Antenna Optimization and SAR Touch Compliance, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1109/TEMC.2024.3511700
【26】Y Zhang, Y Yao, J Hu, E Forsberg, S He, Multi-Beam Higher-Order Space Harmonics-Enabled Leaky-Wave Antenna Using Microstrip Phase Delay Lines, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 2024.
【27】Y Sun, K Shi, Z Hu, Y Jin, S He, Highly circularly polarized and coherent thermal emission based on chiral quasi bound states in the continuum,
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[28] ,J Luo, H Zhu, RA Janjua, W Ji, R Zhang, J Liang, S He, Dual-Modal Fluorescent Hyperspectral Micro-CT for Precise Bioimaging Detection, Progress In Electromagnetics Research 181, 73-80, 2024.
[29] Y Geng, S Wu, S He, Numerical analysis of integrated Fabry–Perot interferometers based on four core fiber with a helical phase microdisk
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[30] T Zhang, C Fei, Y Wang, J Du, Y Xie, F Zhang, J Tian, G Zhang, G Wang, X. Hong, S. He, 4-Gbps low-latency FPGA-based underwater wireless optical communication, Optics Express 32 (21), 36207-36222, 2024.
[31] P Sun, H Yang, X Zou, K Feng, R Zhang, S He, Dual-Color Self-Synchronized Cross-Phase-Modulation Mode-Locked Fiber Laser for Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Detection, Progress In Electromagnetics Research 181, 81-87, 2024.
[32] Sailing He, R Zhang, J Liang, Multi-physical field null medium: new solutions for the simultaneous control of EM waves and heat flow, Opto-Electronic Advances 7 (11), 240211-1-240211-3, 2024.
[1] Zhenchao Liu, Tingbiao Guo, Qin Tan, Zhipeng Hu, Yuwei Sun, Houxin Fan, Zhi Zhang, Yi Jin, and Sailing He,“Phase Interrogation Sensor Based on All-Dielectric BIC Metasurface“,
Nano Letters, 23, 22, 10441–10448, 2023
[2] Wang, Gaoxuan; Zhu, Yuqi; Zhang, Tie; Du, Mingxuan; Wang, Jingli; Wu, Shengnan; He, Sailing, “Simultaneous remote sensing of multiple atmospheric gases (CO2, CH4, and H2O) based on an all-fiber laser heterodyne spectroradiometer”, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, Vol. 129, Issue 8, DOI: 12610.1007/s00340-023-08071-2, AUG 2023
[3] Sun, Yuwei; Hu, Zhipeng; Shi, Kezhang; Guo, Tingbiao; Xing, Yuxin; Jin, Yi; He, Sailing, “Enhancing Circularly Polarized Emission by a Planar Chiral Dielectric Metasurface”, ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS, Vol. 11, Issue 14, DOI: 10.1002/adom.202300197, JUL 2023
[4] Wang, Yuan; Fei, Chao; Du, Ji; Zhang, Tianyi; Tian, Jiahan; Chen, Ruilin; Zhang, Junwei; Zhang, Guowu; Hong, Xiaojian; He, Sailing, “Spectrally Efficient Non-Orthogonal Discrete Multi-Tone Transmission for Underwater Wireless Optical Communication With Low-Complexity High Performance ICI Mitigation”, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 41, Issue 19, 6288-6299, OCT 1 2023
[5] Tian, Jiahan; Guo, Tingbiao; He, Nan; Du, Ji; Huang, Qiangsheng; Hong, Xiaojian; Fei, Chao; Wang, Yuan; Zhang, Tianyi; Zhang, Junping; He, Sailing, “Wide-Field-of-View Modulating Retro-Reflector System Based on a Telecentric Lens for High-Speed Free-Space Optical Communication”, IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL, Vol. 15, Issue 5, 7303908, DOI:10.1109/JPHOT.2023.3305512, OCT 2023
[6] Tian, Jiahan; Guo, Tingbiao; He, Nan; Du, Ji; Hong, Xiaojian; Fei, Chao; Lin, Zijian; Zhang, Ranran; Huang, Qiangsheng; Wang, Yuan; Zhang, Tianyi; He, Sailing, “Wide-field-of-view auto-coupling optical antenna system for high-speed bidirectional optical wireless communications in C band”, OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 31, Issue 20, 33435-33448, 497300, SEP 25 2023
[7] He, Nan; Guo, Tingbiao; Tian, Jiahan; Du, Ji; Hu, Zhipeng; Xing, Yuxin; Jin, Yi; Zhang, Junping; He, Sailing, “High-Speed Duplex Free Space Optical Communication System Assisted by a Wide-Field-of-View Metalens”, ACS PHOTONICS, Vol. 10, Issue 9, 3052-3059, AUG 16 2023
[8] Liu, Zhenchao; Guo, Tingbiao; Tan, Qin; Fan, Houxin; He, Sailing, “Guided Mode Induced Surface Phase Mutation for Enhanced SPR Biosensor with Dual-Parameters Interrogation”, ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES, DOI: 10.1002/admi.202300354, 2023
[9] Tan, Qin; Wu, Shengnan; Liu, Zhenchao; Chen, Xiaolu; He, Sailing, “Polished hollow core Bragg fiber sensor for simultaneous measurement of cortisol concentration and temperature”, OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 31, Issue 16, 25662-25679, JUL 31 2023
[10] Zheng, Xiaoxuan; Lin, Zongxing; Huang, Qiangsheng; He, Sailing, “Elimination of the fundamental mode hybridization on an x-cut lithium-niobate-on-insulator by using a densely packed bent waveguide array”, APPLIED OPTICS, Vol. 62, Issue 21, 5765-5771, JUL 20 2023
[11] Bian, Qiuwan; Chen, Xiang; He, Sailing, “Line laser scanning microscopy based on the Scheimpflug principle for high-resolution topography restoration and quantitative measurement”, APPLIED OPTICS, Vol. 62, Issue 18, 5014-5022, JUN 20 2023
[12] Wu, Hao; Cheng, Xiaoyu; Xie, Songjun; Huang, Yan; Janjua, Raheel Ahmed; Liu, Xinzi; He, Sailing, “Aluminum Quantum Dots with Surface Controlled Blue-UV Photoluminescence”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, Vol. 127, Issue 5, 2687-2693, FEB 9 2023
[13] Zhang, Zhi; Guo, Tingbiao; Lin, Zijian; Liu, Zhenchao; He, Nan; Xu, Xinan; Xing, Yuxin; Wang, Dong; Li, Ying; Jin, Yi; He, Sailing, “Customized Structural Color Filters by Pixel-Level Electrothermal Regulation”, LASER & PHOTONICS REVIEWS, Vol. 17, Issue 5, DOI: 10.1002/lpor.202200820, MAY 2023
[14] Lei, Qiyun; Luo, Zhonglin; Zheng, Xinyi; Lu, Na; Zhang, Yiming; Huang, Jianfeng; Yang, Liu; Gao, Shiming; Liang, Yiyong; He, Sailing, “Broadband transparent and flexible silver mesh for efficient electromagnetic interference shielding and high-quality free-space optical communication”, OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS, Vol. 13, Issue 2, 469-483, FEB 1 2023
[15] Chen, Ruilin; DU, Ji; Wang, Yuan; Fei, Chao; Zhang, Tianyi; Tian, Jiahan; Zhang, Guowu; Hong, Xiaojian; He, Sailing, “Experimental demonstration of real-time optical DFT-S DMT signal transmission for a blue-LED-based UWOC system using spatial diversity reception”, APPLIED OPTICS, Vol. 62, Issue 3, 541-551, JAN 20 2023
[16] Guo, Tingbiao; Lin, Zijian; Xu, Xinan; Zhang, Zhi; Chen, Xiao; He, Nan; Wang, Guoqing; Jin, Yi; Evans, Julian; He, Sailing, “Broad-Tuning, Dichroic Metagrating Fabry-Perot Filter Based on Liquid Crystal for Spectral Imaging”, PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH-PIER, Vol. 177, 43-51, 2023[
[17] Gong, Dawei; Yan, Lingling; Gu, Binbin; Zhang, Ruili; Mao, Xinli; He, Sailing, “A Computer-Assisted Diagnosis System for the Detection of Chronic Gastritis in Endoscopic Images Using A Novel Convolution and Relative Self-Attention Parallel Network”, IEEE ACCESS, Vol. 11, 116990-117003, 2023
[18] Zhu, He; Luo, Jing; Liao, Jiaqi; He, Sailing, “High-Accuracy Rapid Identification and Classification of Mixed Bacteria Using Hyperspectral Transmission Microscopic Imaging and Machine Learning”, PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH, Vol. 178, 49-62, 2023
[19] Pan, Jing; Yao, Yuanqing; Yang, Liu; Li, Hui; He, Sailing, “Optically Transparent and Mechanically Flexible Coplanar Waveguide-Fed Wideband Antenna Based on Sub-Micron Thick Micro-Metallic Meshes”, PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH-PIER, Vol. 176, 11-23, 2023
[20] Fang, Yun-tuan; Gong, Ping; He, Sailing, “Passive topological waveguide controlled by the boundary of the patterned area of external magnetic field with the hybrid quantum Hall and valley Hall effects”, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, Vol. 25, Issue 1, 13021, DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/acb2e7, JAN 1 2023
[1] Shi, Kezhang; Chen, Zhaoyang; Xing, Yuxin; Yang, Jianxin; Xu, Xinan; Evans, Julian S.; He, Sailing, “Near-Field Radiative Heat Transfer Modulation with an Ultrahigh Dynamic Range through Mode Mismatching“,NANO LETTERS, 2022
[2] Li, Xiao; Lin, Zongxing; He, Sailing, "Ultrahigh extinction ratio and ultra-low insertion loss silicon TE polarizer covering 1260-1675 nm bandwidth" , OPTICS LETTERS, Vol. 47, Issue 17, 4499-4499, 2022
[3] Tan, Qin.; Wu, Shengnan; Liu, Zhenchao; Wu, Xun; Forsberg, Erik; He, Sailing, "High sensitivity detection of SARS-CoV-2 by an optofluidic hollow eccentric core fiber", BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 13, Issue 9, 4592-4605, 465136, 2022
[4] He, Nan; Xu, Xinan; Guo, Tingbiao; Chen, Rui; Xing, Yuxin; Jin, Yi; He, Sailing, "Highly Compact All-Solid-State Beam Steering Module Based on a Metafiber, ACS PHOTONICS, DOI10.1021/acsphotonics.2c00848, 2022
[5] Fei, Chao; Chen, Ruilin; Du, Ji; Wang, Yuan; Tian, Jiahan; Zhang, Guowu; Zhang, Junwei; Hong, Xiaojian; He, Sailing, "Underwater wireless optical communication utilizing low-complexity sparse pruned-term-based nonlinear decision-feedback equalization", APPLIED OPTICS,Vol. 61, Issue 22, 6534-6543, 2022
[6] Lin, Zongxing; Li, Xiao; He, Sailing, "High-performance silicon TE-pass polarizer assisted by anisotropic metamaterials", OPTICS EXPRESS,Vol. 30, Issue 14,24841-24851, 460697, 2022
[7] Luo, Jing; Forsberg, Erik; Fu, Shuai; Xing, Yuxin; Liao, Jiaqi; Jiang, Jiong; Zheng, Yuhao; He, Sailing, "4D dual-mode staring hyperspectral-depth imager for simultaneous spectral sensing and surface shape measurement", OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 30, Issue 14, 24804-24821, 460412, 2022
[8] Lin, Huagang; Xing, Yuxin; Chen, Xiaolu; Zhang, Shuo; Forsberg, Erik; He, Sailing, "Polymer-based planar waveguide chirped Bragg grating for high-resolution tactile sensing", OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 30, Issue 12, 20871-20882, 2022
[9] Lu, Na; Lei, Qiyun; Xu, Xinan; Yang, Liu; Yang, Zhenhai; Liu, Zunke; Zeng, Yuheng; Ye, Jichun; He, Sailing, ”50-mu m thick flexible dopant-free interdigitated-back-contact silicon heterojunction solar cells with front MoOx coatings for efficient antireflection and passivation“,OPTICS EXPRESS,Vol.30,Issue 12, 21309-21323, 2022
[10] Li, Shuo; Jiao, Changwei; Xu, Zhanpeng; Wu, Yiran; Forsberg, Erik; Peng, Xin; He, Sailing, "Determination of geographic origins and types of Lindera aggregata samples using a portable short-wave infrared hyperspectral imager", SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, Vol. 279, 121370, 2022
[11] Ye, Yang; Hou, Saimei; Wu, Xiaomo; Cheng, Xiaoyu; He, Sailing, "Freeze-Driven Adsorption of Poly-A DNA on Gold Nanoparticles:From a Stable Biointerface to Plasmonic Dimers", LANGMUIR, Vol. 38, Issue 16, 4625-4632, 2022
[12] Zhang, Haodong; Luo, Jing; Hou, Saimei; Xu, Zhanpeng; Evans, Julian; He, Sailing, "Incoherent broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy for sensitive measurement of nutrients and microalgae", APPLIED OPTICS, Vol. 61, Issue 12, 3400-3408, 2022
[13] Luo, Jing; Forsberg, Erik; Fu, Shuai; He, Sailing, "High-precision four-dimensional hyperspectral imager integrating fluorescence spectral detection and 3D surface shape measurement", APPLIED OPTICS, Vol. 61, Issue 10, 2542-2551, 2022
[14] Wang, Gaoxuan; Zhang, Tie; Jiang, Yiming; He, Sailing, "Compact photoacoustic spectrophone for simultaneously monitoring the concentrations of dichloromethane and trichloromethane with a single acoustic resonator", OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 30, Issue 5, 7053-7067, 2022
[15] Yang, Haolin; Jiang, Xiaogang; He, Sailing, "Highly Efficient Multiple Watt Gain-Switched 1.7 mu m All-Fiber Laser Pumped by 1.6 mu m Harmonic Dissipative Soliton Resonance Pulses", IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL, Vol. 14, Issue 1, 1511307, 2022
[16] Fei, Chao; Wang, Yuan; Du, Ji; Chen, Ruilin; Lv, Nanfei; Zhang, Guowu; Tian, Jiahan; Hong, Xiaojian; He, Sailing, "100-m/3-Gbps underwater wireless optical transmission using a wideband photomultiplier tube (PMT)", OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 30, Issue 2, 2326-2337, 2022
[17] Wu, Shengnan; Xie, Liujia; Lin, Huaguan; Tan, Qin; Chen, Xiaolu; He, Sailing, "Fiber Acoustic Sensor With Stable Operating-Point Based on a Photo-Thermal Cavity", IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, Vol. 22, Issue 2, 1321-1326, 2022
[18] Hong, Xiaojian; Du, Ji; Wang, Yuan; Chen, Ruilin; Tian, Jiahan; Zhang, Guowu; Zhang, Junwei; Fei, Chao; He, Sailing, "Experimental Demonstration of 55-m/2-Gbps Underwater Wireless Optical Communication Using SiPM Diversity Reception and Nonlinear Decision-Feedback Equalizer", IEEE ACCESS, Vol. 10, 47814-47823, 2022
[19] Ma, Tengfei; Xing, Yuxin; Gong, Dawei; Lin, Zijian; Li, Yuanpeng; Jiang, Jiong; He, Sailing, "A Deep Learning-Based Hyperspectral Keypoint Representation Method and Its Application for 3D Reconstruction", IEEE ACCESS, Vol. 10, 85266-85277, 2022
[20] Guo, Tingbiao; Liu, Zhenchao; Jin, Yi; Wang, Nan; Zhang, Zhi; He, Sailing, "Large-Scale, Panchromatic Structural Color Manipulation via Thermal Trimming", ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS, Vol. 10, Issue 1, 2101546, 2022
[21] Tian, Qing; Tu, Xitao; Yang, Liu; Liu, Haibo; Zhou, Yubo; Xing, Yuxin;Chen, Zhe; Fan, Shanhui; Evans, Julian; He, Sailing, "Super-Large-Scale Hierarchically Porous Films Based on Self-Assembled Eye-Like Air Pores for High-Performance Daytime Radiative Cooling", SMALL, Vol.18, Issue 51, 2022
[1] H Wu, X Cheng, H Dong, S Xie, S He, “Aluminum nanocrystals evolving from cluster to metallic state: Size tunability and spectral evidence”, Nano Research, 1-7, 2021
[2] J Luo, S Li, E Forsberg, S He, “4D surface shape measurement system with high spectral resolution and great depth accuracy”, Optics Express 29 (9), 13048-13070, 2021
[3] S Cao, Y Jin, H Dong, T Guo, J He, S He, “Enhancing single photon emission through quasi-bound states in the continuum of monolithic hexagonal boron nitride metasurface”, Journal of Physics: Materials 4 (3), 035001, 2021
[4] T Ma, S Wang, Y Xia, X Zhu, J Evans, Y Sun, S He, “CNN-based classification of fNIRS signals in motor imagery BCI system”, Journal of Neural Engineering 18 (5), 056019, 2021
[5] W He, B Xu, L Scialacqua, Z Ying, A Scannavini, LJ Foged, K Zhao,CD Paola, S Zhang, S He, ”Fast power density assessment of 5G mobile handset using equivalent currents method”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1109/TAP.2021.3070725
[6] Z Qi, T Yin, X Jiang, F Chen, S He, “Narrow-linewidth high-efficiency single-frequency ytterbium-doped fiber laser with highly linear polarization at 1064 nm”, Applied Optics 60 (10), 2833-2838, 2021
[7] X Chen, Y Jiang, Q Yao, J Ji, J Evans, S He, “Inelastic hyperspectral Scheimpflug lidar for microalgae classification and quantification”, Applied Optics 60 (16), 4778-4786, 2021
[8] Q Huang, J Jia, E Forsberg, S He, “LiNbO3 waveguide with embedded Ag nanowire and 3L MoS2 for strong light confinement and ultra-long propagation length in the visible spectral range”, Optics Express 29 (5), 7168-7178, 2021
[9] L Luo, S Li, X Yao, S He, “Rotational hyperspectral scanner and related image reconstruction algorithm”, Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1-9, 2021
[10] J Fu, Y Jin, J Evans, S He, “Microwave Waveguide‐Type Hyperbolic Metamaterials”, Advanced Photonics Research 2 (2), 2000043, 2021
[11] J Du, Y Wang, C Fei, R Chen, G Zhang, X Hong, S He, “Experimental demonstration of 50-m/5-Gbps underwater optical wireless communication with low-complexity chaotic encryption”, Optics Express 29 (2), 783-796, 2021
[12] Z Lin, K Chen, Q Huang, S He, “Ultra-Broadband Polarization Beam Splitter Based on Cascaded Mach-Zehnder Interferometers Assisted by Effectively Anisotropic Structures”, IEEE Photonics Journal 13 (1), 1-9, 2021
[13] X He, Q Cao, J Pan, L Yang, S He, “Patterned few nanometer-thick silver films with high optical transparency and high electrical conductivity”, RSC Advances 11 (19), 11481-11489, 2021
[14] Z Kang, C Mei, L Zhang, Z Zhang, J Evans, Y Cheng, K Zhu, X Zhang, D Huang, Y Li, J He, Q Wu, B Lee Yan, K Wang, X Zhou, K Long, F Li, Q Li, S Wang, J Yuan, P Alexander Wai, S He, “Advanced Progress on Χ(3) Nonlinearity in Chip-Scale Photonic Platforms (Invited Review)”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research 170, 17-62, 2021
[15] KZ Shi, ZY Chen, XN Xu, J Evans, He, SL, "Optimized Colossal Near-Field Thermal Radiation Enabled by Manipulating Coupled Plasmon Polariton Geometry" , ADVANCED MATERIALS, Vol. 33, Issue 52, 2106097, 2021
[16] Jiao, Changwei; Xu, Zhanpeng; Bian, Qiuwan; Forsberg, Erik; Tan, Qin; Peng, Xin; He, Sailing, "Machine learning classification of origins and varieties of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum using a dual-mode microscopic hyperspectral imager", SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, Vol. 261, 120054, 2021
[17] Sun, Fei; Liu, Yichao; Yang, Yibiao; Fei, Hongming; Chen, Zhihui; He, Sailing, "Reflectionless spatial beam benders with arbitrary bending angle by introducing optic-null medium into transformation optics", CHINESE PHYSICS B, Vol. 30, Issue 3, 34101, 2021
[18] Gong, Dawei; Ma, Tengfei; Evans, Julian; He, Sailing, "Deep Neural Networks for Image Super-Resolution in Optical Microscopy by Using Modified Hybrid Task Cascade U-Net", PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH-PIER, Vol. 171, 185-199, 2021
[19] Hu, Zhipeng; He, Nan; Sun, Yuwei; Jin, Yi; He, Sailing, “Wideband High-Reflection Chiral Dielectric Metasurface“,PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH-PIER, Vol.172, 51-60,2021
[20] Wu, Xun; Wu, Shengnan; Chen, Xiaolu; Lin, Huaguan; Forsberg, Erik; He, Sailing, “An Ultra-Compact and Reproducible Fiber Tip Michelson Interferometer for High-Temperature Sensing“,PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH-PIER, Vol. 172, 89-99, 2021
[1] Cao, Shun; Dong, Hongguang; He, Jinlong; Forsberg, Erik; Jin, Yi; He, Sailing,”Normal-Incidence-Excited Strong Coupling between Excitons and Symmetry-Protected Quasi-Bound States in the Continuum in Silicon Nitride-WS2 Heterostructures at Room Temperature”, The journal of physical chemistry letters, Vol. 11, Issue 12, pp. 4631-4638, 2020-Jun-18
[2] Fu, Jichao; Dong, Hongguang; He, Jinlong; Sun, Yuwei; Jin, Yi; He, Sailing, “Enabling Ultrathin Metamaterial Absorbers with Narrow Slits”, ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS, Article Number: 2000259, May 2020
[3] Yuanpeng Li, Junwei Lang, Lei Ji, Jiqin Zhong, Zaiwen Wang, Yang Guo & Sailing He, “Weather Forecasting Using Ensemble of Spatial-Temporal Attention Network and Multi-Layer Perceptron”, Asia-Pacific J Atmos. Sci. (2020)
[4] Luo, Jing; Cai, Fuhong; Yao, Xinli; Li, Jingwei; Huang, Qiangsheng; He, Sailing, “Experimental Demonstration of an Anti-Shake Hyperspectral Imager of High Spatial Resolution and Low Cost”, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, Vol. 20, Issue 14, pp. 8082-8090, JULY15, 2020
[5] Chen, Kaixuan; Liu, Liu; He, Sailing, “Mode Division Multiplexing Based on Supermodes in Densely Packed Uniform Waveguide Array (DPUWA)”, IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL, Vol. 12, Issue 2, APR 2020, DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2020.2983203
[6] Yin, Taoce; Qi, Zhangni; Chen, Feihong; Song, Yufu; He, Sailing, “High peak-power and narrow-linewidth all-fiber Raman nanosecond laser in 1.65 mu m waveband”, OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 28, Issue 5, pp. 7175-7181, MAR 2 2020
[7] Hu, Siqi; Wu, Shengnan; Li, Chenxi; Chen, Runze; Forsberg, Erik; He, Sailing, “SNR-enhanced temperature-insensitive microfiber humidity sensor based on upconversion nanoparticles and cellulose liquid crystal coating”, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, Vol. 305, 127517, FEB 15 2020
[8] Liu, Qingchong; Liu, Hui; He, Wang; He, Sailing, “A Low-Profile Dual-Band Dual-Polarized Antenna With an AMC Reflector for 5G Communications”, IEEE ACCESS, Vol. 8, pp. 24072-24080, 2020
[9] Liu, Yichao; Sun, Fei; Yang, Yibiao; Chen Zhihui; Zhange, jianzhong; He, Sailing, Ma Yungui, "Broadband Electromagnetic Wave Tunneling with Transmuted Material Singularity," Physical review letters, vol. 125, no. 20, pp.207401, 2020
[10] Xu, Zhanpeng; Jiang, Yiming; Ji, Jiali, Forsberg, Erik; Li, Yuanpeng; He, Sailing, "Classification, identification, and growth stage estimation of microalgae based on transmission hyperspectral microscopic imaging and machine learning," OPTICS EXPRESS, vol. 28, no. 21, pp. 30686-30700, 2020,
[11] Xia, Juan; Tang, Jianwei; Bao, Fanglin; Sun, Yongcheng; Fang, Maodong; Cao, guanjun; Evans, Julian; He, Sailing "Turning a hot spot into a cold spot: polarization-controlled Fano-shaped local-field responses probed by a quantum dot," LIGHT-SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS, vol. 9, no. 1, 2020
[12] Dong, Jinwu; Chen, Shuai; Huang, Guangfei; Wu, Qiong; Huang, Xiaocong; Wang, Lingfei; Zhang, Yuan; Ao, Xianyu; He, Sailing, "Low-Index-Contrast Dielectric Lattices on Metal for Refractometric Sensing ," ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS, vol. 8, no. 21, 2020
[13] Chen, Runze; Cheng, Xiaoyu; Zhang, Chi; Wu, Hao; Zhu, Haiming; He, Sailing, "Sub-3 nm Aluminum Nanocrystals Exhibiting Cluster-Like Optical Properties," SAMLL, 2020
[14] Wang, Lei; Huang, Wenbin; Li, Yuanpeng; Evans, Julian; He, Sailing, "Multi-AI competing and winning against humans in iterated Rock-Paper-Scissors game," SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, vol. 10, no. 1, 2020
[15] Wu, Shengnan; Tan, Qin; Forsberg, Erik; Hu, Siqi; He, Sailing, "In-situ dual-channel surface plasmon resonance fiber sensor for temperature-compensated detection of glucose concentration," OPTICS EXPRESS, vol. 28, no. 14, pp. 21046-21061, 2020