Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Analytical Chemistry
Research interests are in the area of energy conversion by electrochemical devices, particularly solid oxide fuel cells.
Research collaborations with the National Institute of Fuel Cell Technology and the National Energy Technology Laboratory in Morgantown, WV.
- See more at: http://chemistry.wvu.edu/faculty-staff/faculty/harry-o-finklea#sthash.evOaUMN0.dpuf
“Micro scale dynamic modeling of LSM/YSZ composite cathodes”, Suryanarayana Pakalapati, Kirk Gerdes, Harry Finklea, Mingyang Gong, Xingbo Liu, Ismail Celik, Solid State Ionics 2014, 258, 45-60.
“Analysis of SOFCs Using Reference Electrodes”’ Harry Finklea, Xiaoke Chen, Kirk Gerdes, Suryanarayana Pakalapati, and Ismail Celik, J. Electrochem. Soc. 2013, 160(9), F1055-F1066.
“Microstructure degradation of YSZ in Ni/YSZ anodes of SOFC operated in phosphine-containing fuels”, Yun Chen , Song Chen, Gregory Hackett, Harry Finklea, John Zondlo, Ismail Celik, Xueyan Song, Kirk Gerdes, Solid State Ionics 2013, 234, 25-32.
“Reversible aging behavior of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 electrodes at open circuit”, Harry Abernathy, Harry O. Finklea, David S. Mebane, Xiaoke Chen, Kirk Gerdes, Maria D. Salazar-Villalpando, Journal of Power Sources 2012, 216, 11-14.
“Crystal defects of yttria stabilized zirconia in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and their evolution upon cell operation”, Song Chen, Yun Chen, Harry Finklea, Xueyan Song, Gregory Hackett, Kirk Gerdes, Solid State Ionics 2012, 206, 104-111.
“Microstructural and chemical evolution near anode triple phase boundary in Ni/YSZ solid oxide fuel cells”, Yun Chen, Song Chen, Gregory Hackett, Harry Finklea, Xueyan Song, Kirk Gerdes, Solid State Ionics 2011, 204-205, 87-90.
“A micro-scale model for oxygen reduction on LSM-YSZ cathode”, Suryanarayana Pakalapati, Ismail Celik, Harry Finklea, Mingyang Gong, Xingbo Liu, ECS Transactions 2011, 35 (Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 12), 963-976.
“Overview of SOFC anode interactions with coal gas impurities”, Olga A. Marina, Larry R. Pederson, Randall Gemmen, Kirk Gerdes, Harry Finklea, Ismail B. Celik, ECS Transactions 2010, 26, 363-370.
“The effect of overpotential on performance degradation of the solid oxide fuel cell Ni/YSZ anode during exposure to syngas with phosphine contaminant”, Oktay Demircan, Wei Zhang, Chunchuan Xu, John Zondlo, Harry O. Finklea, J. Power Sources 2010, 195, 3091-3096.
“The effect of HCl in syngas on Ni-YSZ anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells”, Chunchuan Xu, Mingyang Gong, John W. Zondlo, Xingbo Liu, Harry O. Finklea, J. Power Sources 2010, 195, 2149-2158.