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Ph.D. New Mexico State University Dr. Suzanne Bell formed her research group at WVU in 2004 soon after arriving at WVU, where she is now a tenure-track professor in the chemistry department. Prior to arriving at WVU, she spent 9 years at Eastern Washington University as a chemistry professor where she worked with the Washington State Patrol to develop an undergraduate BS degree in forensic chemistry. Prior to that, she worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and as a forensic chemist with the New Mexico State Police (NMSP) Crime Laboratory in her native state. As a result of her work experience, research in her group emphasizes core chemistry and practical application of analytical chemistry to forensic needs. Dr. Bell’s academic background began with a BS with a double major in chemistry and police science (criminal justice). She then ventured to the University of New Haven in Connecticut and obtained an MS in forensic science . After working for NMSP and LANL, she returned to university at New Mexico State where she obtained her PhD in chemistry working under Dr. Gary Eiceman. Her research interests in chemometrics began there. Incidentally, three of the four research schools she has been affiliated with have colors of blue and gold, as was her junior high school. This could be fate, it could be destiny, or it could be coincidence. Dr. Bell has been active in the forensic professional community for many years. She is a member of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and a Fellow of the American Board of Criminalistics in the area of forensic drug analysis. She recently authored a textbook for Prentice Hall entitled Forensic Chemistry. The book project also included a solutions and laboratory manual. Example chapters can be viewed at the Prentice Hall web site. She is a member of the Scientific Working Group for the Analysis of Seized Drugs, an international group that works to develop recommended standard practices for drug analysis. Current work in the Bell group focuses on two broad areas: Forensic chemistry (analysis of physical evidence) and forensic toxicology (biological evidence). Topics of interest within those areas include the forensic applications of microfluidic devices, ion mobility spectrometry, microscopy, and chemometrics. More details are found with the research project and student pages. - See more at: http://forensictoxicology.eberly.wvu.edu/researchers/dr-suzanne-bell#sthash.gNXc2gei.dpuf


Analytical and forensic chemistry

I. Gun Shot Residue – Organics Analysis Project When a firearm is discharged, a rich source of physical and chemical evidence is created. Gunshot residue (GSR) is particulate residue which originates from the primer. A more general term is firearm discharge residue (FDR) which incorporates residues originating from propellant, primer, and cartridges. This proposal focuses on all residues created from firing a weapon and will use the term FDR accordingly. The organic constituents of gunpowder include energetics/propellants, stabilizers, inhibitors and deterrents, and plasticizers. The inorganic constituents found in FDR are principally derived from the primer and materials in the firing chain such as the bullet, barrel, and cartridge. The use of LC and LC-MS/MS as a means of detecting components of propellants and FDR is well established for energetics42-44 and stabilizers45-48 in smokeless powders. Detection limits have been reported in the low ppb range and sample preparation involves simple solvent extractions. Ion mobility spectrometry has also been used for characterization of diphenylamines in smokeless powders and FDR49- 52. Ionization was accomplished via 63Ni sources, which is the typical ionization mode for field IMS instruments. Thus, for organic constituents of FDR, the primary challenge is not analytical but chemometric and relates to data processing, fusion, databasing, statistics, and modeling. II. Gun Shot Residue – Skin Analysis Project Detection and identification of GSR is one of the most important facets of evidence in cases involving firearm discharge. Successful application of GSR is limited by the challenge of effectively collecting residues. Since the metal particles can be collected from non-shooting exposures such as automotive repair and industrial tools, evaluation of primer-metal based GSR may be less conclusive. Therefore, an alternative approach to detect GSR may be beneficial. An attractive alternative has been the analysis of OGSR resulting from incomplete combustion of smokeless powder. OGSR is less prone to secondary transfer since the lipophilic properties allow for adhesion to skin. Previous research in the Bell Group has demonstrated that OGSR persists on the hands of a firer for up to 4 hours, after which the concentrations present are below the limits of detection. Secondary transfer has been ruled out; therefore, it is a possibility that the organic compounds are being dermally absorbed. In order to see if this is true, diffusional studies of OGSR across PDMS membranes were performed using Franz diffusion cells (FDCs). FDCs are an accepted form of methodology in the field of in vitro transdermal research. FDCs are composed of two chambers; an upper, donor chamber, and a lower, receptor chamber. The tissue or membrane being used is clamped between the two chambers. There is an opening in the top of the donor chamber which allows the application of a sample solution to the surface of the tissue or membrane. The product being analyzed then partitions into and diffuses through the tissue or membrane towards the receptor chamber. The receptor chamber houses a fixed amount of fluid known as the receptor fluid, which collects the product being analyzed after it diffuses through the tissue or membrane. At regular time intervals, a sample is withdrawn through the sampling port of the receptor chamber. The same volume of sample that is removed is immediately replaced with fresh receptor fluid in order to maintain a constant volume inside of the receptor chamber. A thermal jacket houses the receptor chamber and connects to a re-circulating water bath in order to ensure that the receptor fluid stays at a desired temperature. The removed fluid was analyzed qualitatively using IMS and qualitatively using GC/MS. Three important transdermal parameters are calculated based on FDC experiments. These parameters are the steady state flux, the skin permeability coefficient, and the lag time. These parameters shed light on the ability of a compound to diffuse through skin and enter into the blood stream. III. Clandestine Laboratory Remediation Project Article on Eberly Arts and Sciences page about the project Methamphetamine is an illicit stimulant produced using simple synthetic methods based on widely available precursors. The red phosphorus and Nazi methods are commonly used to produce methamphetamine. Both leave behind potentially hazardous conditions at the cook site, which can be a structure, automobile, or outdoor location. The purpose of this project is to evaluate the efficacy of ion mobility spectrometry for the evaluation of clandestine laboratory remediation. The initial stages of the project involved determination of the figures of merit for a mobility spectrometer typical of what would be used in the field. Both direct vapor and particulate sampling modes were explored. The latter involves physically swabbing a surface and placing the swab directly into a thermal desorption unit that interfaces with the Sabre. After performance metrics were established, the project turned toward a comprehensive evaluation of instrument performance under anticipated field conditions. This included an evaluation of potential interferents, recovery of methamphetamine from a variety of porous and non-porous building materials, and an evaluation of the efficacy of typical field cleaning procedures. IV. Smoked Drugs of Abuse Project On July 10, 2012 President Obama signed into law Senate Bill 3187, known as the “Synthetic Drug Abuse Prevention Act of 2012”, which permanently placed 26 designer drugs into Schedule I of the CSA. This Schedule I status allows the DEA to fully impose criminal, civil, and administrative penalties, sanctions, and regulatory controls on the manufacture, distribution, possession, importation, and exportation of these synthetic substances. Among the 26 designer drugs listed, fifteen are synthetic cannabinoids, including two of the most well known ones, JWH-018 and JWH-073. This ruling seeks to address the growing concern regarding the recent popularity of various herbal incense products marketed as “legal highs” and combat the possession, sale, distribution, and use of such products. Therefore this project serves to characterize and identify the pyrolytic products of the synthetic cannabinoids JWH-018 and JWH-073 as well as develop methodology that can be used as a screening assay for these compounds in biological fluids.


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McCall, H.; Moran, J.; Yeager, B.; Bell, S.; Ion Mobility Spectrometry as a Tool in Evaluating the Efficacy of Cleaning Protocol for Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratory Remediation. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Hygiene (2013). Moran, J.; McCall, H.; Yeager, B.;Bell, S.; Characterization and Validation of Ion Mobility Spectrometry in Methamphetamine Clandestine Laboratory Remediation. Talanta 100: 196-206 (2012). Bell, S.C., et. al. “Chemical Composition and Structure of the Microcrystals formed between Silver (I) and GHB and GHV.” Journal of Forensic Sciences, in press. July 2006. Mercer, J.W., Bell , S.C. “An Introduction to Data Fusion, Data Mining, and Pattern Recognition Applied to Fiber Analysis.” Jurimetrics, 46(1), 2005, p. 53-64. “Neural Network Classification of Skeletal Remains,” S. Bell and R. Jantz. BAR International Series 1016 (2002), “Archaeological Informatics: Pushing the Envelope CAA2001,” p. 205. “The Role of Automated Instrumentation in Undergraduate Chemistry,” S. Bell, J. Chem. Ed., 77(12), December, 2000, 1624-1626. “Neural Network Recognition of Chemical Class Information in Mobility Spectra Obtained at High Temperatures”, S. Bell, E. Nazarov, Y.F. Wang, J.E. Rodriquiz, G.A. Eiceman, Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 72 (6) March 15, 2000, 1192-1198.
