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B.A. University of California, Berkeley, 1979 M.A. Ecology and Systematic Biology, San Francisco State University, 1982 Ph.D. Biological Sciences, University of Rhode Island, 1987 My mother was a scientist, my father was a historian. Both loved birds, wildflowers, and the out-of-doors. I was raised as a Human Ecologist long before i ever heard the term. I am a New Zealander by nationality, British by upbringing, and have spent time in the UK, Europe, and the American West. I am fascinated by ideas of Wilderness, Wildness, Aesthetics, and our belief in the Holy. I find much of the post-1914 world in extremely bad taste, and deeply resent having missed Charles Darwin by less than a century.


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Anderson, J.G.T. 2014. Forms most beautiful and most wonderful. GNSI Journal of Natural Science Illustration - 2014 no.2:1-5. Tewksbury, J. J.G.T. Anderson, R.E. Ley and C. Martinez del Rio et al.. 2014. Natural History’s place in science and society. BioScience 64 (4):300-310 Anderson, J. G. T. and K Anderson. 2005. An analysis of band returns of the American White Pelican, 1922 to. 1981. Waterbirds 28:55-60. Szewczyk, R. J. Polastre, A. Mainwaring, J. Anderson, and D. Culler. 2004. An Analysis of a Large Scale Habitat Monitoring Application. Pp. 214-226 Proc. Second ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems Polastre, J. R. Szewczyk, A. Mainwaring, D. Culler, J. Anderson 2004. Analysis of wireless sensor networks for habitat monitoring p.329-423 Ci S. Raghavendra, K M. Sivalingam, and T. Znati (eds.) Wireless sensor Networks. Springer Science Media. New York. Anderson, J.G.T. and C.M. Devlin . 1999. Restoration of a multi-species seabird colony. Biol. Conservation 90:175-181 Anderson, J.G.T. 1992. Management and long-term monitoring of a mixed-species tern colony. Dev. in Landscape Management and Urban Planning 7:261-265. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Anderson, J.G.T. 1991. Foraging Behavior of the American White Pelican in western Nevada. Col. Waterbirds 14:166-172. Anderson, J.G.T. and J.K. Anderson. 1975. A lost city rediscovered? Calif. Publications in Classical Antiquity Univ. of Calif Press. Mancinelli, I. K. Cline, and J.G.T. Anderson. 1993. Computer assisted community planning and decision-making. pp 330-335 in S.D. Wright, T. Dietz, R. Borden, G. Young, and G. Guagnano eds. Human Ecology: Crossing Boundaries. Soc. Hum. Eco. Ft. Collins, Colorado. Anderson, J.G.T. R.J. Borden, I. Mancinelli, and K. Cline. (1994). Applied Human Ecology: College-community cooperation through computer-assisted regional planning and decision making. In H. Ernste (ed.) Pathways to Human Ecology/Wege zur Humanökologie Springer Verlag. Borden, R. and J.G.T. Anderson (1994) Computer assisted regional planning and decision-making: GIS as a tool for collaboration. Sustainable Development: Challenges for the future Proc. IV World Academic Conference on Human Ecology. Merida, Mexico. August, P.V., S.A. Avazian, and J.G.T. Anderson. 1989. Evidence for use of magnetodetection by homing field mice. J. Mammalogy 70:1-9. August, P.V. and J.G.T. Anderson. 1987. Mammal sounds and motivational/structural rules: a test of the hypothesis. J. Mammalogy 68:1-9. Heppner, F. and J.G.T.Anderson. 1985. Leg thrust important in takeoff of domestic pigeon. J. Exp. Biol. 114, 285-288. Heppner, F., J.L. Convissar, D.E. Moonan, and J.G.T. Anderson. 1985. Visual angle and formation flight Canada Geese (Branta canadensis). Auk 102, 195-198. Heppner, F.H., J.G.T. Anderson, A.E. Farstrup, and N.H. Weiderman. 1985. Reading performance on a standardized test is better from print than from computer display. J. Reading. Jan. 1985, 321-325.
