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教育经历 2006~2011年: 美国凯斯西储大学,物理化学,博士学位 2004~2006年: 武汉大学 化学与分子科学学院,有机化学 ,硕士学位 2000~2004年: 武汉大学 化学与分子科学学院,应用化学 ,学士学位 工作经历 2014年-至今 教授,同济大学 2011年-2014年 博士后,美国芝加哥大学医学院脑肿瘤研究中心 主持课题 国家自然科学优秀青年基金,项目负责人,项目名称:微磁力抗脑肿瘤研究(2021.01.01--2023.12.31) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人,项目名称:神经干细胞介导的纳米磁力刀靶向作用于脑胶质瘤的实验研究 上海市科委项目,项目负责人,项目名称:干细胞引导纳米磁机械力靶向治疗脑肿瘤 上海市教委重大项目,项目负责人,项目名称:癌症精准医疗微纳机器人前沿基础研究 荣誉与获奖 2019年 上海市教育系统巾帼建功标兵 2015年 国家海外高层次青年人才 2015年“上海市浦江人才计划” 2014年 Chicago Biomedical Consortium Postdoctoral Research Award 2014年 The University of Chicago 21st Annual Charles B. Huggins Symposium, 学术口头报告奖 2012年 The University of Chicago Biological Sciences Division Postdoc Association, Travel Award 2010年 239th National American Chemical Society Meeting, 最佳学生口头报告奖和优秀学术海报奖 2010年 American Chemical Society Meeting-in-Miniature, Graduate Student Awardee 2010年 Research ShowCASE Graduate Student Poster Contest, Case Western Reserve University, 学术海报二等奖 2009年 The Microscopy Society of Northeastern Ohio Fall Meeting, 学术海报一等奖 2008-2009年 Research ShowCASE Graduate Student Poster Contest, Case Western Reserve University, 学术海报一等奖 2007年 Research ShowCASE Graduate Student Poster Contest, Case Western Reserve University, 学术海报荣誉奖 2004年 湖北省优秀本科生论文奖 2001~2003年 武汉大学优秀学生


磁医学工程:以磁智能调控为核心,研究微磁力治疗实体肿瘤等疾病的靶向方案和免疫协同治疗新模式,并自主研发磁力治疗智能调控装置,推进其临床转化 医用磁感应微纳机器人:以高灵敏磁感知与响应为核心,研究微纳机器人的仿生智能控制和生物医学应用 磁神经调控:研发高精度磁调控神经细胞的新技术和手段


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Deng C, Li Z, Lu L, Zhang H, Chen R, Liu Y, Tong Y, Fan OR, Huang W, Sun YE, Yin F, Cheng Y. Sophisticated Magneto-Mechanical Actuation Promotes In Situ Stem Cell Assembly and Chondrogenesis for Treating Osteoarthritis. ACS Nano. 2023. Lv C, Li Y, Zhang M, Cheng Y, Han D, Tan W. Sequential Control of Cellular Interactions Using Dynamic DNA Displacement. Nano Lett. 2023;23(4):1167-1174. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c03899 Xu, C., Liu, Y., Li, J., Ning, P., Shi, Z., Zhang, W., Li, Z., Zhou, R., Tong, Y., Li, Y., Lv, C., Shen, Y., Cheng, Q., He, B., Cheng, Y., Photomagnetically Powered Spiky Nanomachines with Thermal Control of Viscosity for Enhanced Cancer Mechanotherapy. Adv. Mater. 2022, 2204996. Haotian Chen, Yingze Li, Yanjin Wang, Peng Ning, Yajing Shen, Xueyan Wei, Qishuai Feng, Yali Liu, Zhenguang Li, Chang Xu, Siyu Huang, Cuijun Deng, Ping Wang, Yu Cheng*. ACS Nano, 2022, 16 (4), 6118-6133. Peng Ning, Yingna Chen, Qianwen Bai, Chang Xu, Cuijun Deng, Qian Cheng*, Yu Cheng*. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2022, 14 (6), 7551-7564. Cuijun Deng,Quan Zhou,Meng Zhang,Tian Li,Haotian Chen,Chang Xu,Qishuai Feng,Xin Wang,Feng Yin*,Yu Cheng*,Chengtie Wu*. Bioceramic Scaffolds with Antioxidative Functions for ROS Scavenging and Osteochondral Regeneration. Advanced Science, 2022. Shen, Y.; Zhang, W.; Li, G.; Ning, P.; Li, Z.; Chen, H.; Wei, X.; Pan, X.; Qin, Y.; He, B.; Yu, Z.; Cheng, Y., Adaptive Control of Nanomotor Swarms for Magnetic-Field-Programmed Cancer Cell Destruction. ACS Nano 2021, 15 (12), 20020-20031. Feng, Q., Xu, X., Wei, C., Li, Y., Wang, M., Lv, C., Wu, J., Dai, Y., Han, Y., Lesniak, M. S., Fan, H., Zhang, L., Cheng, Y., The Dynamic Interactions between Nanoparticles and Macrophages Impact Their Fate in Brain Tumors. Small 2021, 17, 2103600. Chen, Y.; Xu, C.; Cheng, Y.; Cheng, Q., Photostability enhancement of silica-coated gold nanostars for photoacoustic imaging guided photothermal therapy. Photoacoustics 2021, 23, 100284. Yuan, G.; Lv, C.; Liang, J.; Zhong, X.; Li, Y.; He, J.; Zhao, A.; Li, L.; Shao, Y.; Zhang, X.; Wang, S.; Cheng, Y.; He, H., Molecular Engineering of Efficient Singlet Oxygen Generators with Near-Infrared AIE Features for Mitochondrial Targeted Photodynamic Therapy. Advanced Functional Materials n/a (n/a), 2104026. Li, Y.; Wei, X.; Tao, F.; Deng, C.; Lv, C.; Chen, C.; Cheng, Y., The potential application of nanomaterials for ferroptosis-based cancer therapy. Biomed Mater 2021, 16 (4). Li, Z.; Li, Y.; Chen, C.; Cheng, Y., Magnetic-responsive hydrogels: From strategic design to biomedical applications. J Control Release 2021, 335, 541-556. Ning P.; Huang L.; Bao Y.; Fu Y.; Xu C.; Shen Y.; Zhou X.; Wen X.; Cheng Y.; Qin Y., Portfolio Targeting Strategy To Realize the Assembly and Membrane Fusion-Mediated Delivery of Gold Nanoparticles to Mitochondria for Enhanced NIR Photothermal Therapies. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2020. Xie, M.; Zhang, W.; Fan, C.; Wu, C.; Feng, Q.; Wu, J.; Li, Y.; Gao, R.; Li, Z.; Wang, Q.; Cheng, Y.; He, B., Bioinspired Soft Microrobots with Precise Magneto-Collective Control for Microvascular Thrombolysis. Advanced Materials n/a (n/a), 2000366. Wu, J.; Ning, P.; Gao, R.; Feng, Q.; Shen, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Li, Y.; Xu, C.; Qin, Y.; Plaza, G. R.; Bai, Q.; Fan, X.; Li, Z.; Han, Y.; Lesniak, M. S.; Fan, H.; Cheng, Y., Programmable ROS-Mediated Cancer Therapy via Magneto-Inductions. Advanced Science n/a (n/a), 1902993 Chen, M.; Wu, J.; Ning, P.; Wang, J.; Ma, Z.; Huang, L.; Plaza, G. R.; Shen, Y.; Xu, C.; Han, Y.; Lesniak, M. S.; Liu, Z.; Cheng, Y., Remote Control of Mechanical Forces via Mitochondrial-Targeted Magnetic Nanospinners for Efficient Cancer Treatment. Small 2019, e1905424 Zhang, Q.; Wu, J.; Wang, J.; Wang, X.; Wu, C.; Chen, M.; Wu, Q.; Lesniak, M. S.; Mi, Y.; Cheng, Y.; Wang, Q., A Neutrophil-Inspired Supramolecular Nanogel for Magnetocaloric-Enzymatic Tandem Therapy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition n/a (n/a) Xu, P.; Ning, P.; Wang, J.; Qin, Y.; Liang, F.; Cheng, Y., Precise control of apoptosis via gold nanostars for dose dependent photothermal therapy of melanoma. J Mater Chem B 2019, 7 (44), 6934-6944. Huang, L. Q.; Chen, M. W.; Xu, C.; Feng, Q. S.; Wu, J. J.; Gao, L.; Xu, P.; Ning, P.; Wen, X. F.; Cheng, Y., Intercellular Crosstalk of Mesenchymal Stem Cells with Prostate Cancer Cells via Microvesicles Loaded with Magnetic Nanocubes for Targeted Magnetic Hyperthermia. J Biomed Nanotechnol 2019, 15 (12), 2291-2304. Deng, C. J.; Xu, C.; Zhou, Q.; Cheng, Y., Advances of nanotechnology in osteochondral regeneration. Wires Nanomed Nanobi 2019, 11 (6). Zuo, L.; Feng, Q. S.; Han, Y. Y.; Chen, M. W.; Guo, M. R.; Liu, Z. M.; Cheng, Y.; Li, G., Therapeutic effect on experimental acute cerebral infarction is enhanced after nanoceria labeling of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells. Ther Adv Neurol Diso 2019, 12. Wu, C.; Li, Y.; Wang, J.; Chen, M.; Shen, Y.; Han, Y.; Lesniak, M. S.; Cheng, Y., Photo-Reactive Oxygen Species Boosting Strategy by Employing Mitochondrial Targeting Zinc-Doped Magnetic Nanoparticles to Enhance Anti-Cancer Therapy. Nano LIFE 2019, 09 (01n02), 1940005. Xie, M.; Luo, S.; Li, Y.; Lu, L.; Deng, C.; Cheng, Y.; Yin, F., Intra-articular tracking of adipose-derived stem cells by chitosan-conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles in a rat osteoarthritis model. RSC Advances 2019, 9 (21), 12010-12019. Wu, C.; Shen, Y.; Chen, M.; Wang, K.; Li, Y.; Cheng, Y., Recent Advances in Magnetic-Nanomaterial-Based Mechanotransduction for Cell Fate Regulation. Advanced Materials 2018, 30 (17), 1705673. Fu, Y.; Feng, Q.; Shen, Y.; Chen, M.; Xu, C.; Cheng, Y.; Zhou, X., A feasible strategy for self-assembly of gold nanoparticles via dithiol-PEG for photothermal therapy of cancers. RSC Advances 2018, 8 (11), 6120-6124. Xu, C.; Feng, Q.; Yang, H.; Wang, G.; Huang, L.; Bai, Q.; Zhang, C.; Wang, Y.; Chen, Y.; Cheng, Q.; Chen, M.; Han, Y.; Yu, Z.; Lesniak, M. S.; Cheng, Y., A Light-Triggered Mesenchymal Stem Cell Delivery System for Photoacoustic Imaging and Chemo-Photothermal Therapy of Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Adv Sci (Weinh) 2018, 5 (10), 1800382. Xu, P.; Feng, Q.; Yang, X.; Liu, S.; Xu, C.; Huang, L.; Chen, M.; Liang, F.; Cheng, Y., Near Infrared Light Triggered Cucurbit[7]uril-Stabilized Gold Nanostars as a Supramolecular Nanoplatform for Combination Treatment of Cancer. Bioconjugate Chemistry 2018, 29 (8), 2855-2866. Huang, L.; Xu, C.; Xu, P.; Qin, Y.; Chen, M.; Feng, Q.; Pan, J.; Cheng, Q.; Liang, F.; Wen, X.; Wang, Y.; Shi, Y.; Cheng, Y., Intelligent Photosensitive Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Cell-Derived Microvesicles for Photothermal Therapy of Prostate Cancer. Nanotheranostics 2019, 3 (1), 41-53. Qishuai Feng, Yajing Shen, Yingjie Fu, Megan E. Muroski, Peng Zhang, Qiaoyue Wang, Chang Xu, Maciej S. Lesniak, Gang Li*, Yu Cheng*, “Self-Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles Shows Microenvironment-Mediated Dynamic Switching and Enhanced Brain Tumor Targeting”, Theranostics, 2017, 7(7), 1875-1889. Yajing Shen, Congyu Wu, Taro Q. P. Uyeda, Gustavo R. Plaza*, Bin Liu, Yu Han, Maciej S. Lesniak, and Yu Cheng*, “Elongated Nanoparticle Aggregates in Cancer Cells for Mechanical Destruction with Low Frequency Rotating Magnetic Field”, Theranostics, 2017, 7(6), 1735-1748.


Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Chemical Communications, Journal of Controlled Release, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, Current Medical Chemistry, Integrative Biology, Analyst, Langmuir, Pharmaceutical Research, Nanotechnology, Metallomics, International Journal of Nanomedicine, Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, Laser in Surgery and Medicine, New Journal of Chemistry, Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, Biomedical Materials, Analytical Method, Advanced Healthcare Materials, Biomaterials Science, RSC Advances, Cancer Management and Research, and International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry等学术期刊评审人 中国整形美容协会干细胞研究与应用分会常务理事 中国医药生物技术协会造影技术分会第一届委员会委员 中国研究型医院学会神经再生与修复专业委员会干细胞产业转化学组委员 上海自主智能无人系统科学中心副主任
