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教育经历 2004/09-2008/06,华东师范大学,物理系,学士学位 2008/09-2014/06,华东师范大学,精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室,博士学位 工作经历 2012/10-2013/10,美国国家标准与技术研究院,物理测量实验室,客座研究员(Guest Researcher) 2014/08-2014/12,同济大学,物理科学与工程学院,助理教授 2015/12– 2016/02,美国德州农工大学,访问学者 2015/01-至今,同济大学,物理科学与工程学院,特聘研究员


主要从事超冷量子气体中的非线性光学效应和强耦合系统中的量子光学现象等基础科学的研究;先后主持了国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、面上项目2项;参与国家重点研发计划青年项目1项。在国内外主要物理学学术刊物上发表论文50余篇,包括《Science advances》,《Physical Review Letters》,《Physical Review Applied》,《Applied Physics Letters》等。研究成果曾被选为PRL editor suggestion;被《Optics and Photonics News》选为一周封面。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Generation of triple-entanglement in second-order optical topological kagome structure Phase transition and dynamics of qubits in coupled-cavity arrays with nonlinear topological photonics Topological laser with higher-order corner states in the 2-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model Inhibition of double excitation and strong quantum entanglement via engineered cavity interactions Nonlinear pumping induced multipartite entanglement in a hybrid magnon cavity QED system Numerical Investigation of the Stimulated Growth of Single-Crystal Fibers by Point-Effect-Induced Fluid Dynamics Enhancement of the two-photon blockade effect via Van der Waals interaction Squeezed light generated with hyperradiance without nonlinearity Coherent interaction of a quantum emitter and the edge states in two-dimensional optical topological insulators Dynamical characteristics of ultrashort terahertz pulse in metamaterials Parametric-interaction-induced avoided dressed-state crossings in cavity QED: Generation of quantum coherence and equally weighted superposition of Fock states Electromagnetic field induced strong two photon blockade with hyperradiant radiation Nonreciprocal photonic composited Su–Schrieffer–Heeger chain Collective radiation of multi-atom in cavity under the external driving field Interaction of two quantum dots mediated by edge modes of coupled-cavity arrays Giant Magneto-Optical Rotation Effect in Rubidium Vapor Measured with a Low-Cost Detection System Hybrid level anharmonicity and interference-induced photon blockade in a two-qubit cavity QED system with dipole–dipole interaction A low noise, high fidelity cross phase modulation in multi-level atomic medium Topological edge modes in one-dimensional photonic crystals containing metal Chiral Interaction of atom in a sandwiched waveguide Switch design based on magnetic hyperbolic metamaterials Collective Radiation of Multi-Atom in Cavity Under the External Driving Field Generation and propagation of hyperbolic secant solitons, Peregrine solitons, and breathers in a coherently prepared atomic system Strong Mesoscopic Prismatic Face Growth Suppression in High-Speed Unidirectional Growth of KDP Single Crystals Squeezed Light Induced Symmetry Breaking Superradiant Phase Transition Interfering pathways for photon blockade in cavity QED with one and two qubits Manipulation and improvement of multiphoton blockade in a cavity-QED system with two cascade three-level atoms Sensing single atoms in a cavity using a broadband squeezed light Crossed-beam optically degenerate wave mixing with bosonic quantum gases Controlled teleportation of an arbitrary two-qubit entanglement in noises environment Towards generation of millihertz-linewidth laser light with 10 ?18 frequency instability via four-wave mixing Squeezed property of optical transistor based on cavity optomechanical system Repulsive Casimir force between hyperbolic metamaterials Breaking the Energy-Symmetry-Based Propagation Growth Blockade in Magneto-Optical Rotation Phase-modulated single-photon router Dynamic properties of atomic collective decay in cavity quantum electrodynamics Single photon polarization conversion via scattering by a pair of atoms W-state preparation and entanglement dynamics in Rydberg atomic system based on the collective excitation enhancement Electromagnetic control and improvement of nonclassicality in a strongly coupled single-atom cavity-QED system Breaking the energy-symmetry blockade in magneto-optical rotation Wave-mixing-induced transparency with zero phase shift in atomic vapors Symmetry-breaking inelastic wave-mixing atomic magnetometry Thermal Casimir-Polder forces on a V-type three-level atom Deterministic Assisted Clone of an Arbitrary Two- and Three-qubit States via Multi-qubit Brown State Controllable single-photon nonreciprocal propagation between two waveguides chirally coupled to a quantum emitter Collective Multi-Photon Blockade In Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics Casimir force between hyperbolic metamaterials Low-noise optical field phase-shifting manipulated using a coherently-prepared three-level atomic medium Matter-Wave–Optical-Wave Mixing-Induced Transparency and a Nonhyperbolic Matter-Wave Quasisoliton in Quantum Gases Enhanced displacements in reflected beams at hyperbolic metamaterials Symmetry-Breaking Zeeman-Coherence Parametric Wave Mixing Magnetometry Dynamic Onset of Feynman Relation in the Phonon Regime Nonlinear all-optical switch based on a white-light cavity A Versatile, Dynamically-Balanced Low-Noise Optical Field Manipulator Using a Coherently-Prepared Atomic Medium Dynamic lossless polarization gate using a coherently prepared atomic medium Zero to π continuously controllable cross-phase modulation in a Doppler-broadened N -type electromagnetically-induced-transparency medium Weak-Light, Zero to -\pi Lossless Kerr-Phase Gate in Quantum-well System via Tunneling Interference Effect High-Fidelity, Weak-Light Polarization Gate Using Room-Temperature Atomic Vapor Polarization-selective Kerr-phase-shift method for fast, all-optical polarization switching in a cold atomic medium Fast, high-fidelity, all-optical and dynamically-controlled polarization gate using room- temperature atomic vapor Dynamic Ultraslow Optical-Matter Wave Analog of an Event Horizon All-Optical, High-Fidelity Polarization Gate Using Room-Temperature Atomic Vapor Highly efficient, broadband coherent surface-mixing-wave generation using amplified surface plasmonic polaritons Suppression of directional light-wave mixing in normal and quantum gases Optical cloaking using alternate Raman gain and free-space media in the presence of spatially distributed pump fields Linear and nonlinear Faraday rotations of light polarization in a four-level active-Raman-gain medium Dynamic light deflection in an active Raman-gain medium using a spatially inhomogeneous pump Optical self-focusing effect in coherent light scattering with condensates Hybrid quantum-well system for wavelength-channel selection Light-Wave Mixing and Scattering with Quantum Gases Highly efficient counter-propagation-beams narrow-band ultraviolet frequency conversion in a quantum gas Crossover from Electromagnetically Induced Transparency to Autler-Townes Splitting in Open V-Type Molecular Systems Analytical approach on linear and nonlinear pulse propagations in an open Λ-type molecular system with Doppler broadening Electromagnetically induced transparency and nonlinear pulse propagation in an atomic medium confined in a waveguide Giant Kerr Nonlinearity, Controlled Entangled Photons and Polarization Phase Gates in Coupled Quantum-Well Structures High-order nonlinear Schrodinger equation and weak-light superluminal solitons in active Raman gain media with two control fields Gain-assisted giant Kerr nonlinearity in a Λ-type system with two-folded lower levels Slow-light solitons in coupled asymmetric quantum wells via interband transitions
