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孙婧,博士毕业于澳大利亚昆士兰大学,现任同济大学环境科学与工程学院环境工程系副教授,博士生导师。长期围绕水污染控制及资源化开展研究,在污水与污泥厌氧生物处理及资源回收、微塑料等新污染物控制、污水系统安全运行及温室气体减排等方向取得创新性研究成果,成果在联合国环境规划署(UNEP)、世界卫生组织(WHO)等发布的环境类政策性文件中被多次引用。主持/参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、水污染控制国家重大科技专项、Australia CRC for Water Sensitive City等科研项目20余项。发表SCI论文60余篇,H指数33。第一/通讯SCI论文29篇,其中环境领域顶级期刊Environment Science & Technology和Water Research论文16篇,4篇入选ESI高被引,单篇他引超800次。申请/授权发明专利18项。入选2022年度全球前2%科学影响力排行榜,获Young Australia China Alumni of the Year Award、IWA Global Project Innovation Award、上海市技术发明二等奖、中原环保-胡家骏环境教育奖励金等奖励,讲授课程入选国家一流本科课程、上海市高校精品课程、同济大学思政示范课程等。兼任IWA模型与综合评估专家组管理委员会青年委员,Environmental Research (JCR Q1)、Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (JCR Q1)、Frontiers in Microbiology (JCR Q1)等SCI期刊编委/青年编委,核心期刊《中国给水排水》青年编委,IWA国际会议学术委员会委员等。指导研究生获得国家奖学金、同济大学优秀硕士论文、同济大学优秀学生等奖励及荣誉。 教育经历 2010-2014 澳大利亚昆士兰大学 环境工程 博士 2005-2009 河海大学 给水排水工程 学士 工作经历 2015-至今 同济大学 环境科学与工程学院 助理教授,副教授 2014-2015 澳大利亚昆士兰大学 高级水管理中心 博士后


污水与污泥生物处理及资源化利用 排水管网优化运行与管理 新型污染物环境影响与控制 污水系统模拟仿真


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Tang, Y., Sun, J.*,Dong, B., Dai, X.,* (2022) Thermal Hydrolysis Pretreatment-Anaerobic Digestion Promotes Plant-Growth Biostimulants Production from Sewage Sludge by Upregulating Aromatic Amino Acids Transformation and Quinones Supply. Environmental Science & Technology,56(3) 1938-1950 Sun, J., Zhu, Z.-R., Li, W.-H., Yan, X. Wang, L.-K., Zhang, L., Jin, J., Dai, X., Ni, B.-J., (2021) Revisiting Microplastics in Landfill Leachate: Unnoticed Tiny Microplastics and Their Fate in Treatment Works. Water Research, 190, 116784 Tang, Y., Xie, H., Sun, J.*, Li, X., Zhang, Y., Dai, X.*, (2022) Alkaline thermal hydrolysis of sewage sludge to produce high-quality liquid fertilizer rich in nitrogen-containing plant-growth-promoting nutrients and biostimulants. Water Research, 211, 118036 Ni, B.-J., Yan, X., Dai, X., Liu, Z., Wei, W., Wu, S.-L., Xu, Q.,Sun, J.*(2020) Ferrate effectively removes antibiotic resistance genes from wastewater through combined effect of microbial DNA damage and coagulation,Water Research, 185, 116273 Ni, B.-J., Zhu, Z.-R., Li, W.-H., Yan, X., Wei, W. Xu, Q., Dai, X.,Sun, J.* (2020) Microplastics Mitigation in Sewage Sludge through Pyrolysis: The Role of Pyrolysis Temperature. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 7(12), pp. 961–967 Yan, X.,Sun, J.*Kenjiahan, A., Dai, X., Ni, B.-J.*, and Yuan, Z.(2020) Rapid and strong biocidal effect of ferrate on sulfidogenic and methanogenic sewer biofilms,Water Research, 169,115208 Wu, S.-L.#,Sun, J.,#,*Chen, X., Wei, W., Song, L., Dai, X., and Ni, B.-J*. (2020) Unveiling the mechanisms of medium-chain fatty acid production from waste activated sludge alkaline fermentation liquor through physiological, thermodynamic and metagenomic investigations.Water Research,169, 115218 Sun, J., Dai, X., Wang, Q., van Loosdrecht, M.C.M., and Ni, B.-J. (2019) Microplastics in wastewater treatment plants: Detection, occurrence and removal. Water Research,152, 21-37.(ESI热点论文,前0.1%) Wei, W., Huang, Q.-S.,Sun, J.*, Dai, X., and Ni, B.-J*.,(2019) Revealing the Mechanisms of Polyethylene Microplastics Affecting Anaerobic Digestion of Waste Activated Sludge. Environmental Science and Technology,53(16) 9604-9613 Sun, J., Ni, B.J. Sharma, K.R., Wang, Q., Hu, S., Q Wang, and Yuan, Z. (2018) Modelling the long-term effect of wastewater compositions on maximum sulfide and methane production rates of sewer biofilm. Water Research, 129, 58-65. Sun, J., Hu, S., Sharma, K.R., Ni, B.J. and Yuan, Z. (2015), Degradation of methanethiol in anaerobic sewers and its correlation with methanogenic activities. Water Research,69, 80-89. Sun, J., Pikaar, I., Sharma, K.R., Keller, J. and Yuan, Z. (2015), Feasibility of sulfide control in sewers by reuse of iron rich coagulation sludge. Water Research, 71, 150-159. Sun, J.,Hu, S., Sharma, K.R., Keller-Lehmann, B. and Yuan, Z., (2014), An efficient method for measuring dissolved VOSCs in wastewater using GC–SCD with static headspace technique,Water Research, 52, 208-217. Sun, J., Hu, S., Sharma, K.R., Ni, B.J. and Yuan, Z. (2014), Stratified microbial structure and activity in sulfide- and methane- producing anaerobic sewer biofilms. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 80:7042-7052 (期刊亮点论文) Sun, J., Dai, X., Liu, Y., Peng, L., and Ni, B.J. (2017) Sulfide removal and sulfur production in a membrane aerated biofilm reactor: Model evaluation.Chemical Engineering Journal.309, 454-462 Sun, J., Dai, X., Peng, L., Liu, Y., Wang, Q. and Ni, B.J. (2017) A biofilm model for assessing perchlorate reduction in a methane-based membrane biofilm reactor.Chemical Engineering Journal, 327, 555-563 Ni, B.-J., Yan, X.,Sun, J.*, Chen, X., Peng, L., Wei, W., Wang, D., Mao, S., Dai, X.,and Wang, Q. (2019) Persulfate and zero valent iron combined conditioning as a sustainable technique for enhancing dewaterability of aerobically digested sludge.Chemosphere, 232, 45-53 Ni, B.-J., Zeng, S., Wei, W., Dai, X., and Sun, J.*.(2020) Impact of roxithromycin on waste activated sludge anaerobic digestion: Methane production, carbon transformation and antibiotic resistance genes.Science of The Total Environment,134899, Dong, B., Xia, Z.,Sun, J.*,Dai, X. Ni, B.-J* (2019) The Inhibitory Impacts of Nano-Graphene Oxide on Methane Production from Waste Activated Sludge in Anaerobic Digestion.Science of The Total Environment,646, 1376-1384 Sun, J., Hu, S., Sharma, K.R., Bustamante, H. and Yuan, Z. (2015), Impact of reduced water consumption on sulfide and methane production in rising main sewers.Journal of Environmental Management. 154, 307-315.


国际水协会IWA Modelling and Integrated Assessment专家组管理委员会青年委员 SCI期刊Environmental Research(Q1, IF5.715)编委 核心期刊《中国给水排水》青年编委 Water Research, ES&T, CEJ等20多个SCI期刊及国际会议审稿人
