1988-09~1992-07 河海大学 本科生
1994-09~1997-03 同济大学 硕士研究生
1999-09~2002-07 同济大学 博士研究生
1992-07~1994-09 华东交通大学 助教
1997-03~1999-09 江西省建设厅 副主任科员
2002-07~2004-07 同济大学 博士后
2004-07~2005-07 同济大学 讲师
2005-07~2014-12 同济大学 副教授
2009-03~2009-09 普林斯顿大学 访问学者
2009-09~2010-03 伊利诺伊大学厄本纳-香槟分校 访问学者
2014-12~至今 同济大学 教授
基于强化学习的合流制排水系统雨天溢流污染的实时控制研究. 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 2022.01- 2025.12
碳中和目标驱动下跨区域多能互补体系的协同机理与实现路径研究. 国家社科基金重大项目子课题. 2022.01- 2026.12
基于区域协同视角的全国统一碳市场“灵活机制”研究. 同济大学学科交叉联合攻关项目. 2022.06- 2024.5
能源领域碳排放和碳汇测算方法、评估标准及指标体系研发. 新疆自治区重点研发任务专项计划项目子课题. 2023.01- 2026.12
太湖水环境基于三维可视化的集成展示技术研究. 国家水专项子课题.2018.06- 2020.06
三维荧光光谱耦合平行因子分析法解析污染来源对排水系统溢流DOM的影响. 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 2018.01- 2021.12
滨湖城市流域水环境治理关键技术和管理模式研究. 国家重点研发计划项目(政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项). 2017.01-2018.12
开放性水源突发污染事故人工智能辅助供水应急决策方法学研究. 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 2016.01-2019.12
巢湖市调水及水环境整治工程决策支持. 国家水专项子课题. 2014.01-2016.12
不同体制排水系统的溢流污染特征研究. 国家水专项子课题. 2013.01-2016.06
Liao, ZL(廖振良,通讯作者); Yao Q. Flexibility is needed in China’s national carbon market. Nature Climate Change, 2022, 12(2): 106-107. (Nature子刊,IF=28.660)
Tian, WC; Liao, ZL(廖振良,通讯作者); Zhang, ZY; Wu, H; Xin, KL. Flooding and Overflow Mitigation Using Deep Reinforcement Learning Based on Koopman Operator of Urban Drainage Systems. Water Resources Research, 2022, 58(7): e2021WR030939.
Tian, WC; Liao, ZL(廖振良,通讯作者); Zhi, GZ; Zhang, ZY; Wang, X. Combined Sewer Overflow and Flooding Mitigation Through a Reliable Real‐Time Control Based on Multi‐Reinforcement Learning and Model Predictive Control. Water Resources Research, 2022, 58(7): e2021WR030703.
Liao, ZL(廖振良); Zhao, ZC; Chen, H; Wu, J. Quantitative source apportionment of dissolved organic matters in wet weather overflows of storm drainage systems based on degradation potential index and end member mixing model. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 792: 148493.
Liao, ZL(廖振良); Zhao, ZC; Zhu, JC; Chen, H; Meng, DZ. Complexing characteristics between Cu(II) ions and dissolved organic matter in combined sewer overflows: Implications for the removal of heavy metals by enhanced coagulation. Chemosphere, 2021, 265: 129023.
Zhi, GZ; Liao, ZL(廖振良,通讯作者); Tian, WC; Wu, J. Urban flood risk assessment and analysis with a 3D visualization method coupling the PP-PSO algorithm and building data. Journal of Environmental Management, 2020, 268: 110521.
Zhi, GZ; Liao, ZL(廖振良, 通讯作者); Tian, WC; Wang, X; Chen, JX. A 3D dynamic visualization method coupled with an urban drainage model. Journal of Hydrology. 2019, 577, 123988.
Chen, H; Liao, ZL(廖振良,通讯作者); Gu, XY; Xie, JQ; Li, HZ; Zhang, J. Anthropogenic Influences of Paved Runoff and Sanitary Sewage on the Dissolved Organic Matter Quality of Wet Weather Overflows: An Excitation-Emission Matrix Parallel Factor Analysis Assessment. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(3): 1157-1167.
Xie, JQ; Chen, H; Liao, ZL(廖振良,通讯作者); Gu, XY; Zhu, DJ; Zhang, J. An integrated assessment of urban flooding mitigation strategies for robust decision making. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2017, 95: 143-155.
Hannam, PM; Liao, ZL(廖振良,共同通讯作者); Davis. SJ; Oppenheimer, M. Developing country finance in a post-2020 global climate agreement. Nature Climate Change, 2015, 5(11): 983-987. (Nature子刊,IF=28.660)
Liao, ZL(廖振良,通讯作者); Zhu, XL; Shi, JR. Case study on initial allocation of Shanghai carbon emission trading based on Shapley value. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 103(9): 338-344. (他引次数110)
Liao, ZL(廖振良,通讯作者); Chen, H; Zhu, BR; Li, HZ. Combination of powdered activated carbon and powdered zeolite for enhancing ammonium removal in micro-polluted raw water. Chemosphere, 2015, 134: 127-132.
Xu, ZX; Liao, ZL(廖振良,通讯作者). A Systematic View Is Key: The Successful Case of Suzhou Creek Rehabilitation. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47(21): 11936-11937.
Liao, ZL(廖振良,通讯作者); Mao, XW; Hannam, PM; Zhao, TT. Adaptation methodology of CBR for environmental emergency preparedness system based on an Improved Genetic Algorithm. Expert Systems With Applications, 2012, 39(8):7029-7040.
Liao, ZL(廖振良,通讯作者); Xu, ZX; Wang, DB; Li, SQ; Hannam, PM. River environmental decision support system development for Suzhou Creek in Shanghai. Journal of Environmental Management, 2011, 92(9): 2211-2221.
Liao, ZL(廖振良,通讯作者); Xu, ZX; Li, YX; Borrebach, MJ. GIS Development for Environmental Hazard Management Based on Gridding Management. Journal of Environmental Informatics, 2011, 17(20): 83-90.