B. Sc., Chemistry, Aristotle University
Ph. D., Chemistry, University of Alberta
PDF, Chemistry, McGill University
Analytical Chemistry
My research interests are in the area of micro- and nano-analysis (e.g., metrology) and in development of miniaturized instruments that can be used on-site (i.e., in the field). Such instruments are fabricated on-chips so that they can fit in the palm of a hand or in a shirt pocket, thus allowing users to take “the lab to the sample”. The sample may be a “patient” (for early diagnosis of disease) and the field may be a health clinic or the environment (e.g., the air we breathe or the water we drink).
Wireless data acquisition of transient signals for mobile spectrometry applications, Peter Trzcinski, Scott Weagant, and Vassili Karanassios, Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 70(5), 905–915, 2016.
Flexible, self-powered, visible-light detector characterized using a battery-operated, 3D-printed microplasma operated as a light source. Ruifeng Yang, Andrei Sazonov and Vassili Karanassios, Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors 2016 conference, Paper ID 978-1-4799-8287-5/16, pages 997-999, 2016.
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNS) versus Partial Least Squares (PLS) for spectral interference correction for taking part of the lab to the sample types of applications: an experimental study. Z. Li and V. Karanassios, Proc. SPIE 9871, Sensing and Analysis Technologies for Biomedical and Cognitive Applications 2016, 98710M-98718, 2016.
3D printing in Chemistry: past, present and future, Ryan Shatford and Vassili Karanassios, Proc. SPIE 9855, Next-Generation Spectroscopic Technologies IX, 98550B-98560, 2016.
How can wireless, mobile data acquisition be used for taking part of the lab to the sample, and how can it join the internet of things? Peter Trzcinski ; Vassili Karanassios, Proc. SPIE 9855, Next-Generation Spectroscopic Technologies IX, 985503-985510, 2016.
Chromium speciation using large scale plasmas in a lab and towards field deployable speciation by employing a battery-operated microplasma-on-a-chip and optical emission spectrometry, Jennise German and Vassili Karanassios, Defense, Security and Sensing; Proc. SPIE 9482, 948231-948237, 2015.
Microfluidics for spectrochemical applications, Ryan Shatford, Daniel Kim and Vassili Karanassios, Defense, Security and Sensing; Proc. SPIE 9486, 94860N1-94960N6, 2015.
How do Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) compare to Partial Least Squares (PLS) for spectral interference correction in optical emission spectrometry? Z. Li, X. Zhang and V. Karanassios, Defense, Security and Sensing; Proc. SPIE 9496, 94960M1-94960M8, 2015.
Characterization of rapidly-prototyped, battery-operated, argon-hydrogen microplasma on a chip for elemental analysis of microsamples by portable optical emission spectrometry, Scott Weagant, Gurgit Dulai, Lu Li and Vassili Karanassios, Spectrcochimica Acta Part B, 106, 95-80, 2015.
A legacy, open-access book-chapter has been included (below) because in the 5 years from its publication (since it was first accepted for publication in September 2011 to September 2016), it has been downloaded more than 4 thousand times.
Rapid prototyping of hybrid, plastic-quartz 3D-chips for battery-operated microplasmas, S. Weagent, L. Li and V. Karanassios, Open-access book-chapter, InTech publishing (2011).