四川大学生物治疗国家重点实验室,研究员、博士生导师。国家重点研发计划(原973)青年项目负责人。2010年在中国人民解放军军事医学科学院得理学博士学位。2011年-2016年在德国马克思普朗克生化研究所(Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry) 从事博士后研究工作。2016年受聘于四川大学生物治疗国家重点实验室,任研究员、神经疾病及肿瘤细胞学研究实验室主任。
1,神经退行疾病发病机理以及机体保护机制。 2,神经退行疾病致病蛋白毒性解除药物筛选。 3,细胞自噬激活与抑制活性的小分子化合物研究。 4,自噬相关的动物衰老机制与抗衰老药物筛选。 5,自噬相关的抑制肿瘤、抗细菌感染药物筛选。
1. Kefeng Lu, Ivan Psakhye, Stefan Jentsch. Autophagic Clearance of polyQ Proteins Mediated by Ubiquitin-Atg8 Adaptors of the Conserved CUET Protein Family. Cell, 2014, 158(3): 549–63. 2. Kefeng Lu#, Fabian den Brave#, Stefan Jentsch. Receptor oligomerization guides pathway choice between proteasomal and autophagic degradation. Nat. Cell. Biol., 2017, 19(6): 732-739. (#: Co-corresponding author). 3. Kefeng Lu*, Xiushan Yin*, Tujun Weng, Shenli Xi, Li Li, Guichun Xing, Xuan Cheng, Xiao Yang, Lingqiang Zhang, Fuchu He. Targeting WW domains linker of HECT-type ubiquitin ligase Smurf1 for activation by CKIP-1. Nat. Cell. Biol., 2008, 10(8): 994-1002. (*: Co-first author). 4. Kefeng Lu#, Fabian den Brave#, Stefan Jentsch. Pathway choice between proteasomal and autophagic degradation. Autophagy, 2017,Aug 16:0. (#: Co-corresponding author) 5. Kefeng Lu, Ivan Psakhye, Stefan Jentsch. A new class of ubiquitin-Atg8 receptors involved in selective autophagy and polyQ protein clearance. Autophagy, 2014,10(12): 2381-2. 6. Kefeng Lu*, Ping Li*, Minghua Zhang, Guichun Xing, Xin Li, Weihong Zhou, Mark Bartlam, Lingqiang Zhang, Zihe Rao, Fuchu He. Pivotal role of the C2 domain of the Smurf1 ubiquitin ligase in substrate selection.J. Biol. Chem., 2011, 286(19): 16861–70.(*: Co-first author). 7. Shan Li*, Kefeng Lu*,Jian Wang, Liguo An, Guiwen Yang, Hui Chen, Yu Cui, Xiushan Yin, Ping Xie, Guichun Xing, Fuchu He, Lingqiang Zhang. Ubiquitin ligase Smurf1 targets TRAF family proteins for ubiquitination and degradation. Mol. Cell. Biochem., 2010, 338(1-2): 11-17. (*: Co-first author). 8. Chunyan tian, Guichun Xing, Ping Xie, Kefeng Lu, Jing Nie, Jian Wang, Li Li, Mei Gao, Lingqiang Zhang and Fuchu He. KRAB-type zinc-finger protein Apak specifically regulates p53-dependent apoptosis. Nat. Cell. Biol., 2009, 11, 580-591.