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学习和工作经历: 1998.09-2002.07 四川农业大学,生物技术,本科 2002.09-2005.07 四川农业大学,生物化学与分子生物学,硕士 2005.09-2009.07 中国农业科学院,生物化学与分子生物学,博士 2009.09-2010.07 芬兰赫尔辛基大学,博士后 2011.08-2017.03 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学,博士后 2017.04-至今 四川大学生命科学学院,特聘研究员


1. 植物细胞壁合成与降解的分子机制 2. 植物细胞壁与细胞骨架的相互作用关系 3. 细胞壁完整性对植物生长发育的调控机理


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1. Yue Rui#, Chaowen Xiao# (共同一作), Hojae Yi, Baris Kandemir, James Z. Wang, Virendra M. Puri and Charles T. Anderson. POLYGALACTURONASE INVOLVED IN EXPANSION3 functions in seedling development, rosette growth, and stomatal dynamics in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell, 2017 (IF= 8.688) 2. Pyae Phyo, Tuo Wang#, Chaowen Xiao#, Charles T. Anderson* and Mei Hong*. Effects of pectin molecular weight changes on the structure, dynamics, and polysaccharide interactions of primary cell walls of Arabidopsis thaliana: Insights from Solid-State NMR. Biomacromolecules, 2017, 18(9):2937-2950 (IF=5.835) 3. Chaowen Xiao, William J. Barnes, M. Shafayet Zamil, Hojae Yi, Virendra M. Puri and Charles T. Anderson. Activation tagging of Arabidopsis POLYGALACTURONASE INVOLVED IN EXPANSION2 promotes hypocotyl elongation, leaf expansion, stem lignification, mechanical stiffening, and lodging. Plant Journal, 2017, 89(6): 1159-1173 (IF=5.468) 4. Chaowen Xiao, Tian Zhang, Yunzhen Zheng, Daniel J. Cosgrove, Charles T. Anderson. Xyloglucan deficiency disrupts cellulose biosynthesis and microtubule stability in Arabidopsis thaliana, altering cell growth and morphogenesis. Plant Physiology, 2016, 170(1): 234-49 (IF=6.28) 5. Chaowen Xiao and Charles T. Anderson. Interconnections between cell wall polymers, wall mechanics, and cortical microtubules: Teasing out causes and consequences. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2016, 11:9, e1215396 6. Chaowen Xiao, Charles T. Anderson. Activation tag screening for cell expansion genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2015, 1242:159-71. 7. Chaowen Xiao, Chris Somerville, Charles T. Anderson. POLYGALACTURONASE INVOLVED IN EXPANSION 1 functions in cell elongation and flower development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell, 2014, 26(3): 1018-35 (IF=9.338) 8. Erin Slabaugh# Latsavongsakda Sethaphong#, Chaowen Xiao, Joshua Amick, Charles T. Anderson, Candace H. Haigler* and Yaroslava G. Yingling*. Computational and genetic evidence that different structural conformations of a non-catalytic region affect the function of plant cellulose synthase. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2014, 65(22):6645-53 (IF=5.677) 9. Emad Jaber, Chaowen Xiao, Fred O. Asiegbu. Comparative pathobiology of Heterobasidionannosum during challenge on Pinus sylvestris and Arabidopsis roots: an analysis of defensin gene expression in two pathosystems. Planta, 2014, 239(3):717-33 (IF=3.239) 10. Chaowen Xiao and Charles T. Anderson. Roles of pectin in biomass yield and processing for biofuels. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2013, 4:67 (IF=4.495) 11. Ying Deng, Nivedita Nagachar, Chaowen Xiao, Ming Tien, Teh-hui Kao. Identification and characterization of non-cellulose-producing mutants of Gluconacetobacterhansenii generated by Tn5 transposon mutagenesis. Journal of Bacteriology, 2013, 195(22):5072-83 (IF=3.198) 12. Chengming Fan, Xu Wang, Ruibo Hu, Yahui Wang, Chaowen Xiao, Ying Jiang, Xiaomei Zhang, Changying Zheng and Yong-Fu Fu. The pattern of phosphate transporter 1 genes evolutionary divergence in Glycine max L. BMC Plant Biology, 2013,13:48 (IF=3.631) 13. Chaowen Xiao#, Fulu Chen#, Xuhong Yu#, Chentao Lin*, Yongfu Fu*. An AT-hook protein, AHL22, delays flowering and inhibits the elongation of the hypocotyl in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Molecular Biology. 2009, 71:39-50 (IF=3.905)
