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学位简历: 1987.09-1991.07:浙江大学生物系生物化学与微生物学专业,本科 1991.09 –1994.07:四川大生物系生物化学专业,理学硕士 2000.09 –2003.12:四川大学生命科学学院,理学博士 工作简历: 1994.07–1996.07:四川大学生命科学学院,助教 1994.09 –1995.09: 在中国农科院植保所植物病虫害生物学国家重点实验室和中国农科院畜牧研究所客座研究 1996.07–1998.07: 四川大学生命科学学院,讲师 1998.07–2005.07: 四川大学生命科学学院副教授 2005.07-2006.07: 四川大学生命科学学院教授博士生导师 2006.07 –至今: 四川大学生命科学学院教授,博士生导师




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Lei Wu, Tao Liu, Yan Xiao, Xing Li, Yanan Zhu, YanZhao, Jinku Bao*, Chuanfang Wu, Polygonatum odoratum lectin induces apoptosis and autophagy by regulation of microRNA-1290 and microRNA-15a -3p in human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2016, 85:217–226 Wei Zhang, Jianzong Li, Haiyang Wang, Hao Luo, Xin Wang, Nan Zhou, Chuanfang Wu, Jinku Bao*, Computer-aided identification of potential TYK2 inhibitors from drug database, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2016, 309-317 Jian-zong Li, Hao Luo, Xin Wana, Dan-feng Liang, Kai-min Lu, Jin-ku Bao*, In silico identification of novel kinase inhibitors targeting HER2 from Natural Products for the treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2016, In press Tao Liu, Lei Wu, Di Wang, Haiyang Wang, Jinwu Chen, Chunlan Yang, Jinku Bao*, Chuanfang Wu, Role of reactive oxygen species mediated MAPK and NF-κB activation in Polygonatum cyrtonema lectin induced apoptosis and autophagy in human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells, The Journal of Biochemistry, 2016, In press Ya-nan Zhu, Li-kun Long, Yuan-yuan Li, Chuan-fang Wu, Jin-ku Bao*, Purification and Characterization of a Mannose-binding Lectin from the Allium macrostemon Bunge with apoptosis-inducing activity, Phytomedicine, 2016, In press Zhining Wan, Xin Li, Rong Sun, Yuanyuan Li, Xiaoyun Wang , Xinru Li, Li Rong a, Zheng Shi, Jinku Bao*, Computer-assisted identification of novel small molecule inhibitors targeting GLUT1, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2015, 1101: 57-65 Jing Li, Nan Zhou, Wen Liu, Jianzong Li, Yu Feng, Xiaoyun Wang, Chuanfang, Wu, Jinku Bao*, Discover natural compounds as potential phosphodiesterase-4B inhibitors via computational approaches, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 2015, DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2015.1070749 Zi-jie Wang, Zhi-ning Wan, Xu-dong Chen, Chuan-fang Wu, Guo-long Gao,Rong Liu, Zheng Shi, Jin-ku Bao*, In silico identification of novel kinase inhibitors by targeting B-Raf from natural products database, J Mol Model, 2015, 21:102 Rong Sun, Xin Li, Yuanyuan Li, Xun Zhang, Xinru Li, Xiaoyu Li, Zheng Shi, Jinku Bao*, Screening of novel inhibitors targeting lactate dehydrogenase A via four molecular docking strategies and dynamics simulations, J Mol Model, 2015,21: 133 Jianzong Li , Yu Feng , Xiaoyun Wang , Jing Li , Wen Liu , Li Rong and Jinku Bao*, An Overview of Predictors for Intrinsically Disordered Proteins over 2010–2014, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2015, 16, 23446-23462 Li C, Chen J, Lu B, Shi Z, Wang H, Zhang B, Zhao K, Qi W, Bao J*, Wang Y: Molecular switch role of Akt in Polygonatum odoratum lectin-induced apoptosis and autophagy in human non-small cell lung cancer A549 cells. PloS one 2014, 9(7):e101526-e101526. Li X, Sun R, Chen W, Lu B, Li X, Wang Z, Bao J*: A Systematic In Silico Mining of the Mechanistic Implications and Therapeutic Potentials of Estrogen Receptor (ER)-alpha in Breast Cancer. Plos One 2014, 9(3). Yu Y, Deng Y, Lu B-m, Liu Y-x, Li J, Bao J-k* : Green tea catechins: a fresh flavor to anticancer therapy. Apoptosis 2014, 19(1):1-18. Xu H-l, Wang Z-j, Liang X-m, Li X, Shi Z, Zhou N, Bao J-k*: In silico identification of novel kinase inhibitors targeting wild-type and T315I mutant ABL1 from FDA-approved drugs. Molecular Biosystems 2014, 10(6):1524-1537.
