B.S. in Chemistry, 2000, Beijing University
Ph.D. in Chemistry, 2006, Rutgers University
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Chemistry, 2006-2009, University of Minnesota
Research Associate, 2009-2010, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Electronic and Photonic Materials
Organic Chemistry
Dr. Yang Qin was born and grew up in Sichuan province, China. He obtained his B.Sc. degree in chemistry from Beijing University and Ph.D. degree from Rutgers University, NJ, where he spent most of his time on organic/inorganic hybrid polymer materials. After two postdoctoral appointments at University of Minnesota and Brookhaven National Laboratory, working in the areas of organic electronic devices, Dr. Qin joined the Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology at University of New Mexico as an assistant professor.
Research in the Qin group is highly interdisciplinary that encompasses areas covering chemistry, physics and engineering. One of our current thrusts is the design, synthesis and integration of novel polymeric materials into organic photovoltaics (OPVs) for low-cost alternative energy sources. Our aim is to understand the fundamental physics and mechanisms behind the operation of OPVs and to improve their efficiencies through design and synthesis of novel polymeric materials, precise morphology control using nanotechnologies and architectural artistry in fabrication of OPV devices. This requires mastering knowledge and skills in different disciplines ranging from traditional organic, physical and polymer chemistry to physics, engineering and newly emerged nanotechnologies.
"Poly(3-hexyl-2,5-thienylene vinylene) by ADMET Polymerization of a Di-propenyl Monomer" Qin, Y.; Hillmyer, M. A. Macromolecules 2009, 42, 6429-6432.
"High Open-Circuit Voltage Photovoltaic Cells with a Low Bandgap Copolymer of Isothianaphthene, Thiophene and Benzothiadiazole Units." Kim, J. Y.; Qin, Y.; Stevens, D. M.; Kalihari, V.; Hillmyer, M. A.; Frisbie, C. D. J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, 21928-21936.
"Low Band Gap Poly(thienylene vinylene)/Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaic Cells." Kim, J. Y.; Qin, Y.; Stevens, D. M.; Kalihari, V.; Hillmyer, M. A.; Frisbie, C. D. J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, 10790-10797.
"Enhancement of the Morphology and Open Circuit Voltage in Bilayer Polymer/Fullerene Solar Cells." Stevens, D. M.; Qin, Y.; Hillmyer, M. A.; Frisbie, C. D. J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, 11408-11415.
"Novel Distannylated Isothianaphthene as a Versatile Building Block for Low Band-Gap Polymers." Qin, Y.; Kim, J. Y.; Frisbie, C. D.; Hillmyer, M. A. Macromolecules, 2008, 41, 5563-5570.