2019.01-Present 武汉大学 特聘副研究员 2016.09-2018.12密西根大学 博后导师:Sharon C. Glotzer 2010.09-2016.08雪城大学 博士导师:Mark J. Bowick 2006.09-2010.06武汉大学 本科
(1) Self-assembly of nanoparticles and colloidal particles (shape entropy, phase transitions, optical and mechanical properties) (2) Physics of membranes and shells (elasticity, renormalization of bending rigidity and elastic moduli at finite temperature, defect structures on shells, stability of shells under pressure) (3) The interplay between defects and geometry in soft matter systems (4) Manipulating colloidal systems (structures and reversibility, defects-driven lattice transitions, motion on a general curved surface)
5. Duanduan Wan and Sharon C. Glotzer, “Shapes within shapes: how particles arrange inside a cavity”, Soft Matter, 14, 3012 (2018) [Selected as the inside front cover] 4. Duanduan Wan, David R. Nelson and Mark J. Bowick, “Thermal stiffening of clamped elastic ribbons”, Phys. Rev. B 96, 014106 (2017) 3. Duanduan Wan and Mark J. Bowick, “Planar and curved droplet networks”, Europhys. Lett. 113, 16003 (2016) 2. T. Zhang, Duanduan Wan, J. M. Schwarz and M. J. Bowick, “Shape-shifting droplet networks”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 108301 (2016) [Editor Synopsis: Shape Shifting Water Droplets] 1. Duanduan Wan, Mark J. Bowick and Rastko Sknepnek, “Effects of scars on icosahedral crystalline shell stability under external pressure”, Phys. Rev. E 91, 033205 (2015)