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教育经历 中南大学本科 2004-2008 中南大学硕士 2008-2011 中南大学工作 2011-




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. X.L.Wu, B. Miao, J. Han, Q. Hu, J. Zeng, Y.D. Liu, and G.Z. Qiu, Purification andEnzymatic Properties of Arsenic Resistance Protein ArsH from HeterogeneousExpression in E. coli BL21. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2010. 20(10): p. 1987-1992. 2. X. Wu,Q. Hu, D. Hou, B. Miao, and X. Liu, Differential gene expression in response tocopper in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strains possessing dissimilar copperresistance. The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 2010. 56(6): p.491-498. 3. 吴学玲,袁鹏, 胡琪, 侯冬梅, 苗博, 邱冠周, 不同嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌(DY15, DY26, DC)对黄铜矿的浸出及其基因Afe0022 的差异表达. 中国有色金属学报, 2011. 21(4): p. 932-938. 4. Mo,Hongyu, Qian Chen, Juan Du, Lin Tang, Fang Qin, Bo Miao, Xueling Wu and JiaZeng, Ferric reductase activity of the arsh protein from Acidithiobacillusferrooxidans. Journal of microbiology and biotechnology, 2011.21(5): p. 464-469. 5. Yangyang Wang, Bo Miao, Dongmei Hou, Xueling Wu and Bing Peng, Biodegradation ofdi-n-butyl phthalate and expression of the 3, 4-phthalate dioxygenase gene inArthrobactersp. ZH2 strain. Process Biochemistry, 2012. 47: p. 936-940. 6. 侯冬梅,苗博,王洋洋,张云静,刘代刚,吴学玲,嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌中锌离子转运基因的鉴定与分析中国有色金属学报, 2012. 22(5): p. 1497-1502. 7. Xue-ling WU, Qi HU, Dong-mei HOU, Xiao-hong XIN,Bo MIAO, Yang-yang WANG, Xue-duan LIU,Li SHEN,Preservation efficiency of new cryoprotectant used forAcidithiobacillus ferrooxidans in liquid nitrogen. Transactions of NonferrousMetals Society of China, 2013. 23(3): p. 818-823.
