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教育经历 阿尔伯特大学访问学者 2013-2014 中南大学攻读博士学位 1998-2001 湖南大学攻读硕士学位 1995-1998


固体废弃物资源化 氧化铋基功能材料 SiC基复合材料


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Xia Jiyong, Tang Motang, Chen Cui, Jin Shengming*,Chen Yongming. Preparation of α-Bi2O3from bismuth powders through low-temperature oxidation, Transactions ofNonferrous Metals Society of China, 2013,22(9): 2289-2294 2.Xia Jiyong, Liu Li, Jin Shengming*,Xia Zhimei, Tang Motang, Preparation and growth mechanism of α-Bi2O3crystal whiskers, Procedia Engineering,2012,27:1441. 3.Jiang Jing, Wang Bing, Jin Shengming*, Feng Weiyue.Temperature-Controlled Synthesis of CdSe Nanocrystals with Narrow SizeDistribution, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2012,12: 6301-6307 4.Li Liu, Jing Jiang, ShengmingJin*, Zhimei Xia,Motang Tang. Hydrothermal synthesis ofbeta-bismuth oxide nanowires from particles, CrystEngComm, 2011, 13,2529. 5.Jin Shengming*,Cui Kuixin, Haoyuan Guan,Min Yang,Li Liu, Chunfeng Lan, Preparation of mesoporous MCM-41 from naturalsepiolite and its catalytic activity of cracking waste polystyrene plastics,AppliedClay Science,2011,56:1-6. 6.Zhimei Xia, Cuifeng Wan, ShengmingJin*, Motang Tang.Preparation and Stabilization of High Conductivity Zn-CoatedTetra-Needle-Like ZnO Whiskers , Advanced MaterialsResearch,2011,197-198:362-365. 7.Haoyuan Guan, Xiaocheng Yang, Shengming Jin*, Min Yang. Synthesis and catalytic activityof composite materials TiO2/Ti-Al -MCM-41 by chemical vapor deposition (CVD),Advanced Materials Research,2010, 97-101,1749-1753. 8.Huaming Yang, Yuehua Deng, Chunfang Du, Shengming Jin, Novel synthesis of ordered mesoporousmaterials Al-MCM-41 from bentonite , Applied Clay Science, 2010, 47(2-4):351-355. 9.Cuifeng Wan, Hairen Tan, ShengmingJin*, et al. Highly conductive Al-doped tetra-needle-like ZnO whiskersprepared by a solid state method,Materials Science and Engineering B. 2008, 150: 203-207. 10.Jin Shengming*, Guanzhou Qiu, Xiao Fei,Chang Yan, Wan Cuifeng, Yang Min. Investigation of mesoporous molecular sievesMCM-41 from Sepiolite. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2007,90:957. 11.Jin Shengming*, Xiao Fei, Qiu Guanzhou,Yang Huaming, Yang Min. Mesoporousmolecular sieves MCM-41 prepared from post-Mg -extraction sepiolite. Journal ofthe Chinese Ceramic Society, 2006, 34(4):11-15. 12.Huaming Yang, Chunfang Du, Shengming Jin, et al.Enhanced photoluminensce property ofSnO2 nanoparticles contained in mesoporous silica synthesized withleached talc as Si source, Mesoporous and MicroporousMaterials,2007,102:204-211. 13.Huaming Yang, Chunfang Du, Shengming Jin, Aidong Tang, Preparation and characterizationof SnO2 nanoparticles incorporated into talc porous materials (TPM),Materials Letters, 2007, 61(17): 3736-3739. 14.Jin Shengming*, Qiu Guanzhou, YuanLiangsheng, Zhou Ying, Wan Cuifeng. Study on thermodynamics and oxidationmechanism of ethylene glycol in the preparation of nanometer nickelpowders.Materials Research Bulletin,2006, 41:2130-2136. 15.Huaming Yang, Chunfang Du, Yuehua Hu, Shengming Jin, et al.Preparation of porousmaterial from talc by mechanochemical treatment and subsequent leaching,Applied Clay Science, 2006,31:290~297.
